Self improvementPsychology

Ron Hubbard's emotional tone scale: description, application

The scale of emotional tones is a very important tool of Scientology technology, allowing you to control your emotions. It is widely used by the adherents of this teaching in everyday life. For many years, Ron Hubbard has conducted scrupulous research, testing and observations, which took several hours at a time. As a result, he revealed the order in which our emotions shift from a serene outlook to a full immersion into depression. He was the first who came to mind to start studying what had previously been taken for granted and not analyzed.

What is Scientology?

The etymology of the word "Scientology" goes back to the Latin scio, which means "to know", and to the Greek logos, which translates as "teaching." Put together, they form a structure that can be interpreted as "knowledge of how to know." This peculiar spiritual practice arose in the 50s of the XX century, its founder was Ronald Hubbard. Scientology teaches us to understand our nature, listen to emotions and be able to interpret them. It helps to understand yourself. Scientology can be compared to homeopathy in medicine. There is nothing authoritarian in it, it is only a system of knowledge intended for study.

A similar philosophy can be found in the books of Carlos Castaneda. With the help of certain techniques and practices a person is invited to master the skills of studying one's own personality and managing their emotions and states. In Scientology, the scale of emotional tones is the cornerstone theory. It helps in communicating with people, in establishing interpersonal contacts. But even for people who are not familiar with Scientology, it can be very useful. At least for general development.

What can help the scale of emotional tones in everyday life?

You probably noticed often how a person who has everything - work, a strong family, a stable financial position - looks like it's on the verge of ruin most of the time? Many of us have friends who constantly complain about boredom, apathy and loss of interest in life for no apparent reason. And no matter how you assure them that life is beautiful, you just have to look around, their mood does not improve, and they continue to sigh, mourning their miserable existence. It's just as difficult to get a person out of a state of deep grief. No jokes and merry grimaces will not help him laugh and forget negative experiences. And the point here is not only in the significance of the loss, but also in the fact that a person can not jump over several emotional steps. This is what Ron Hubbard found in his research. What is this amazing staircase?

Emotional Arithmetic

Long-term studies have enabled Ron Hubbard to calculate the exact number of states a person can survive. According to his theory, the number of emotions is 41 positions. At first glance this may seem surprising and even incredible, it seems that there should be much more. However, many hours of observation allowed us to identify the exact order in which they arise, and such data can be trusted.

The Hubbard tone scale is a digital ruler, labeled according to the position relationship. The highest level at which a person feels overwhelming happiness and complete peace is designated by the number 40 and is called serenity of existence. To get to it from the previous - the postulates - you will have to overcome the barrier of 10 points. Next are games (22), action (20), delight (8), aesthetics (6) and enthusiasm (4). Emotion joy corresponds to the figure 3.5. So if you consider yourself to be quite a happy person who is currently in high spirits, you can realize how far away you really are from the ideal of Scientology science.

Below follows a block of neutral emotions, such as strong interest (3.3), conservatism (3), moderate interest (2.9), satisfaction (2.8), disinterest (2.6), boredom (2.5) and Monotonicity (2.4). As the descent to negative emotions, the number of steps decreases in geometric progression.

Negative emotions

At the bottom of the staircase of Hubbard, all the most unpleasant feelings are crowded with just two marks. Antagonism, hostility and pain vary by one-tenth of a unit. Then follows the anger (1.5), hatred, resentment and lack of sympathy with the same ratio. The unspoken indignation separates from indifference only five hundredths of a unit. With the same detachment there is also hidden hostility.

Further within the unit are 17 negative emotions, including anxiety, fear, despair, horror, hopelessness, apathy, uselessness and others. And so on until the complete death of the body.

Decoding values

To understand the potential of man's vital forces and his relation to reality, it is enough to determine in which place of the scale his emotional state is. The levels of emotions presented in such a visual form help to establish contact with a stranger and improve the relationship with a loved one. Having determined where you are in the scale, it is much easier to find the path that you need to move. And this is not just a generalized psychological self-suggestion, but a concrete guide to action.

Lower steps

Proximity to death atrophy almost any emotion, a person falls into a state of apathy - on the Hubbard scale this corresponds to a value of 0.05 tone. Sorrowful experiences because of loss make a person and behave appropriately - this is 0.5 on a scale. If a person only foresees a near loss, then he is in a state of fear, that is, at the level of one tone. Hidden hatred manifests itself from memories of losses, when a person does not dare to show his emotions openly - this is a hidden hostility (1,1 on the scale). If he tries to resist the threat of loss, he is in anger, which corresponds to 1.5 tones. Suspicions that the loss is about to occur, gives rise to outrage and antagonism - this is 2 on the Hubbard scale.

2 to 4

Loss of interest in life is characterized by a state when depression has not yet come, but it is not yet possible to name the joyful worldview. Man can not find new goals, he is overcome by inhibition. This is boredom, or 2.5 on the Hubbard scale. A more socialized but still cautious personality who is able to achieve the set goals will take a conservative position (3 tones on a scale).

