
Onomatopoeic words and interjections: spelling, punctuation, examples

Onomatopoeic words and interjections play a special role in the Russian language. Without them we could hardly express our feelings. The morphological properties of these parts of speech, their discharges, grammatical features, and also their other functions will be studied in more detail in this article.


This part of the speech, according to the school curriculum, is studied in the sixth or seventh grade. Although stack with her much more often. Even in the childhood, when the child does not know how to talk, it is they who are the first sounds. Interjections in our language are usually called a special group of speech, which helps express emotions and feelings. Linguists refer them to a special category. From the point of view of morphology, they are part of speech. However, they stand apart from independent and official words. In terms of functionality they do not carry any meaning. That is, these words have no meaning, only indirect. Then they can not be called independent.

As for the service ones, which help to connect the words in the sentence and the text, they did not give their functions to the interjections. These words do not "serve" anyone and do not mean anything. What is it then? These are the most common emotions when we do not have enough words to express them more clearly. Say: "Ah!", And everyone will understand that something surprised us. We will hear: "Shh!", And immediately silent, because this word means stopping conversations or any actions. Sentences with interjections are more emotional and much deeper convey what words can not always say.

Compare: "Oh, it hurts!" And "It hurts me." Both of these sentences convey the same meaning. However, the first one conveys the momentary sensation of a person, the second may mean a prolonged sense of pain. It will be enough just to gasp, and those who are near us will understand us.


The terms "Onomatopoeic words" and "Interjection" appeared very long ago, as early as the beginning of the seventeenth century. Linguist Smotrytsky introduced them in the 1619th year. Then he called them "intermixture," that is, said between words. In fact, they are.

Some were formed, as they say, spontaneously, from our cries. For example, such as "A", "O", "Fu", "Ah", do not have a particular history of origin. This is our involuntary reaction to any stimulus.

Everyone knows the word "Bayu-bai" takes its roots from the Old Russian words to say (bayat). Thus, putting the baby, the parents as if sentenced that he fell asleep.

The familiar word "allo", which we pronounce, answering the call, came to us from England. Its direct meaning is hello, which translates to "Hello." Picking up the phone, we let know that we hear the interlocutor, while welcoming him.

Modern slang every year creates all new onomatopoeic words and interjections. Forms of "Oops", "Cool", "Blah-blah" appeared. All of them are related to our familiar "Ah", "Wow", "Yes-Yes."

That is, over time, some interjections disappear, and others are replaced, more relevant to date.

Word formation

Like any part of speech, interjections have their own special ways of education. Distinguish the following:

  • With the help of affixes. From the word "A" is formed a more affectionate "Ainka".
  • Transition from one hour. In another: "Fathers! "(From im.susch.)," Stunned! "(From the verb)," Cool! "(From the adverb).
  • Battling: "Here you are and on," "And do not say."
  • Addition: "Kiss-kis".

The variety of ways of word formation proves that this part of speech is not so simple as it seems at first glance.


Classify several types of interjections, depending on how many parts they consist of. The first group is simple. In their structure there is only one word and one root. Examples: "Oh", "Alas", "Eh".

The next kind is called complex. This name they received because they are composed of several roots. For example: "ah-ah-ah," "yes-da-da," "father-light," "oh-go."

The last in structure group are compound interjections. They are formed from a few simple words: "alas and ah," "here's to you and again." As a rule, this group comes from the names of nouns, to which interjections are added.


It is accepted to subdivide them into several types.

  1. Incentive. They, replacing full-valued words, signal that it's time to act: "Come faster!", "Hey, tell me how to get here!", "Shh, talk quietly - the child is asleep."
  2. Emotional. Such words involuntarily break out from the person when he is surprised or frightened: "Oh, how nice it is!" "Oh, what a strong thunderstorm!".
  3. Etiquette. Not everyone knows that the familiar words "Hello", "Goodbye", "Thank you" refer to the class of interjections. They do not have independent significance, conveying only our polite intonation. For example: "Please, let me go for a walk." Thank you very much for your help! Hello, friends! "

Without the words of this group, hardly an educated person can imagine his life. They help not only to decorate our speech, but also give it a certain charm.


How does this part of speech separate this letter? Sentences with interjections, as a rule, have commas.

For example: "Oh, how quickly the vacation passed!" After the emotional word, a comma is put, as it stands at the beginning of the sentence. Similar examples: "Wow, how many of you are here!", "Fu, how it is ugly on your part."

A special place is taken by the interjection "o". Being used together with other words, it is not separated by commas: "O air, how clean you are!", "Oh no, I have to refuse you in this matter."

In the sentence "Well, how to make up your mind and make a phone call ?!" the word "well" does not stand out, since it has a gain value. In the case where it denotes the duration of the action, it must be separated by a comma: "Well, I do not know how long this will last."

The interjection "what", which is used as the highest degree of something, does not stand out: "What a beautiful evening!", "What a slob you are!".

Onomatopoeic words and their difference from interjections

A special category is words that imitate any sounds. They, unlike interjections, do not carry any emotionality in themselves. Their main function is to convey a similar sound. For example, the ticking of the clock is transmitted on the letter with the word "Tick-on". When we hear a beetle flying past, we will reproduce its flight as "Zhzh". And there are a lot of such examples.

