
Secondary Infertility: Causes and Treatment

Many couples believe that having conceived and having given birth to the first child, they will easily produce the second child. However, this does not always happen. Sometimes, when future parents are examined, they are diagnosed with "secondary infertility."

If you turn to medicine, then infertility is the situation when the couple can not become pregnant during the year of regular sexual life without using contraceptive methods. If a woman has never been pregnant before, this infertility is called primary. However, if she already has a child, or her pregnancy was interrupted for some reason (as a result of abortion, miscarriage or premature birth), it is called secondary.

Primary infertility, as well as secondary, requires medical intervention and the establishment of causes. Only then can an adequate treatment be prescribed. And you need to do this as soon as possible. Sometimes a woman can not have children not as a result of some health problems, but physiologically, from birth. This is extremely rare, but the treatment in this case is very difficult.

As studies show, secondary infertility is an acquired disease. It is important not to miss the most favorable time for conception. The fact is that after 35 years the woman's ability to conception and birth is significantly reduced, so if you plan to give birth to a second child, do not put it off for a long time.

There are several main reasons that lead to the development of secondary infertility:

  1. The main factor that can result in secondary infertility is inflammation in the pelvic organs. Similar diseases can arise both after the transferred infections of genitals, and after an abortion.
  2. After a strong inflammation in the genitals, spikes often form, which leads to obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Sometimes such formations arise after surgery to remove appendicitis, ovarian resection, and the like. Sometimes secondary infertility causes an ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Such a diagnosis can have an endocrine nature. The main signs of this type of infertility - malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, the process of maturation of the egg and the complete absence of ovulation.
  4. Secondary infertility can have an immunological character: in the body of a woman, antisperm antibodies are produced, which are aimed at the destruction of spermatozoa.
  5. If a woman is overweight, there may be abnormalities in the body, including at the endocrine level. Sometimes infertility develops due to hormonal failures that have arisen after strict diets.

Treatment of secondary infertility is carried out according to the same scheme as the primary one: the diagnosis is carried out, the cause is determined and the course is assigned.

Often, a married couple turns late for help: they think that you just need to give up bad habits and not put stress on your body. However, if the situation is serious, do not despair, because there are many ways of alternative conception:

  1. In vitro fertilization. This procedure is that the egg of a woman that is derived from her ovaries is impregnated with the sperm of a donor or husband. Then the embryo undergoes cultivation in the laboratory and is postponed to the fourth or fifth day after this.
  2. Donor transplantation of sex cells or embryos.
  3. You can use the services of a surrogate mother.

Remember that calling a doctor should be timely, then he can help you much faster and more efficiently. The earlier the diagnosis is performed, the greater the chance of a full recovery. Because the happiness of motherhood is worth it.

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