EducationSecondary education and schools

Painless adaptation of first-graders: how to smooth emerging problems?

Many parents, giving the child to the first class, experience how successfully the adaptation of first-graders to school will take place. The most important for the child the first days spent in school, but it is worth remembering that in general, the addiction will last the entire first year.

Psychologists distinguish three important periods after which the diagnosis will be carried out. Adaptation of first-graders to the school is measured at the end of the first week, the first half of the year and the school year. Only by summarizing the general indicators, which will be obtained in this case, and tracing the dynamics, we can talk about how successfully the first-grader has adapted.

Admission to school opens a new type of activity for the child - the teaching. And if earlier the child's leading activity was a game, now new demands are made from adults. It is important not to admit at the initial stage, when the adaptation of first-graders, loss of interest and motivation to study takes place, because all further education will be built on this.

It has long been noted that fewer difficulties are experienced by children attending kindergarten. They already have the experience of being in the team, they are able to obey the adult (in this case, the educator) and observe certain rules when communicating with peers. To this, it is necessary to add a more or less stable immunity to childhood infections, which allows less skipping classes, and therefore, reduces the possibility of lagging behind in the school curriculum.

If the child has a pre-school childhood at home, the probability that the adaptation period will take longer and with greater problems, increases. This is explained not only by the fact that his parents did not explain something to him or poorly prepared, but his inability to communicate in a children's collective and under the guidance of an adult. Usually these children get tired more often in class, their attention is diffused, and the adaptation of first-graders is more difficult. Therefore, the parents of "home" children, in addition to learning the letters and numbers, should play with the child in school. You can put him on the desk and in the game to explain to him the rules of conduct during his studies.

The marks throughout the first class are not put. The work of children is assessed by the teacher with a statement or notes in a notebook such as "Good Work", "Good", "Try It", etc. It is important for parents to respond adequately to these comments, not blaming the child for satisfactory work. It is worth remembering that over time, he can catch up, and by the end of the year the first-grader can level with his classmates, and even circumvent them as knowledge. Very important is the personality of the teacher in the process of adaptation. If this is a qualified and competent specialist, then the risk of developing negative attitudes toward the school is minimized.

When adaptation of first-graders is diagnosed, a huge role is assigned to the level of anxiety of children. If a child has a high child, then one should think about it. This problem can be resolved by the usual transfer of the child to another class or, in extreme cases, to another school. The fact is that sometimes there can be conflicts between children or for some reason, perhaps subjective, the child can not perceive the teacher as a leader. Then there are fears and persistent reluctance to go to school, as a result, academic performance is falling. This problem should be solved immediately, without waiting for it to become chronic.

Thus, the adaptation of first-graders depends on many factors. And the main task of both parents and teachers is to create the most comfortable conditions for this. It is necessary to remember that the motivation for further education is formed precisely at this stage, and this is one of the main components of successful schooling.

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