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Pregnancy Gestosis: Causes and Consequences

Pregnancy is a special condition that only a woman can enjoy. Modern women have access to information that helps the natural, successful course of pregnancy, but still, they are often faced with all sorts of dangers. One of these can be attributed to gestosis in pregnant women, an insidious disease that occurs in the second half of pregnancy.

Gestosis and its causes

Physical changes lead to improper functioning of important organs and body systems in the second half of pregnancy.

There are no unequivocal statements about the causes of gestosis in pregnant women, but experts suggest the influence of such factors:

  1. Nervous and mental stress;
  2. Hormonal disorders;
  3. Immunological incompatibility of the fetus with the mother;
  4. Insufficient intake of vitamins.

Symptoms and consequences of gestosis

Gestosis in pregnant women is most often manifested by edema, which are the first symptoms of the disease. The peculiarity of the disease lies in the fact that it can be present without causing harm in the first stages. Identify this problem can a doctor who controls the weight of a pregnant woman. Rapid weight gain is an excuse for establishing the diagnosis of "gestosis".

This symptom is so common among pregnant women that many women consider puffiness on the last terms as the norm. But the accumulation of fluid occurs in all tissues of the future mother, including in the placenta, and this is already a direct threat to the future of the baby.

The appearance of protein in the urine of a pregnant woman is the second symptom of gestosis, which indicates abnormalities in kidney function.

Violation of the organs affects the circulatory system, so the third symptom of gestosis is increased blood pressure.

For the appointment of a gynecologist, it is sufficient to observe one or two symptoms, since gestosis is unpredictable in its further development. The disease can stop at the level of edema and increased pressure, and can provoke convulsive attacks, and disrupt the work of internal organs. These circumstances are dangerous for the life of the mother and child. The probability of developing a threat of exfoliation of a healthy placenta, bleeding, hypoxia and even fading of the fetus is great.

Types of gestosis

Pregnancy Pregnancy Gestosis Without apparent cause, is called "pure" gestosis, and the developing disease against the background of diseased organs, obesity, hypertension and hormonal disorders bears the name of "combining" gestosis.

Also distinguish:

  1. Early gestosis of pregnant women, which occurs in the first trimester and is better known as early toxicosis, is accompanied by vomiting of varying complexity;
  2. Late gestosis of pregnant women. Begins with the second half of pregnancy, accompanied by swelling, high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the blood;
  3. A rare form of gestosis. Occurs at any stage of pregnancy and, in addition to the main symptoms of gestosis, is accompanied by such consequences as asthma, psychopathy, dermatosis, jaundice, etc.

Treatment and prevention

Depending on the complexity of the disease, outpatient or inpatient treatment is allowed. In the first variant, it is sufficient to take the prescribed drugs, observe a strict diet and control the intake and withdrawal of the liquid. The second option deals with difficult cases, there is ongoing monitoring of pregnancy tests, in-patient therapy is conducted and, if necessary, the doctor decides about premature delivery.

Gestosis is a serious problem that can occur in any pregnant woman. But, if you decide to give birth to a child and become a mother, then you must remember that you have a huge responsibility for the life of a future child. A good prevention of the disease will be the correct regime of the day, a balanced diet, moderate exercise and sufficient exposure to fresh air. Exclude salt from your diet, and let the "pregnant" moods spread to all areas of your life, but not on your diet.

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