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Parent meetings in the senior kindergarten group: a plan for holding

Regular parental meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten facilitate the establishment of close links between educators and parents of children attending pre-school.

About the main institutes of education

Children's pre-school institutions and the family are the two main institutions for the socialization of toddlers. They have completely different educational functions, but with close interaction of the family and kindergarten, the child's harmonious all-round development is ensured.

Among the important principles can be mentioned the active interaction of parents and a teacher-psychologist. Regular parental meetings in the senior group of the GEF kindergarten involve the participation of such specialists as a speech therapist, a psychologist, and a medical worker.

Traditional forms of parental meetings

Among the traditional options for holding meetings, the main place has always been:

  • Reports;
  • Thematic reports;
  • Various diagnostics;
  • Questionnaire.

Such forms of work did not give the desired feedback from the parents of the DDU pupils.

Innovative methods of working with parents

Modern conditions dictate to preschool workers the need to seek more effective options for communicating with parents of preschool children. Educators, organizing parental meetings in the older group of the kindergarten, try to look for active ways of communication, involve moms and dads in the development process, training of children.

Interactive methods of communicating with parents

Among alternative ways of working with parents, one can note an active discussion of a certain problem, the organization of a discussion. Psychologists believe that any team has its own unique features, hidden opportunities.

The interaction of teachers and parents in the process of holding the meeting is carried out in a verbal form: someone speaks, and someone listens attentively. To expand the range of methods of active interaction, we can recommend interactive methods of communication.

The very concept of "interactive" in English means "to act." "Interactive" involves interaction within the dialogue, conversation with a person or with a computer. In education, such methods presuppose the formation of personality through interaction and participation. The Chinese proverb comments on this variant of education as "I hear and forget, see and understand, do and remember." The application of the method of interaction and active participation guarantees the involvement of parents of preschool children in the process of education.

What tasks can be solved by interactive methods of education?

Taking into account the fact that parental meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten are planned for a year ahead, it is possible to solve several complex psychological and pedagogical tasks with the use of interactive teaching methods.

Such methods help to put parents in an active position. The usual situation does not allow performing such actions. On the various proposals of a teacher or a psychologist, for example, "to offer their options for resolving the issue", "to share their own opinion", parents do not respond, behave passively. Traditional parent meetings in the older group of the kindergarten do not allow mom and dad to be active. If instead of the usual lecture to use interactive methods, parents will become active participants in the education of toddlers, assistants for the DDU educators. These methods presuppose, as mentioned above, cooperation with a psychologist, medical workers, a music teacher. The specialist of a preschool institution that organizes a parent meeting in the senior group deserves respect.

The importance of diagnostics in interactive techniques

Interactive techniques involve diagnosis, with their help, you can identify the expectations of parents from educators, justify fears and anxieties. Since the goal of the research is not always clear for the mother and father, the psychologist of the preschool institution can obtain information that will bring them closer to the educational process. Also, using interactive methods, it becomes possible to transfer certain skills, knowledge to parents, teach them to communicate with their children correctly.

Options for parent meetings in the DDU

For such events, you can choose the following interactive methods:

  • Discussions;
  • role-playing games;
  • Business games;
  • Questioning;
  • Imitation games.

"The Great Circle"

For example, a parent meeting in the senior group can be conducted using the "Big circle". With this technique, you can quickly find the problem, find ways to solve it. All work is carried out in three basic stages:

  • Stage 1 . Participants sit down, forming a large circle. The leader of the group forms a certain problem.
  • 2 stage . For a certain period of time (10-15 minutes) individually on a separate sheet are recorded ways to solve the problem.
  • Stage 3 . Each participant in a circle read out the sentences, while the rest of the parents and teachers listen attentively. Further, voting on individual items is carried out.


The aquarium is a form of dialogue that involves discussing a particular problem with members of the public. The group selects the topic of the dialogue, as well as the one to whom all participants will trust the role of the leader. The rest of the representatives will be ordinary spectators. Parental meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten at the end of the year in this form will reveal all the problems that have accumulated over this training period. Participants get a chance to see themselves from the outside, learn how to settle conflict situations, to argue their own thoughts.

"Round table"

A similar methodology is used to work out a common opinion on a certain problem. During this event, 1-3 questions are proposed. In order for the "round table" to be as effective as possible, the overall design of the premises in which it is supposed to be carried out is being considered. In the process of discussion, a separate decision is made on each individual issue. The right to express their opinion is given to those participants who have experience of activities on the issue under discussion. Leading conclusions are made, a common position is adopted, taking into account amendments and additions.

