
Punctuation in English: features, punctuation and rules

Punctuation in English is studied from the earliest stage of its development. The main principle in this, of course, is the emphasis on knowledge of the rules. Such components as orthography, punctuation of the English language, as well as its grammar, are the basis on which the vocabulary can already grow and develop. Learning English in recent years has become not only fashionable, but also necessary, and many do, although not all achieve success in this business. Our article will be devoted to the rules of using punctuation marks.

General concept of punctuation

First let's see what punctuation is. This is a set of signs, as well as a set of rules for their use. All this helps to convey on the letter an oral speech and correctly arrange it both grammatically and intonationally. So, in a nutshell, you can describe what punctuation is in English.

EGE - state examination - also provides knowledge of this area, and if you have to take this test, we recommend that you carefully study the topic. So, we will tell you about the rules of using the basic punctuation marks, namely:

  • Points;
  • Exclamation mark;
  • The question mark;
  • Semicolons;
  • Colon;
  • With a comma;
  • Parentheses;
  • dash;
  • Hyphen;
  • apostrophe;
  • Quotation marks.


Punctuation in English, of course, can not do without a point. This sign is placed at the end of any narrative sentence. But not only in this case. Remember where you still need to put a period:

  • When writing a decimal point a point separates the integer from the fractional (2.5);
  • When using the abbreviation (UK - United Kingdom);
  • With the reduction of words (Feb. - "February");
  • After appeals, such as doc.- "doctor", Ms. - "Miss", Mr. - "Mister";
  • In the names of streets, boulevards, avenues, etc.

As we see, the use of the point is very multifaceted.

Exclamation mark

Comparing with the knowledge of the native language, we understand that the exclamation mark is used in the case when certain emotions are expressed. The same happens in the English version. And it should be noted that emotions can be both positive and negative. What exactly helps to express this sign? It can be:

  1. A surprised cry.
  2. An angry exclamation.
  3. A persistent request.
  4. Delight.
  5. Sad statement.
  6. An agitated phrase.
  7. A cheerful cry.
  8. Strict order.

Of course, not all possible options are given, but they also make it possible to understand that emotions must be present when talking. Basically, everything coincides with the use of this sign in the Russian language, but there are also some nuances. For example, you can not use this sign after addressing a person in a letter. The role of this sign in English takes on a comma (dear John,). Be moderate in the expression of feelings and thoughts.

Question mark

Also, the rules of punctuation in English can not do without a question mark. After all, how else can you express an interrogative intonation? Deepening into the grammar, we remember that there are several different types of questions:

  • General ("You are sick?" - "Are you sick?");
  • Special ("Who is on duty today?" - "Who is on duty today?");
  • Alternative ("Are you a doctor or the driver?" - "Are you a doctor or a driver?");
  • "He lives in this house, is not it?" - "He lives in this house, does not it?").

But irrespective of the species, at the end of each of them there should be a given sign, otherwise it will no longer be a question. By the way, if the question is translated into an indirect speech, then the question mark is not put.

Point in a pair with a comma

This combination is used in the event that it is necessary to make a semantic break within the limits of one sentence. In some cases, one sentence can not be broken into parts with the help of points, since this will lead to loss of meaning. It will be more correct in this case to write one complex sentence, but to separate small simple parts using a semicolon.


This is another sign, without which punctuation in English can not do. A comma is used much more often than other signs, except for a point. Unlike the Russian language, where it can be difficult to understand where it is possible and necessary to use a comma, the use of this sign in the English language is much freer.

Although, to correctly put it, you also need to know the rules. In addition, it is necessary to realize that by putting an extra sign, you can change the meaning of the whole sentence at the root. Well, as in the well-known example: "You can not pardon execution." Let us consider in what cases this sign is put:

  • In compound sentences before the relevant unions;
  • After adverbs, which connect in the sense of the part of the sentence;
  • On the sides of the introductory phrase or sentence;
  • In writing the address in the letter;
  • For highlighting an interjection;
  • When using identical or similar words;
  • After the reference in the letter.


In addition to the point and comma, punctuation in English includes the use of the colon. Basically, this sign is used before the second part of the complex sentence, if it explains the first part, and also before the enumeration, after the generalized word (We bought everything: notebooks, pens, pencils), when citations, lists or explanations are included in the text. This sign is also used in such cases:

  • When writing the time, between the number indicating the hour, and the number denoting the minutes (21:00);
  • In the mapping of the ratio of one part to the other (1: 2);
  • Before direct speech;
  • After such words as "attention", "caution", "caution", "warning";
  • In scenarios after the speaker's words, etc.


Also punctuation in English uses parentheses, both round and square. What are they needed for? First of all, to clarify any information. But not only. It may also be necessary to write a translation of a word or phrase, to list some facts or names, and so on.

Dash and hyphen

Some people confuse these two signs, but they are fundamentally different. Dash is used in punctuation:

  • To show the importance of follow-up information;
  • To pause before an important word;
  • To highlight information;
  • For the emotional coloring of the sentence.

If we talk about a hyphen, then it is used for the formation of complex words, word transfer, writing numerals and dates.


This sign is not used in Russian, which means it can cause some difficulties. Remember when an apostrophe is needed:

  • If you want to show the belonging of something to someone ("my mother's scarf" - "mother's scarf");
  • When there is no letter in the word or sentence (there's);
  • To designate the plural (in the 1960's).

But do not forget that official documents do not allow any cuts.


When we talk about this sign, the first thing that comes to mind is a direct speech in English. Punctuation in this case involves the use of quotation marks to highlight the words of the speaker (The father said: "Give me some water"). When you transfer direct speech to indirect speech, this sign disappears.

But this is not the only one where quotes are applied. They are necessary for expressing the share of skepticism in speech, when using the word not in its meaning, for displaying quotes, for highlighting names, meanings, markings, etc. Here one can rely on the use of this sign in Russian, since the application has similarity.

In the end I would like to add that when studying any foreign language, including English, one must remember that it is not enough to learn new words. In order for native speakers to understand you correctly both in writing and in oral communication, you need to study all of its aspects. How to pronounce words properly, how to place them, where a pause is needed - all this will help you to establish communication with people whose language you are teaching.

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