LawState and Law

Retirement for harmfulness: a list of occupations. Lists of "harmful occupations" for early retirement

Statistical observations show a high level of enterprises with harmful working conditions, affecting health and endangering human life. Harmful conditions are an increased concentration of dangerous gases, insufficient illumination, noise, radiation.

Circumstances that are taken into account when determining the environment for the impact of production on an employee are divided into normal, permissible, dangerous and harmful. On this depends entirely on retirement for harm. The list of professions providing early retirement benefits will be discussed below.

The classification is based on chemical, bacteriological, microclimatic components. They have a negative impact on health, cause occupational diseases, lead to the loss of the opportunity to work. Compensating for such negative influence, the state legislatively established to employees the privileges for obtaining an early termination of labor relations.

This is a kind of pension for harm. List 2 and list 1 are presented in this article.


In the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions of the Russian Federation" it is specified: the time worked out by the legislation for enterprises with hazardous and harmful working conditions is guaranteed the opportunity to leave for a rest earlier than the statutory period.

The list of preferential occupations was published more than a quarter of a century ago (Resolution of the Committee of Ministers of the USSR on 26.01.1991). Over the past years, it introduced changes, additions related to the introduction of new professions, renaming the old. The main document is lists 1 and 2, which determine the professions that give the right to get retired for harm. List of professions will be considered in more detail.

"Preferential" professions

The first list includes especially harmful and dangerous professions:

  • miners;
  • Workers of "hot shops";
  • Forestry collectors;
  • Rescuers;
  • Railwaymen;
  • Geologists;
  • Other workers listed in this category.

The second list includes:

  • Employees of transport (sea, railway, aviation, urban);
  • Workers of food and light industry;
  • Workers from pharmaceutical plants;
  • Miners of minerals are not underground;
  • Physicians;
  • Paratroopers;
  • Pilots;
  • firefighters;
  • Artists (theater, ballet, circus);
  • School principals;
  • Teachers;
  • Speech therapists;
  • Defectologists;
  • Psychologists.

Conditions for early retirement

For early retirement, it is necessary that certain conditions are met. They depend on the list.

So, on the first list:

  • Men must be at least 50 years old, their worked out special experience is 10 years, the total work experience is 20 years;
  • Women - 45 years, special length of service - 7,5 years, total labor not less than 15 years.

The grace period is 10 years, compared to the statutory law for retirement.

What other requirements does the pension have on harmfulness?

The list 2 implies the departure to the deserved rest of the men who worked in harmful and dangerous conditions at the age of 55 years, women - 50 years. The length of service must be 12.5 and 10 years, the total - 25 and 20 years.

If this is observed, then it is possible to retire on harm. We have reviewed the list of professions.

Accounting for preferential working experience

The responsibility for drawing up the list of workplaces, persons having the right to early termination of labor relations, is assigned to the employer. He is also obliged to pay insurance premiums, which are the basis for calculating pensions. The information is submitted to the territorial pension funds.

Preliminary special assessment of working conditions is carried out, allowing to identify the degree of harm and danger of workplaces. Such work is carried out by specially accredited third-party organizations, with which the contract for carrying out the procedure for checking the state of workplaces is concluded. After analyzing the working conditions, they are assigned a hazard class, which gives the right to receive an additional premium to the pension.

The most common list of 2 harmful occupations.

Making preferential pension

A person who has the right to receive an early pension can apply to the pension fund to obtain the necessary information on its establishment. When leaving for a well-deserved rest, the following are submitted to the pension fund:

  • Labor book, which is the main indicator of worked experience;
  • The official document proving the identity;

  • Persons in the reserve of the armed forces of the Russian Federation - a military registration document;
  • Certificate of income and income tax;
  • A document issued by the employer, confirming dangerous and harmful working conditions, the length of service for retiring in these conditions;
  • Medical examination data;
  • Taxpayer identification number (TIN);
  • Insurance number of the individual personal account (SNILS).

In some cases, specialists request missing information confirming the accuracy of the information submitted:

  • Agreement between the employer and the employee when hiring;
  • Register of accrued wages;
  • An extract from the order on the beginning of labor relations, production displacements within the enterprise.

The documents are submitted to the pension fund at the location of the future pensioner together with the application for state security. It is appointed during the quarter. The recipient determines the way to receive it: delivery at the place of registration, transfer to a personal bank account, transfer to a plastic bank card.

Incomplete required work activity

How to determine when retirement is due to harm (the list of occupations is taken into account here)?

If the required length of service is more than half, the preferential retirement age increases:

  • On the list number 1 - for one year for each full worked for a privileged profession;
  • According to the list No. 2 - for 12 months for men for 2.5 worked for benefits, for one year - for women for every 2 worked for a privileged profession.

There are refusals in registration. Often, despite the harmful work being done, the profession recorded in the employee's personal document is not identical to the one established by law. The applicant will need time to collect, provide references, orders, any other materials confirming dangerous and harmful working conditions within the specified time limits.

The experience for the work performed, included in different lists, is not summarized.

Calculation of the amount of pension payment

The pension for harmfulness is calculated according to the accrual rules of the usual, taking into account insurance increased payments of the employer for reasons of receipt by the employee:

  • Chronic illness during working hours in a hazardous enterprise;
  • Loss of ability to work due to professional activities in harmful production;
  • During the work of an incurable disease.

All this includes, among other things, a list of 2 harmful occupations.

Specialists of the Foundation count the days of general labor activity and in harmful conditions. Summarize all working time, medical exemption, maternity leave, time off for work, annual paid vacation days, downtime due to the employer's fault. Excluded are:

  • Time to care for the child;
  • Training (if it did not pass in the direction of the employer);
  • business trips.

Witness statements about working together in harmful conditions on the basis of the law "On labor pensions" are not taken into account.

Necessary control

Arranging for an industrial enterprise, it is necessary to fix "harmfulness" in the form of additional cash deductions of targeted monetary contributions for compensation of the damage received in the signed labor agreement. During work, it is necessary to monitor individual records, fixing the length of time for the hazard for retirement.

Regularly acquainted with the records in the official personal document containing information about the employee, will allow to monitor the correct name of his work position, corresponding to special lists. It is necessary to get acquainted with the results of the work of the commission on special estimates of working conditions. The information received, which does not correspond to the real situation, provides an opportunity to protect their legitimate interests in the state labor inspectorate, the judiciary. Upon dismissal, it is necessary to obtain a certificate certified by the employer on preferential work experience.

That's what the pension for harm is unique.

The reasons for self-control for receiving a "harmful pension"

This is especially true when the employer, having concluded an agreement to conduct a special assessment of working conditions with an independent licensed organization, tries to obtain results that reduce the level of harmfulness, the corresponding reduction in the amount of pension contributions, and reduce the wages of an employee who has worked out a mandatory term in harmful conditions. This category of workers can receive additional benefits: reduced working hours, additional rest, leave, medical food, free medical care.

Timely acquaintance with the documents necessary to obtain a preferential pension, will avoid in the event of the refusal of her appointment of lengthy court proceedings, because the early pension for harm is desirable for many.

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