KVN competition as a means of effective work

Parent meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten at the beginning of the year can be planned in an unconventional way. For example, to make a contest, calling it "Moms, it's time for school". This game can be called a real magic wand, thanks to which you can teach to write, count, invent, think of any child. Parents divide the tutor into three teams, each of them comes up with a motto and a name. The jury may include educators, a speech therapist, and a medical worker. During warm-up, parents are offered to answer various questions related to the specifics of the education of preschool children, their preparation for schooling.

At the second stage, which can be called "Reflection", parents are offered cards with different tasks. Cards contain different statements of moms and dads, but you need to analyze how the future first-grader will take them. You can also offer a task to correlate the parent's phrase and the child's reaction. It is important to hold such parental meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten, the age features of the children in which they are fully taken into account. They will contribute to the mood of parents to prepare the baby for school. Also, mom and dad will have to work out a behavioral technique if the kid returns from school with bad marks. Such a meeting can be completed with a tea party, during which all issues that are still unclear are easily resolved.

Formation of SDA skills in kindergarten

Recently, such a children's competition as the "Safe Wheel" has been held not only in educational institutions, but also for pupils of the DDU. The children taking part in it study the rules of the road, learn the figurative driving of a bicycle, learn the rules of providing first aid. In order for parents to be actively involved in this process, it is possible to organize thematic parenting meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten under the SDA. For example, you can make a joint competition for parents and children, so that both children and their mothers and dads can show their knowledge in the field of traffic safety.

Development of preschool speech

Particular importance in the upbringing process of preschool children belongs to the formation of communication skills, the development of speech. For example, there are thematic parent meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten. The development of speech is the main goal pursued by educators. Parents need to understand what problems their child has, how to cope with them, so that in the process of learning at school, the baby does not have problems.

The process of developing speech in preschool children is closely related to mental development. There are some patterns in the formation of speech. It is at 5-6 years of age that a child learns to pronounce sounds correctly, and his quantitative vocabulary increases. A preschool child, talking about an event, tries to find words that would accurately convey his thought. In addition, children are able to maintain a conversation with their peers, using topics that are interesting and understandable to them. That is why parental meetings in the senior group of the kindergarten for the development of speech are an important stage in the formation of the child and real help to the preschooler's parents.

The children have strengthened the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, so they are able to correctly pronounce the words. At 5-6 years of age, children begin to realize the ambiguity of words, use their direct and portable meaning, use synonyms. A preschool child should be able to show feelings such as sadness, joy, anger, tell tales, build suggestions. Only in the presence of a full-fledged speech, children will be able to communicate with their peers without any problems, and therefore caregivers of children's preschool institutions give serious attention to development in this direction and talk about how to help the child in the formation.

Examples of elements that contribute to the development of the child's speech

  1. Children learn to tell, make up their own stories about the pictures that they are offered by educators.
  2. The study of poems, their expressive reading.
  3. Acquaintance with tongue twisters and tongue twisters.
  4. Guessing and guessing of riddles.
  5. Use the game to increase the speed of learning.

A variety of speech games conducted in kindergartens (for the preparatory group), include the question "why". Such games stimulate the development of children's speech, contribute to the increase of vocabulary, speed and accuracy of thinking and memory. For example, parents can play with children on the way to the DDU in different speech games.

Memo for parents of preschool children

  1. Talk with your child, watch your speech, speak clearly and clearly. While talking with the baby, do not raise your voice.
  2. If violations are found in the speech, please contact the specialists: neuropathologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, speech therapist.
  3. As often as possible, read books to your child, discuss with him read stories. In the process of reading, the preschooler will be supplemented with vocabulary.
  4. Do not forget to tell your children that you love them. Rejoice in the success of the baby, help him overcome difficulties. Ask your child after kindergarten about how he spent the day, whether he was curious what he was doing in the kindergarten.

Remember that 5-6-year-old age is an important stage in the upbringing and development of preschool children, it requires parents and educators to unite efforts in hard work to educate a full-fledged personality. This is important in order that in the future, a young man or girl made the right conclusions about the model of behavior in the surrounding society and followed it to achieve the set goals. Otherwise, there may be a situation in which the child will simply get lost in the crowd of peers and not be able to express their individuality. This can not be allowed.

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