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"Second nature" is called what?

Once a man lived among the wild nature, being its harmonious part. In those far times, people did not have any advantage over other animals. Their brains have not developed sufficiently, and knowledge about the world has been vague and primitive. Over time, people began to create the simplest tools of work and hunting, which allowed them to survive with great comfort in a world full of ferocious animals and other dangers. But no matter how hard a person tried, then his influence on the world was almost imperceptible.


Over time, tools of labor became more perfect, as well as knowledge about the world, which were supplemented and transmitted from generation to generation. People began to change the world around, adjusting it to their own needs, making their lives easier and safer. In place of the wild, living in nature tribes came large, developed civilizations, each of which had its own knowledge and its own culture, unlike other cultures. She played a decisive role in the further development of mankind. Therefore, the second nature is called culture. Not science and not art, although they are part of this broad concept.

Nature and Culture

Today there is an opinion that nature is incompatible with human activities, that its task is to curb and subdue the world around. This approach opposes culture in kind, plunging people into a fictional world, in which there is no dependence between their activities and their environment. But already in our day it becomes clear that such a barbarous approach to the planet can bring humanity only to imminent death. Therefore, the first and second nature must be in harmony, balanced and complemented. People can live without culture, but if the world around is destroyed by a stupid man-made activity, then humanity will perish with it.

Industrialization made it possible to change the world around so strongly that the activities of large industrial corporations began to affect the entire ecosystem of our planet. People at the head of such companies are interested in making a profit at any cost. If you have to start a war to earn income, in which millions of people die, they will start it, without a second doubting. If additional income can be obtained by exterminating a huge centuries-old forest with its inhabitants, then this will be done. And it's these monsters that rule the world of people, determine in which direction our civilization should develop.

Culture is the second nature

This idea was fundamental among the ancient thinkers. However, despite all their efforts, the relationship between culture and nature remains extremely tense even in our days. Modern philosophers, like their ancient colleagues, devote considerable time to studying the complex relationships between nature and man. The conclusions to which they came, differ little from what the ancient Greek thinkers said. Harmony between culture and nature is possible, moreover, it is necessary for the prosperity of people. Unfortunately, these conclusions do not lead to actions aimed at changing the current state of affairs.

The second nature is called the biosphere, society, activity, culture and art. Perhaps, it is their influence that prevents us from finding a common language between mankind and the planet Earth. Thousands of years ago, people learned life from the outside world, nature instructed and directed them. Now this function is performed by a culture that is designed to develop a person's qualities that contribute to survival in the face of fierce competition. Therefore, the current people are so different from their ancestors, because they live in an absolutely different world. The term "second nature" very accurately describes the world of people, completely replacing for them a natural habitat.

The minuses of culture

The world created by people ideally meets their needs. True, the very needs of the inhabitants of this world evolve with it.

The second nature is called culture, because it forms a person who obeys its laws, adapted to survive in the biosphere, different from the natural environment. Accordingly, and his needs are becoming more unnatural.

No living being, except a person, sees the need for smoking, does not poison his body with poisons for the sake of entertainment, does not kill his relatives to buy a new car. Desires and pleasures have become levers for managing society.

Borders of the second nature

It would seem that the world of people ends where the wild, not yet tamed nature, begins. But most of the places on Earth, one way or another, have changed under the harsh impact of civilization. The second nature of man is called the fruits of his intellectual activity, so as not to forget that all of them merely imitate natural laws. People did not invent fire or electricity, they just learned to use these phenomena for their own needs.

Even those parts of the world, to which the bony hand of civilization can not reach, still benefit the human being. For example, the stars, which for many centuries are helping travelers and seafarers. Recently, observing the universe through telescopes and other ingenious devices allows scientists to learn more about the world, to make important fundamental discoveries. From this it follows that the boundaries of the second nature are blurred, it is impossible to say exactly where the culture ends and nature begins.

Culture and people

As the activities of people could not displace nature from our planet, so inside of them the animal does not want to leave without a fight. Sometimes people behave like animals, which quite a lot of shocking ardent adherents of civilization. The second nature is called the biosphere, society, activity, culture and other factors that affect the person after birth. But we all come to this world with a certain set of qualities and instincts necessary for survival in a natural environment. In extreme conditions, instincts take precedence, revealing human traits that do not fit into the notion of a cultivated, civilized individual.

There is no culture without nature

The second nature is that which has been layered over the natural desires and aspirations, sometimes adding, or even replacing them. But there always remain the basic instincts and values necessary for our species to survive. When the first and second nature of man come into conflict, in the overwhelming majority of cases natural desires win. In situations that threaten the life of a person or his loved ones, all cultural strata fall off like husks, freeing up space for ruthless and uncivilized but effective actions.

Thus, it can be assumed that people have basic instincts and needs that remain unchanged for representatives of any culture. However society tries to "domesticate" our nature, it will always come to the rescue when it is required. Culture is the second nature, it will never be the first, the main one, without which human life would be impossible.


As time has shown, attempts to ignore the laws of nature do not lead to a positive result. For some reason, when studying life on earth, scientists use universal natural rules to better understand how other beings are arranged. But as soon as it comes to a person, most "great minds" for some reason forget about the laws of nature, believing that they do not apply to us.

Harmony and prosperity can be achieved only by accepting one's nature, realizing itself as part of a vast and living world. The second nature is called the biosphere, created by the hands of people, as if separating it from the first. But they are inextricably linked, there will be no culture if our planet dies, because there will not be people left. But we can not understand and accept this fact in any way ...

Of course, without culture, humanity would return to the primitive age, eventually losing its uniqueness, becoming like a wild animal. Perhaps someone would have arranged such an extreme, but development can not be stopped, it can only be directed. The second nature is called a culture that changed the face of man forever. Without it, people will be inferior. Only a harmonious combination of the first and second nature can bring peace and prosperity to our troubled society.

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