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Scientists have explained why you are in love with the voice of Morgan Freeman

What's in the voice of Morgan Freeman such that makes you love his velvet timbre? It turns out that there are scientifically valid reasons for this phenomenon. The voice of the famous actor is so beloved and revered that the English-speaking population of the planet gladly puts it on the navigation applications.

Trust in a positive character

Psychologists explain this phenomenon. Some voices that we hear all the time are able to form a background in our everyday life. If in the movie Morgan Freeman always plays positive characters, fans and film fans on the subconscious level form an association. That's why people trust him and are really ready to turn right if they hear the command from the navigator.

The subconscious aspect

However, there are other, more profound explanations for this phenomenon. Scientific experiments constantly explore the impact of different voices of voices on the subconscious of people. Thus, a low velvety male voice is always perceived better than high. Such men on a subconscious level are considered strong and physically attractive. Therefore, it is not surprising that a Hollywood actor is often invited to voice in animated and documentary projects. His voice is perceived as a sign of a dominant male figure. Apparently, not only public opinion but also biology is pushing us to make decisions.

Preference is given to low voices

Our trust in low masculine voices can be used by politicians who encourage citizens to take some kind of action. In one study, scientists recorded on tape the voices of men and women who called for voting for them in the upcoming elections. Then the sound was processed using digital technologies. So the widest range of voices was received (from the lowest to the highest). Then the film was given to the participants of the experiment.

As a result, low voices - not only for men but also for women - deserve more trust. Listeners on a subconscious level for a fraction of a second form an impression of a stranger. People with lower voices are perceived as integral natures, competent and physically more developed.

Low timbre is associated with wisdom

Perhaps we prefer lower voice voices, because their owners seem to us older. And this means that automatically we are ready to give them wisdom. Morgan Freeman is 78 years old. Hence, we already have one proof of this crazy theory. Age, of course, matters, but in the context of our current topic this is not the main thing.

The secret from the actor

A Hollywood actor has a secret to improve the timbre of the voice. He advises a lot of yawning, because it relaxes the throat muscles and vocal cords. It turns out that having a beautiful, low velvet voice is so easy!

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