
Reviews: Touch Bank. Banking services

Today we will find out what kind of feedback the Touch Bank receives. In addition, you need to get to know this organization more closely. After all, this company is becoming more and more popular among the population. And although there is not much information about it, people are not too afraid to trust Touch Bank. What does the organization attract customers so much? What services does it offer? Is it really worth contacting if necessary? In all this will help to sort out the numerous reviews that "Tach Bank" receives. Maybe this is a really useful and conscientious organization!


What is a Touch Bank? It is a modern banking company, which operates primarily through the Internet. That is, virtually. Bank Touch Bank does not have a huge number of branches - only the head office in Moscow. Perhaps, it is because of this that some of the reviews cast doubt on the integrity of the company. After all, any virtual banks are not credible. They often turn out to be the most common deceit.

But Touch Bank, as indicated on the official website, operates under the license of a large banking organization, OTP Bank. That is, the financial institution is some kind of similarity of its branch. "OTP Bank" should be responsible for the Touch Bank. For this reason, organizations can really be trusted. After all, if you ask "OTP Bank", it turns out that "Touch" actually works under their license. In fact, there is no fear that the Touch Bank is a non-existent firm.

The services

What activities does the organization do? It is already clear that we have a real bank. But only Touch Bank completely exists on the Internet and has a single office. As already mentioned, this is a virtual organization.

But the services it provides are exactly the same as the most common bank. What does Touch Bank receive for its services? Predominantly positive. After all, you can:

  • Open a bank account.
  • Make a contribution.
  • Get a loan.
  • Issue a debit card.
  • Purchase a credit card.
  • Take advantage of insurance services.
  • Connect to the bonus program.

The only thing that can not be done here is to exchange currencies. Not too bad news given that we are dealing with a virtual bank. Such a service simply can not be physically implemented. As you can see, all Touch Bank services are similar to those that exist in real banks. Only numerous reviews indicate that loans and bank cards are in great demand. Almost every client mentions them.


If you look at the official website of the organization, then you can find the address of the bank called Touch Bank. It has already been said that he has only one office. And he is in the capital. But this is not such a problem. If there are any malfunctions or negative moments, you can call the management of the banking organization at any time.

Where exactly is the Touch Bank? In Moscow, on Leningradskoe shosse, house 16A, building 1. This is the legal address indicated on the official page of "Touch Bank". Numerous reviews indicate that not everyone is ready to travel around the capital in order to solve certain maintenance issues. Therefore, telephone calls are in high demand.


How exactly can you keep in touch with Touch Bank? There are several options: the official page and phone calls. Reviews Touch Bank for these two components is not the best. The thing is that customers point to long service and terrible service. That is, you can call the office of the company for a long time, but you can not call. Or some operators simply drop pipes in the middle of a conversation. Especially if you begin to express your dissatisfaction with the service. It is not known whether this is true or not-there is no evidence. But the opinions of clients very often emphasize such phenomena.

If you talk about communication through the official website and e-mail, then you will necessarily answer all your questions. Only wait a very long time - about a few days. And this is not the best way to describe the Touch Bank. The rating of this organization falls due to some customers' dissatisfaction. Where can I try to contact if you have any questions or problems with the service? Call the numbers: 8-800-5000-200 or 7-495-221-30-60. You can use absolutely any combination at any time. The official website of Touch Bank indicates that this organization works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you prefer to use a virtual link, then write to the email address of the bank, and then wait for a response from the operators. They will certainly help you.


And now it's worth to find out what Touch Bank's feedback is for the services provided. After all, many people think this organization is very doubtful. Although, if it really provides quality service, you can change your negative opinion. It is known that loans from the Touch Bank are in great demand. The population prefers to take them when it is necessary to make major purchases. "Touch Bank" offers several types of loans. This is a consumer cash loan and a special card issue. Last service is in great demand.

Loans to the population are indeed offered. Only here in the issues of debt repayment there are some problems. First, the reviews indicate that the Touch Bank credit card charges a high percentage. Secondly, very often there are various disputes over the payments received. The thing is that the customers of "Touch Bank" talk about the constant calls from the employees of the financial institution. They require payment of debts, even if you have repaid the loan for a long time. From such cases, no one is immune. But if you believe the numerous reviews, then in Touch Bank, such incidents happen often.

In the rest there are no complaints. After all, you can repay the loan ahead of time. Is that feedback on Touch Bank indicate that withdrawing cash from the card is not very profitable. The commission is charged at a rate of 299 rubles + 4% of the amount you want to receive. Therefore, it is not worth using a "credit card" to receive cash.


Some people want to contact the bank in order to make some savings. And Touch Bank allows you to use this service. After all, you can open a deposit and replenish it at any time. However, in order to use funds outside the World Wide Web, you will need a credit card from Touch Bank. More precisely, their universal plastic, which can serve both for credit and for simple storage of cash. This must be specified when ordering the card. Very comfortably!

The reviews indicate that the terms of the deposit in "Touch Bank" are encouraging. After all, you can use the account on the Internet with online purchases. Also with the help of the card there is a cash withdrawal and replenishment of the account at any time. The annual interest rate is 9%. In this case, additional funds are awarded to you on a daily basis. Replenish and withdraw money, as already said, you have the right when you want. And all this without loss. In principle, there are no complaints about the deposits in Touch Bank. Unless sometimes there is growing dissatisfaction with the fact that for the use of funds you have to wait for the release of the bank card of this organization. But this is not a shortcoming of the institution. Rather, the advantage that virtual "Touch Bank" gives. While you are waiting for delivery, you can use the deposit online.

Debit card

The greatest attention of customers is caused by the debit card of Touch Bank. It is she who attracts her opportunities. With her help, you can use PayPass contactless payment. This is a new service that has already been successfully implemented by the bank "Tinkoff". Now "Touch" is trying to realize this idea. And so far it has been quite successful. Only feedback on Touch Bank reflects a lot of negativity towards debit plastic. Yes, it does exist. But if you believe many opinions, despite favorable terms of use, some not the best moments of service all the same take place. For example, you will have to pay for the content of the card. Many indicate that a month is about 300 rubles. And this even in the absence of payments on the card.

With activation, too, there are some problems. To do this, you need to call the branch of Touch Bank. Customers say that it's not so easy to do it. There are problems with telephone communication. As a consequence, with the activation of plastic too. If you are connected to the bonus program, you must additionally transfer money to the debit card. Some say that this system is still working badly. And even in the presence of bonuses, no additional money is credited to the account.


Discontent of customers is often caused by the delivery of a Touch Bank bank card. The thing is that it can not be obtained in all the cities of Russia. This fact is frustrating. It turns out that not everyone can use the services of "Touch Bank" at the moment. For example, residents of St. Petersburg should go to the head office of the organization themselves in order to get their plastic. In the rest there are no complaints. Is that the couriers can not answer questions about the type of plastic delivered.

Overall Impression

What can you say about "Touch Bank" in general? Is it a good company? Reviews Touch Bank receives far from the best. In general, customer dissatisfaction is caused by the company's service. Calling the operators is very problematic, some may even prematurely end the conversation. Do not be scared, because there is no substantial evidence for these incidents. The organization also gets positive opinions. It is stated that the bonus program does work, and it's easy and easy to manage finances with Touch Bank. Just what many customers need!

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