In addition, this part of speech actively participates in the formation of various words: gav - bark, grunt - grunt, chi-chi - giggle.

Most importantly, their difference from interjections is a different role in the language. At first glance, they are very similar. However, it is not to be confused, because onomatopoeic words do not convey the feelings and emotions of a person. They just repeat the sound.


Onomatopoetic words in Russian are divided into several subspecies:

  • Voices of animals (including birds): cockerel (cock), meow (kitten), y-ow (owl), pee-pee (mouse).
  • Natural sounds: bah-bah (thunder), boom (something fell), пшш (hissing of water).
  • Imitation of musical instruments: ding-dong (bell rings), trance (playing the guitar).
  • Sounds issued by people: hrum (there is a carrot), top-top (someone goes), tsok (on heels).

These are the most common categories of this part of speech. Onomatopoietic words and interjections form a special group in the Russian language, not relating to either independent or official.

Syntactic role

It is very interesting that in rare cases such small words can be different members of the sentence. Interjections and onomatopoeic words, examples of which have been repeatedly shown by us above, are:

  • Definitions. For example: "Aye yes a holiday!" In this case, the interjection "Aye da" answers the question "What?", Replacing the word "Wonderful".
  • Supplement: And suddenly in the distance we heard a quiet "Ay!".
  • Predictable: And the door suddenly - "Hang!"
  • Subject: And then there was a loud "Hooray".

The role of interjections and onomatopoeic words in speech

Without these seemingly simple words, our language would be very impoverished. After all, most of them are formed impulsively, regardless of our desire. Call for help, cry out with fear, marvel at an act - all these are interjections, onomatopoeic words. Punctuation marks at the first we have considered earlier. But the sounds issued by someone or anything, do not stand out in writing. If necessary, only quotes are placed in sentences, where there is a direct speech.

Speech with this category is much more emotional. It's hard to hold back joy when something happened that we've been waiting for a long time. For example: "Wow! Finally, it happened! ". Or in a difficult moment, when a person involuntarily sighs: "Oh, nothing good happened."

But how do you convey sounds that are published by animals? Only with the help of special words. Without them, this is almost impossible. Such words tend to convey similar sounds, such as mowing a cow or grunting a pig.


In order to consolidate the material passed, the children perform special tasks, repeating the onomatopoeic words. Exercises on them and on interjections are usually uncomplicated.

  1. For example, you need to determine the discharge of a certain group: "Ah!", "Ouch!", "Father!". By all indications, these are emotional interjections, simple in structure.
  2. Find the onomatopoeic words in sentences.

"Slap-slap" - was heard outside the window. "Chick-chirik" - so sparrows attract attention. Approaching the platform, the train sang: "Tu-tu."

  1. Determine what sounds can produce a violin, a dog, raindrops, thunder, yawning man, falling to the floor of an object, a shiver from the cold.
  2. Distinguish, interjections or imitative words are used in the sentences:

"Hello, my comrades."

"Bach!" Came the silence.

- Come on, hurry up already!

- "Chick-chick!" So we tried to call the little birds.

- Fathers-lights! What "Ba-bah" thunder told us!

Exercise for sentences with onomatopoeic words, as well as interjections can be very diverse. But for the most part, they usually do not cause any difficulty among students.

Morphological analysis

Like any part of speech, these two small subgroups have their own parsing algorithm. In this case, it is absolutely identical.

  • Determine the part of speech.
  • We denote morphological pranks:

- Structure

- bit by value

- unchangeability

  • Role in the sentence.

We give an example of analysis. "Here you are! They did not wait for the rain, but he poured water! "

  1. Here you are and on - an interjection.
  2. Composite structure (a few words).
  3. Emotional, conveys surprise.
  4. Immutable (can not be inclined or conjugated)
  5. Does not play any syntactic role in the sentence, because it does not replace an independent part of speech.

The following example: And here - "Zipper-zipper!" - the ball flew past us.

  1. Onomatopoetic word (transmits the flight of the ball).
  2. Complex, consists of two repeating bases.
  3. The discharge is the sound of an inanimate nature.
  4. Unchangeability.
  5. The sentence will be circumstance (answers the question "how").

Another example: What kind of inattentive are you?

  1. Interjection
  2. Simple, from one word.
  3. Emotional, conveys the indignation.
  4. Unchangeability.
  5. Circumstance (replaces the words "very" or "very").


Spelling of onomatopoeic words and similar interjections similar to them usually does not cause difficulties. All of them convey emotions or sounds exactly as we hear them. It must be remembered that repetitive basics, such as hav-gav, will always be written through a hyphen.

Spontaneity in their education makes them an integral part of our lives. Kids who can not talk, shout only their own sounds to their mothers. Parents are guided by what their child wants. After becoming adults, we continue to use these parts of speech. No one can force us to refuse to express our own emotions. And the sounds of nature? We can show them to everyone, but it's not always easy to write on paper. For this, there are onomatopoeic words. They easily repeat what we hear, only by writing.

Without such seemingly insignificant parts of speech, we simply can not do. Daily encountering them in oral speech, we have to use some of them in writing.

Do not confuse them with the service parts of speech, for example, with particles. Sometimes they are very similar to each other. It is worth remembering one immutable rule: these words convey emotions, feelings and sounds. No other groups of speech can do this. As they say, for each - its own necessary role.

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