Spiritual developmentMystic

Opal - a stone whose properties contribute to the development of intuition

Opal is a mineral that has been used to make jewelry for over six thousand years. This is unusual in both its beauty and the properties of the stone. In ancient Rome, it was valued above diamonds. Opal is a stone whose properties are absolutely unordinary.

In the 14th century he acquired the notoriety of bringing misfortune. Then, in the plague years, people noticed that in the deceased owners the stone changes color. In the following centuries, it became very popular, it was not bought at all. His evil glory stretches after him through the ages. In our time, this unusual in beauty mineral is considered to be a stone of black magicians.

Happiness to his master, he brings only if he is engaged in occult science and the mineral passed to him by inheritance. Opal - a stone whose properties are interesting and in physical terms, contains 10% water and is very fragile. Therefore, when making various kinds of jewelry from it, jewelers strengthen cabochons, applying a thin layer of resin of a special composition on top.

In ancient Rome, opal was revered as a symbol of hope. The Greeks considered him a stone of oracles and soothsayers. And in our time it can be worn in order to enhance their intuitive abilities and develop imagination. However, people of creative professions opal - a stone whose properties in this case are very strong, is contraindicated. The fact is that, repeatedly reinforcing the craving for self-contemplation and philosophical reflections, he can simply drive his master crazy.

This interesting mineral is also used in lithotherapy. They can cure diseases of vision, the circulatory system and the lymph system. To treat a variety of non-healing wounds, this stone is also used. Its properties are such that it can be used also in case of malfunctions with the heart. However, in this case, after "pulling" the opal of the negative, it is necessary to put some other mineral on the sore spot, which feeds the organs with energy.

In the latter case, metal can also be used. For example, gold is perfect. It is not bad for this purpose to apply, for example, and a stone of pink quartz. Especially in cases of heart disease. This mineral of "universal love", radiating a huge amount of light energy can strengthen a person who has suffered even a serious ailment.

Opal is considered a stone that absorbed the life-giving power of water. Due to its dynamics and at the same time, it can cure diseases of the nervous system and a tendency to fainting. In ancient sources, there is a reference to the fact that once a few travelers, lost in the wilderness, could survive because each of them put this wonderful stone under their tongue.

Opal is also used for all kinds of chronic diseases that last for a long time. For this, it is worn on the forefinger of the left hand with a gold rim. Opal - a stone whose properties do not allow to use it as a gift, can cause hostile feelings towards the donor. However, in all other cases, on the contrary, it helps to forget all grievances and survive failures.

It is necessary to wear and store this mineral correctly. The fact is that with loss of water, it loses its shine, becomes cloudy and unattractive. It is best to wear it more often so that it can absorb moisture from the environment. They store opal in a cloth moistened with water. You can also keep it in a room with high humidity.

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