

Monarda is a flower named after the Spanish doctor and botanist Nicholas Monardes, who described the properties and characteristics of many useful plants growing in America, which became popular.

Bergamot, American melissa, lemon mint - these popular names are often called the ordinary monarch. Ancient Indians red flowers of a wild double monarch were used for brewing tea that tasted like a similar drink made from mint. This tea helped with gastric pain, and also was an antipyretic.

Monarda has about twelve species, which are chosen mostly in North America. It should be noted that one of the most popular species of this flower is the lemon monarch and the monad hybrid.

Being an annual and perennial root plant, it has a straight branchy stem, which does not exceed a height of one hundred and fifty centimeters, the leaves are simple toothed, oblong-lanceolate. The flowers of the monarch are distinguished by a two-hood that is collected in a thick racemose or capitate form of the inflorescence, as well as its small size and fragrant smell of white, red, purple, yellowish or mottled flowers. Inflorescences are often located one above the other on the stem, and in diameter reach a size of six to seven centimeters. The monarch's virtue is its nut fruit, and the stem and inflorescence of plants have such a wide bouquet of flavors that any flower can envy it. The most popular fragrances are mint and lemon.

The lemon monad is a decorative flower that reaches a height of up to ninety centimeters and has a spicy taste, the leaves are endowed with a chicly expressed lemon scent. Inflorescences are represented by five, seven whorls, which have small purple flowers. The flowering of the lemon monad falls for the period July-August. Being an unpretentious plant, it still needs fertile soil. The monarch is suitable for sunny terrain, but it can also grow in places with a small shadow.

The optimal time to start sowing the monarch is April. Six or ten days later, a small monarch will be born from the earth. The flower in the open ground should be planted in May. It should be noted that it is necessary to strictly observe the distance between plants, it should be between thirty and thirty-five centimeters.

The hybrid monad combines two varieties - the monarch and the monarch tubular. This hybrid monarchs are many years old, has a height of no more than one meter, pure red flowers of small size, and otherwise it is the same, quite ordinary monarch.

The flower should be provided with a specially prepared autumn place. For this, the soil needs to be digested by removing the weeds and fertilizing, adding two to three kilograms of manure per square meter of soil, it is also necessary to make peat or compost (in small amounts), superphosphate - about fifty grams, and potassium salt - about thirty grams. If you are the owner of a site with acidic soil, you need to make liming, for which you need to add forty grams of lime mortar per square meter of soil.

With the advent of spring, it is necessary to add a nitrogen fertilizer in the amount of twenty to thirty grams per meter to the soil. If the weather is dry, the monastery needs abundant watering, otherwise the occurrence of powdery mildew is inevitable. Dry, hot summer soil requires mulching, for which peat or humus is used.

With such care, you will grow a beautiful monarch, whose flower is used and by many culinary specialists as a spicy additive to dishes.

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