
Pepper tincture - recommendations for use

Pepper tincture is one of the best folk remedies, which is used to strengthen and improve hair growth. Due to poor ecology, our hair is constantly susceptible to negative factors and therefore can not grow and develop at full strength. They constantly need extra food. It is the pepper's tincture that it provides. Also the person himself constantly exposes his hair to stress, consuming a lot of coffee, alcoholic drinks, using a variety of colorants, improperly and irregularly eating.

Pepper tincture performs the function of stimulating blood circulation and, thereby, leads to the cessation of hair loss and their active growth. The effect of this tincture is based on the heating of the surface of the head, and thus all the metabolic processes are stimulated. Pepper tincture is applied to the roots of the hair, and applying the entire length of the hair will not bring the desired result. Since the basis of this product is alcohol, then when it is used, the hair is dried out. Therefore, after applying pepper tincture, it is necessary to wrap up the head to prevent rapid evaporation of alcohol and continue the effect of mask effectiveness.

There is no clear time for the mask to stay on the hair, it is all determined individually and is usually within half an hour. If it does not cause you any discomfort, then you can leave this mask for the whole night.

The use of this mask provides for the appearance of a burning sensation, which must be tolerable. To reduce burning, you can dilute pepper tincture with other useful ingredients.

To obtain the result, it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment using this mask, it is enough to perform two mask overlays per week for three months, otherwise, if you use it from time to time, the required result will not be achieved.

Pepper tincture - recipe

Preparing pepper tincture is very simple. For this, pepper is taken, depending on its amount, the concentration of tincture will increase or decrease, but usually take 5-7 medium-sized peppers and pour a bottle of vodka. After that, the tincture is aged in a warm and dark place. Then it is filtered and ready for use.

The following recipe is also effective: take 1 spoon of pepper tincture, vegetable oil and cognac in the composition add lemon juice and honey. True, it is difficult to mix this tincture, but you will be satisfied with the result of its use.

Features of application:

- if you have dry hair, then using this tincture can worsen their condition and cause dandruff

- to enhance the effect of this tincture, it is necessary to add vegetable oil to it;

- protect your eyes and other mucous membranes from getting on them tincture;

- when applying the tincture, it is better to wear gloves to avoid drying out the skin of the hands;

- You can not use this tincture more than 2 times a week;

- pepper tincture is applied exclusively to the scalp, and not to the hair itself;

- After applying the tincture, it is necessary to warm the head.

Pepper tincture against cellulite

This tincture also helps well in the fight against cellulite. To do this, it is applied to the problem areas of the skin, which wrapped in a film, and aged for about 20 minutes. During this, in order to get a better effect, you can perform various physical exercises.

The effect of pepper tincture in the fight against cellulite is that the body warms up. This increases blood circulation in places where cellulite occurs, sweating increases and, therefore, liquid is withdrawn along with the products of decay. Thus, after regular use of pepper tincture, cellulite gradually recedes.

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