
Phraseology "Herculean pillars": meaning, origin

Phraseologisms come in Russian from various sources, for example, they appear due to legends and myths. "Herculean pillars" is a speech construction, the meaning of which is hardly understood by a person who is unfamiliar with ancient Roman mythology. So, where did this stable turn take place, and here the legendary hero Hercules? The answers to these questions can be found in the article.

"Herculean pillars": the origin of phraseology

It's no secret that Hercules is the name that the ancient Romans endowed to the Greek Hercules. The meaning of the speech structure will help to understand its origin. "Herculean pillars" - an expression that appeared in the Russian language thanks to the story of the 12 exploits of Hercules (Hercules).

One of the feats of the legendary character was the kidnapping of cows belonging to the mighty giant Gerion. The monster lived on a small island located in the westernmost part of the world, which the ancient Greeks knew about. Going to Herion, Hercules erected two stelae, placing them on the northern and southern shores of the strait that separated Africa from Europe.

Other versions

There is another version of the legend, thanks to which the phraseology "Herculean Pillars" was born. It says that Hercules split the mountains, behind which the outlet to the ocean hid, resulting in the formation of the Strait of Gibraltar. He created steles on different banks of this strait.

Finally, there is a third version of the myth. He insists that Hercules-Hercules did not build steles personally. The legendary hero only found columns located on the border, which separated the world's known people from unknown land.

"Pillars of Hercules" is the name given to the stelae located on the shores of the Strait of Gibraltar. The ancient Romans were convinced that Hercules not only erected the columns, but also wrote on them "nowhere else" in Latin. Obviously, going behind the pillars means reaching the final limit, beyond which nothing will happen.

Value, use

Above is told about where the phraseological phrase "Herculean poles" came from. The meaning of this expression is easy to understand. Speaking it, people talk about the limit, the border, the extreme. Most often, phraseology is used in an ironic manner. With his help, a person can point out the stupidity of words and actions of certain people, reproach them.

"Herculean pillars" - phraseology, which is rarely used today in everyday speech. However, it can often be found in literary works. For example, Leonid Sobolev resorted to him in his book "Major repairs". One of the heroes expresses joy at the presence of sensible officers on the ship, who will not reach the Hercules pillars. It is understood that they will not commit a fatal mistake.

Mentioned the legendary pillars and in the "Divine Comedy", the creator of which is the Italian poet Dante. In this work, it is told that they represent a boundary that ordinary mortals should not transgress. The ban was broken only once, this crime was committed by Odysseus, who was famous for his curiosity and courage. Dante argues that the gods punished the impudent hero, sending him straight to Hell.

Are there any poles

Today there are no pillars on the shores of the Strait of Gibraltar, which are mentioned in the famous legend. Many researchers are convinced that they never existed. However, there are also scientists who hold a different opinion. They believe that the columns must be searched in a completely different place. Some believe that they are on the banks of the Bosphorus, this strait connects the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea.

Another suggestion is also made. Herculean pillars, if you rely on this version, are the mountains that frame the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar.

Coat of arms of Spain

Famous pillars exist not only in myths and legends. You can see them on the coat of arms, which is used in modern Spain. It depicts columns, wrapped in ribbon. The tape is marked with an inscription, which in Russian translates as "all the farther away".

This inscription is designed to remind the world that the Spaniards are proud of their fellow-mariners. Their trips to the shores of the New World have allowed people to learn more about the planet on which they live, to get acquainted with the unknown world before.

Interesting Facts

Many people are interested in how to pronounce the phrase phrase correctly. "Herculean pillars" or "Herculean pillars" - which version is considered correct? Linguists insist that both options are correct. "Pillar" - just an outdated form of the word "pillar".

"Pillars of Hercules" - this option is also allowed, as well as the "pillars of Hercules." As already mentioned, Hercules and Hercules are different names of the same legendary hero.

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