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Mushroom sites in the Gatchina district of the Leningrad Region. Where to collect mushrooms in the Leningrad Region?

Millions of Russians prefer active rest - "quiet hunt". And if supporters of this type of entertainment live in the Leningrad region, their skills will grow. After all, the land of this region is rich in mushroom places.

Mushroom paradise

The Leningrad Region is located in the northwestern European part of Russia. In terms of area it occupies the 39th place among other regions of the Russian Federation. Its dimensions are 500 by 320 km. There is a mild winter and a mild, cool summer. During the year 600-700 mm of precipitation falls, with the greatest number observed in summer and autumn. Given the favorable weather conditions, there are no issues to collect mushrooms in the Leningrad region. They are everywhere!

A significant part of these places is occupied by the taiga. There are also mixed forests. In general, forests account for more than 55% of the surface area. It was lucky to settle in the taiga zone and the Gatchina district. All the benefits contribute to the growth of mushrooms, which so pleases both the residents of the city and the guests.

In general, the region is rich in all kinds of edible mushrooms. Peak picking - from August to October.

The trumps of the Gatchina district

Every year since the beginning of the season, a lot of people visit mushroom places in the Gatchina district. Often their success can be read in social networks. "Hunters" spread photos and share the secrets of successful "fishing". From such reports, you can learn more about the current situation, not only in the open spaces of the forest, but also in the mushroom market.

The advantage of this edge over others is that, after being in good glades, you can replenish the supply of vitamin "bombs" for a whole year in a few hours. Another big plus of the district - it borders on St. Petersburg.

On its territory dry coniferous forests grow and mixed - with bog soil. The earths are full of various edible mushrooms. Of course, the season will be rich or poor - depends on the favors of the weather, but usually the mushroom seats of the Gatchina district always pleasantly surprise the visitors.

It's easy to get to the woods. High-quality highways are laid and the intercity transport junction is developed. There is a railroad along which electric trains run.

Elegant brown pads

The podberezovik - mushroom is very interesting. It belongs to the family of "black" mushrooms and not so often grows under the birches. Young grandmother (grandmother - the second name of the fungus) is similar to a fungus. The difference between their legs. In the poderezozikovka it is longer and with scales. When drying the mushroom turns black.

These mushrooms love swampy, wet lands. Therefore, before you go with the baskets in the woods for the grandmothers, look, where are the lowlands. Mushroom places in the Gatchina district will be able to tell and local, who perfectly know these expanses.

The grandmothers mature for 6 days, then they age and become unfit for consumption. Appear in early summer and grow until the fall. They need to be found not at the birch, but a few meters from the trunk, where the young roots.

The Elite Podisynovik

By taste, this fungus is equated to white. In Russia it will sprout in June-July and until October. Experts emphasize that these mushrooms in the Gatchina district appear in large numbers in early September. Their color is red-brown. They often sprout in aspen forests, but they also occur under coniferous trees. In the pine forests, the mushroom cap will be red, in the mixed - brown.

Podisinovik grows in a family, he rarely meets in nature alone. Therefore, after seeing one hat, look around, maybe next to his relatives. Also, skillful seekers say that the real boom of these fungi occurs once in five years. That is, if last season you designated mushroom sites in the Gatchina district, then you should not wait for the same harvest next year. Although often they are followed by the villages Druzhnaya Gorka and Vyritsa. There, every year, forests abound in such a crop.

King of Mushrooms

The largest trophy for each visitor to the forest is the white fungus. It is also known among the people as a boletus, a whitewash, a cowshed, and a bear-cub. The popularity of the mushroom is explained by its unique taste and attractive appearance. His brown hat and a wide leg are hard to confuse with something else.

It grows in mixed, pine and fur-tree groves. The mushroom places of the Leningrad Region are full of mushrooms. The largest number of them - in the last days of August. Although you can open the hunting season for them from the beginning of June to the end of October. Collecting mushrooms is easy after rainy days. It is better to go white after a few days after prolonged downpours. Then you will be waiting in the forest for large and beautiful mushrooms.

They grow in warm, humid places for several pieces at once. If the summer is cool, look for mushrooms in glades, sun-drenched. Look around the clearing, where they found a white, because there may be a dozen of the same handsome. In the mixed groves the king of the forest hides under the fallen leaves. Mushroom places will be in the forests, where oaks, hornbeam and birch grow. Most often, the boletus grows in the fly agaric, grass-white and anthills. These "stop signs" suggest: near the boarocks.

Universal tips to mushroom pickers

For thousands of years people have enjoyed this delicious and nutritious product. And the masters of mushroom hunting brought out a special science on how to collect forest gifts correctly. So, one of the rules: they need to be put down with the hats. Those mushrooms, whose legs are long and fragile, are laid sideways.

Mushroom in an excessively humid season, look for in the sunny valleys and hills. When the summer is dry - the mushrooms hide in the depths, under the branches.

Collect them before sunrise. There are two reasons for this. The first is less than competitors, hence - there is more choice. The second - with gray light it is easier to notice the caps. The slanting rays of the luminary blind the eyes.

The mushroom should be cut as close as possible to the ground - so the leg will not rot and will not damage the common system. "Little ones" should be left. In a few days they will grow up, and if not to you, then the other person will bring joy.

Fans of "quiet hunting" will definitely like the local mushroom places - Gatchina can deservedly be proud of them.

Rich Leningrad region

There is much harvest in the forests of Sosnovo. The name is symbolic. Indeed, the territory of the settlement is green from the forests. Even in the copses under your feet you are waiting for mushrooms. The land under the trees is dry. Pine and Christmas trees predominate, but there are also mixed groves. Foresters and residents of the village celebrate a high harvest of chanterelles, russules, podberezovikov and white mushrooms.

Mushroom places in the Leningrad Region have been replenished in the Priozersky district. This territory is rich not only with all kinds of mushrooms, but with a variety of berries.

The nearest to St. Petersburg forest - in the village Novoe Devyatkino Vsevolozhsky district. Moisture promotes the growth of fungi. Fill basket to the top quickly you can in September. But this place is already loved by thousands of mushroom pickers, therefore, in order not to return home without prey, you need to get up very early. Now the land is actively built up, so if you have not visited the forests of the Vsevolozhsk district, hurry.

Mushroom places in the Leningrad Region are simply buried in chanterelles, boletuses, honey-mushrooms, russula, which are waiting for your basket.

Dangers of the forest

Entering the forest, you should not forget about the danger that can trap you. First of all, you need to charge the battery of the phone and take with you a first aid kit with the first one you need. In your pocket, the compass is not superfluous. It is worth taking and remedy for mosquitoes. Walk with a stick in your hands. Check with her help thick bushes, there may be hiding snakes.

If the forest is not familiar, do not go far from your friend, so as not to get lost. Be in high shoes made of dense material. Clothing should fit snugly over the entire length. This will save you from ticks.

Mushroom sites in the Gatchina district sometimes have many snakes. But remember, the poisonous do not attack first. Newspaper headlines also frighten mushroom pickers with bears. But such a meeting is a rarity. If you still meet a dangerous beast, be calm - any wild animal is afraid of you just like you do it. In order not to unsettle the beast, just do not move. No less important is the time of year. In late summer or early autumn, bears have already restored the fatty layer, which they need for hibernation. Therefore, they will not attack first.

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