
Cooper is ... Who are bonders and what do they do?

In the 21st century, the era of global industrialization and automation of all production processes. Against this background, traditional crafts seem to be something very ancient, archaic. One of the forgotten crafts is bondage.

Who are bonders? What are they doing? And what are the meanings of the word "kondari"?

Antique crafts in the modern world

Under the craft is meant small-scale production, using manual work and primitive tools. It is also often called "handicraft production", and the corresponding workers - "handicraftsmen."

The first crafts arose long ago, and went a long way of development, mutating and taking new forms. In the Middle Ages, they contributed to the formation of separate layers of urban society. The industrial revolution (XVIII - early XIX century) led to the gradual displacement of artisans to the "roadside" of social and economic life.

The modern world is transnational corporations, large industrial concerns and mass production. It would seem that there is simply no place for traditional crafts in such a world. Nevertheless, they continue to live and develop. Even in the field of information technology, our "artisans" (copywriters, specialists in SMM, etc.) are born today and are very much in demand!

To traditional (historical) it is necessary to carry the following handicrafts:

  • weaving;
  • blacksmith craft;
  • pottery;
  • Bondage;
  • Woodcarving;
  • Joiner's craft and others.

Cooper is ... Meaning of the word

So who are these bonders? What and how do they produce? Let's answer these questions.

Cooper is a master for the production of barrels (sometimes - and some other wood products). And the corresponding craft is called cooper. Previously, it was spread everywhere. Today, it is much more difficult to meet a real cooper. However, their craft is still relevant. After all, the wine and cognac industry needs wooden barrels.

Where does the term "cooper" come from? This word, most likely, has Ukrainian roots. From the Ukrainian language it is translated as a "barrel". Curiously, in medieval Scandinavia, the word "bond" was distributed. So in the Scandinavian countries called free, free man.

Surname Bondar and its counterparts in the world

One can not help recalling another interesting fact. This profession gave birth to a rather common name - Bondar. It is very popular in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus.

Other nations of the world have its analogs. What surnames were born from bondage business in other countries, you can see in the following table:

A country Surname
United Kingdom, United States Cooper
Israel Bodner
France Tunnel
Spain Kubero
Italy Bottai
Germany, Austria Scheffler
Poland Bednarski
Romania, Moldova Butnaru

Modern cooperation

Cooper is not just entertainment or a tribute to traditions. This is very hard work, requiring the master of considerable skills and abilities. In addition, at the disposal of the cooperator a whole arsenal of tools that you need to be able to use correctly. In addition to the trivial and familiar to all the ax among them, there are also exotic tools: utricus, fuganok, plows.

Wooden barrels - a thing, it would seem, is simple. But it only seems so at first sight. The modern cooper should be both a carpenter, a machine operator, and a tinsmith. He should be well versed in the types of trees: not every wood is suitable for this business (for the production of barrels and kadushek best suited oak, heather and linden). The skills of carpentry here are also important, because you need to perfectly fit each other all the bars and bottoms.

To become a good bonder, you should have three main qualities. This is the extreme accuracy, accuracy and excellent coordination of movements. Bondarias are in demand today, first of all, in the wine-making and chemical industries. The work of such masters is estimated at about 30-50 thousand rubles.

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