More rosy emotions are available to people who are full of energy and look to the future with hope. Such personalities will be awarded the mark 4 on the scale of Scientology. This position is accessible only to a very limited circle of people. By nature, most of us are at about 2.8 tones.

Acute and chronic tones

To start using the table, you need to understand the important feature of emotions. A certain condition, lasting for a long time, is called chronic. However, a person can "jump" into a more negative emotion under the influence of some event or irritation, and then return to his normal attitude. Such tones are called acute. If the impact is too strong, then a person can get stuck on a low step for decades. Anyone who has experienced much pain, has experienced many bereavements, will tend to fix on one of the lower values. If he will deviate into lighter states, it is insignificant and not for long. His daily behavior will correspond to the basic tone.

Who needs it?

Emotions and relationships are interdependent and mutually affect each other. Some kind of fleeting experience is capable of weakening the two strongest connections. The often misunderstanding between close people is caused by the fact that we do not always realize the mechanism of the emergence of emotion and its further life in us. Behind the scenes, we decided that this area can not be controlled, unless by special Buddhist training we will learn how to control our senses and bring ourselves into a state of enlightenment by meditation.

However, the scale of emotional tones gave hope to those who want to continue to live a secular life, yet to establish interpersonal contact.

Method of application

The first thing you need to understand before you start successfully interacting with people is that you should not hope for understanding if you and the other person are at a great distance on the Hubbard scale. Trying to help a person stuck in a state of apathy, it is completely useless to talk with him in a tone of enthusiasm. He will not hear you. To do this, you will need to "go down" to it a few steps down and "raise" it to its level gradually. Only by correctly understanding the scale of tones, you will be able to overcome this distance with ease.

First, determine as precisely as possible the emotion that your vizavi owns. Then imagine a Hubbard scale. Having found out what state will be on a semitone or a tone higher, begin to communicate with him in this emotion. Gradually overcoming the steps in this way, you will help him overcome the crisis.

Illustrative examples

Often communication with this or that person is uncomfortable for us. We intuitively begin to avoid meeting him, believing that the reason for this is simply the dissimilarity of the characters. Knowing the scale of Hubbard, you can absolutely determine exactly why we should not face these people. This helps when choosing a partner for a relationship, and when recruiting staff for work.

If a person is chronically in the emotion of experiencing apathy or anger, it will be very difficult to interact with him. But it's worth trying. Try to respond anger to disinterestedness, to hostility - boredom. If not all is hopeless, your partner will be much easier to rise up to you than if you were pouring on him a sprinkling optimism. And conversely, communicating with one who is with you on the same tone will be simple and full of mutual understanding.

Self improvement

A scale of emotional tones can help you personally. Try to consciously support yourself in the upper positions of this ladder. After all, emotion joy rarely comes itself - usually this is the result of serious work on yourself. Falling into anger or despair, you will understand that you will have to get out of this state through pain and boredom, and to get rid of fear, you will have to overcome hatred. It is better not to succumb to negative emotions, so as not to experience an even more painful way out of them.

Famous followers of Scientology

Despite the fact that Scientology is a fairly young science, it has become incredibly popular in our time. Probably, this is one of the most successful modern teachings, giving an alternative to traditional religions. Scientology methods are followed by many well-known politicians, actors, musicians, athletes and other public figures. The leader of Scientologists among celebrities is, of course, Tom Cruise. Due to the fact that he at every convenient and inconvenient case praises this teaching, even those who do not watch Hollywood movies even became aware of it. He regularly participates in charitable events, emphasizing that it is done in the name of good, as taught by the Scientology religion. In addition, he even opened several Scientology Centers so that the dissemination of this teaching would proceed as quickly as possible.

John Travolta, in his own words, Scientology helped to cope with the loss of his mother, since then he too became an active follower of this trend. Together with his wife Kelly Preston, he can compete in advancing Scientology even to Tom Cruise.

Other notable names include Will Smith, Lisa Maria Presley, Kersti Elli, Nicolas Cage, Elizabeth Moss, Chica Korea, Isaac Hase. All of them are very successful and sought-after actors and musicians, which makes the best advertising of Scientology.

Scientology in Russia

In our country, this science has not taken root. The Russian Orthodox Church actively came out with its condemnation, demanding that the government prohibit the spread of Scientology sects. A loud scandal broke out when one of the former leaders of the Church of Scientology, Vladimir Ivanov, publicly appeared in the press, calling his co-religionists scammers and swindlers. He exposed this organization as purely commercial, engaged in the recruitment of unconscious citizens for the purpose of extorting money.

To follow or not to follow these methods is the personal choice of everyone. It is not necessary to join the Scientology Church to use its theories. The scale of Hubbard's emotional tones is a fairly innocent teaching. And if it helps you to establish contact with others, why not use it?

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