
Ointment from depriving people. Ointment for lichens for adults and children

When appearing on the skin atypical rashes in the form of flaky or itchy spots, it is possible to suspect lichen. Of course, it is better that the final diagnosis is established by a dermatologist. He must find the right drugs.

Types of disease

Noticing unusual spots, many people start to choose ointment from depriving people. This form of release of the drug can destroy the localized on the skin lesions. But it is necessary to select it depending on the type of illness.

Specialists distinguish shingles, otrebus, pink, ringworm, scaly, red lichen. They differ not only in their appearance, their attendant symptoms, but also in the way they are treated.

For example, herpes zoster is caused by the herpes virus. It is manifested by bubbles filled with a clear liquid. But the final diagnosis is made after microscopic examination.

Otryvidny lichen forms small brown spots with a diameter of up to 6 mm. Their number increases gradually until they merge into one hearth. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus.

Pink lichen often occurs in adolescents. With this disease, there are round spots with a pink tinge. Some say that the pink lichen itself passes by itself. Treatment (ointment with this diagnosis, as a rule, do not prescribe) is to strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with vitamins.

A characteristic feature of ringworm is the appearance of scaly and itchy red spots that increase. Hair in the lesions break off at the root.

Red flat and squamous lichen are non-contagious. But at the same time getting rid of them is difficult, because these are autoimmune diseases.

Treatment of herpes zoster

When the appearance of vesicles on the skin is better to go to the dermatologist. Perhaps it is herpes zoster - herpes zoster. It can occur against the background of a decrease in immunity, become a manifestation of stress or some serious disease. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets.

When you install this diagnosis, it is not enough to find out which ointments help you from lichen. The treatment must be approached in a comprehensive manner. The doctor prescribes antiviral drugs. These can be tablets such as Valtrex, Famvir, Minaker, Acyclovir. Taking into account the fact that this kind of lichen causes painful sensations, prescribers and painkillers are prescribed.

It is also necessary to simultaneously normalize the work of immunity. For these purposes, drugs such as Isoprinosine, Groprinosin, Novirin can be prescribed. These are immunostimulating agents with an antiviral effect.

It is important to choose the right ointment from lichen for people. They use local agents such as Epigen, Alpizarin, Zovirax, Acyclovir, and Gerperax. The herpes virus also kills under the influence of UV rays.

Peregrine lichen

Not everyone knows, but the brown spots that appear on the body also need to be treated. The causative agent of pityriasis is fungal infection, which multiplies in a moist environment. In addition, its appearance may result in seborrheic dermatitis.

Treatment consists in the use of special antifungal agents. When this disease occurs, it is easy to understand how to treat lichen. Ointment intended for the treatment of fungal infection, can be any. Doctors recommend such creams as Nizoral, Dermazol, Fungoterbine, Mikozoral. Sometimes specialists prescribe complex therapy and recommend to drink tablets simultaneously - "Ketoconazole", "Fucis", "Fluconazole", "Mycoflucan".

This disease is not contagious. But a person can have relapses if he does not follow the necessary preventive measures. It is important to pay special attention to the cleanliness of clothes and their disinfection.

Pink lichen

Young people, most often in adolescence, may have round spots, painted in light pink color. There is no precise information on the causes of its occurrence, but, according to scientists, this is a viral disease. It begins with the activation of herpes. But only a specialist can establish a diagnosis of pink lichen. Treatment (ointment in this case is powerless) is to take antihistamines and vitamins "Ascorutin".

The doctor can prescribe such tablets as Claritin, Zirtek, Gismanal, Claridol, Tavegil or any other analogues. As a rule, the disease passes by itself. Someone needs a few weeks for this, and someone is delayed for months. In addition to this treatment, doctors recommend that you temporarily remove clothing from synthetic and woolen materials from your wardrobe. Also, multivitamin complexes and immunostimulants can be prescribed.

It is dangerous to establish this diagnosis yourself, because the external manifestations are very similar to the eruptions that occur with syphilis. Therefore it is important that the spot is inspected by a specialist. He will also recommend taking an analysis for syphilis.


This fungal disease is contagious and is transmitted by the domestic way, both between humans and from animals to humans. It must be treated with antifungal agents. If the disease has just begun, and skin damage is not deep, then you can cope with the disease with the help of local funds. In this case, such an ointment can help with depriving people, like Mikozoral. Well-proven and sulfur-salicylic ointment. Affected foci can also be lubricated with a weak solution of iodine.

But if the disease began to progress and struck deeper layers of the skin, then the treatment should be systemic. In this case, the usual ointment from lichen does not help. The name of antifungal drugs that you can use in your case, it is better to find out from a dermatologist. As a rule, they appoint funds such as Fungoterbin, Lamizil, Atifin, Termikon, Terbizil.

Physiotherapy also gives excellent results. Foci of damage can be irradiated with a UV lamp, do electro- and phonophoresis. They help to speed up the fight with the fungus and eliminate discomfort.

Psoriasis and other non-infectious species

Scaly lichen, as a rule, affects the external sides of the extensor surfaces of the skin. This disease is also known as psoriasis. With this diagnosis, it is important to correctly choose and correctly use ointment from lichen for people. To appoint a doctor can be a tool such as "Tazaroten" or "DITRANOL." Also, a doctor can prescribe antibiotics. In psoriasis, "Clarithromycin" or "Erythromycin" is recommended.

With red flat lishayus no special ointments are not prescribed. It is recommended to use antihistamines, vitamin complexes (special attention is paid to the content of A and C), sedatives, for example, "phenazepam". To calm off unpleasant sensations it is possible with the help of talcum or starch.

Ointment "Clotrimazole"

If the doctor diagnosed you with lichen, the cause of which is fungal disease, then you do not necessarily need to buy expensive drugs. One of the most budgetary options is the Clotrimazole. It must be applied to the affected areas with a thin layer up to 3 times a day.

Assign the ointment "Clotrimazole", as a rule, with the appearance of pityriasis lichen. But to get rid of the disease you need to use the remedy for several weeks. In some cases, treatment may continue for 2 months.

Serno-salicylic ointment

One of the most unpleasant diseases is ringworm. But you can get rid of it with the help of a fairly cheap product known as sulfuric salicylic ointment. The price of 25 g of the drug is about 20 rubles.

Assign it also for psoriasis, scabies, seborrhea. But she also has contraindications. These include the period of breastfeeding, pregnancy, the age of up to 2 years. Also, you can not rule out the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to the drug, if you have never used it before.

This remedy is applied to the affected areas 2 times a day. More frequent use can lead to itching or development of hives. Therefore, it is necessary to follow that according to the instructions a sulfur salicylic ointment is used. The price for this tool is low enough, so many mistakenly believe that it can be used uncontrollably.

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