
"Nude" from lice: reviews. Nyuda lice spray: effectiveness

Is the child scratching his head incessantly? Did you find nits and lice in his hair? In this case, you need to take prompt action! An effective remedy for Nyuda will help to get rid of these parasites. Thanks to such a spray, all lice perish in a matter of minutes. Today we learn how to properly use the drug, what are its contraindications, and what is the cost. And we will find out that users and doctors are thinking about this tool.


Spray "Nyuda" consists of such components:

  • The active substance is dimethicone biphasic (92%).
  • Additional components - medium-chain triglycerides, fragrances, jojoba wax.

Form of issue

Means "Nyuda" is a liquid, placed in vials of dark glass. The volume of the bottle is 50 ml. The bottle is packed in a cardboard box, in which there is still an instruction, a sprayer, as well as a special comb for combing the nits and lice.

Nyuda remedy: instruction

Before applying the spray, it is necessary to screw the nebulizer onto the bottle. When using the drug, always keep the bottle upright.

  • Spray the product on dry, combed hair. If they are thick or long, then it is best to process them in strands.
  • Apply spray to the roots of hair until they are completely moisturized.
  • Using the comb, which is included in the kit, distribute the product along the entire length of the curls and leave for 45 minutes.
  • After the expiration of the prescribed time, you need to carefully comb your hair, while removing the affected nits and lice.
  • The last step is to wash your head with an ordinary shampoo.

Spray "Nyuda" can be used many times. The parasites that are in the person's head do not develop resistance to this agent. Therefore, if necessary, you can safely repeat the procedure.

The amount of money that is spent for 1 time is half the bottle per person. But if the hair is thick and long, you may need the whole bottle.

Important instructions

  1. The tool "Nyuda", the instruction to which is clear and understandable, must be used only externally.
  2. It must be ensured that the spray does not get into the eyes or on the mucous of the sense of smell. Also, always be careful not to allow inhalation of this drug. To protect yourself or the child (depending on who will get rid of lice), before carrying out the manipulation you need to tie your head with a curled kerchief (preferably cotton so that it does not fall off).
  3. If the product accidentally gets into the eyes or into the nose, you should immediately wash the place with warm water.
  4. It is forbidden to carry out the procedure for the elimination of lice and nits from the person's head near the plate or heated objects, for example, a hair dryer, an electric battery, a cigarette. The fact is that the components of Nyuda can ignite, so you need to be careful.


It is prohibited to use this spray in relation to such categories of persons:

  • Children under 3 years.
  • People who are hypersensitive to the drug.
  • Persons who have skin diseases in the anamnesis.
  • Pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers.

Means of Nyuda: price

The cost of the drug may vary depending on the location of the pharmacy (in the central part of the city or in a residential area), from the wrapping up of the institution. So, the spray Nyuda, whose price may seem overpriced, can be purchased for 610-710 rubles. If the hair is short, then one bottle is enough, but when the curls are long and thick, you will most likely have to buy 2 packs at once.

Storage Rules

Keep the spray in a dry place, away from various sources of heat, fire, as well as from medicinal and cosmetic devices. Do not store this product near food.

Optimal storage temperature is not higher than 25 degrees.

Shelf life of the drug is 4 years.

Praiseworthy responses

Spray "Nude" from lice reviews are different, but most users like this tool. So, many parents who tried to get rid of lice and nits from their kids, note that this drug, unlike others, smells rather pleasant (it recalls the fragrance of fragrant geranium). The product is non-toxic, it perfectly affects the parasites that have settled on the head. In addition, that the spray is effective, according to many parents, he also cares for the hair. Namely: after applying the product, the hair becomes obedient, shiny, soft. Also people like the convenient form of release of a preparation: in fact it is enough to spray a spray and to leave it for a while. Also, many parents are grateful to the manufacturer of this remedy for the fact that he took all the points into account and added a comb for combing lice and nits into the kit.

Minus responses

Spray "Nyuda" from lice reviews is not only good, but vice versa. Why did people remain unhappy with this remedy? So, the main negative points that users pay attention to:

  1. Lack of effect. Some people say that the spray "Nyuda" in general did not help to cope with nits and lice. But why then some users claim that the tool is effective, while others deny it? The whole point is that if you correctly apply the drug, then it will act in the right way. And if you apply the tool in the wrong amount, do not use the comb then, do not keep the right time, then the result can be zero. Therefore, before using the Nyuda spray, it is important to thoroughly read the instructions. And if a person does everything right, he will get a 100% result.
  2. A shortage of money is available from Nyud's lice. The drug goes a lot. And this is to some extent true. But if you use the remedy in relation to the child, whose hair is up to the shoulders, or if the boy is short-cropped, then the spray will last for a long time. Girls with long curls will have to be more difficult: on their head of hair can go and the whole bottle.
  3. High price. The price of the drug seems to many to be too high. But good money will always cost a lot of money. There is nowhere to go.

Efficacy of the drug. Opinions of specialists

The drug "Nude" from lice reviews of doctors has a positive. According to experts, this spray is a fairly effective drug that can quickly rid the person's head of lice and nits. But doctors emphasize patients' attention to the fact that it is very important to do other concomitant manipulations that will not allow re-infection of these parasites. So, doctors advise treating all members of the family with this remedy. Also, experts say that it is necessary to wash all things at a temperature of at least 60 degrees, bed linen must be ironed. And if it's winter things that can not be washed, then they need to be carried out on the balcony for airing. About combs and hairpins - so it's generally a separate conversation. All these items must be subject to washing or freezing. After all, if you do not take all of the above measures, then lice and nits will continue to be carried in the heads of the residents of the house. Therefore, doctors note that it is not necessary to blame the Nyud spray for futility, it does its job. But parents do not always cope with their duties. Therefore, first of all you need to analyze your mistakes, correct them and draw correct conclusions.

Now you know a lot of interesting and exhaustive information about the drug "Nuda from lice": reviews about it, rules of use, composition, price, contraindications. Realized that this tool really brings an effect, it is effective. And those people who are skeptical about him, just use it wrongly or do not take all necessary measures to make lice and nits no longer appear on the heads of household members.

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