
Medical Ethics in Feldsher Practice

Our article will be devoted to the medical ethics of paramedics. It will indicate what is medical ethics and deontology.

To begin with it is necessary to establish the definition of deontology. As a rule, this is a set of rules and criteria for the behavior of a medical worker (paramedic) during working hours in the circle of victims and those present during the initial examination. It is worth noting that such a set of rules applies to all medicine in general and includes individual units for each class of doctors.

Medical ethics put forward special requirements for ambulance staff. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that proper conduct is of great importance not only for the victim, but also for his relatives. According to the code, the ambulance must have the following qualities:

  • Strong physical and mental health;
  • Increased level of endurance;
  • equilibrium;
  • Sharpened professional observation;
  • Optimism (within reason);
  • High level of preparation;
  • The ability to restrain oneself and stay calm;
  • Readiness to make decisions regardless of time and circumstances;
  • Sociability;
  • Ability to empathize and support the patient.

As a rule, the above qualities are only part of the system, which is called "medical ethics". On the shoulders of the workers in the sphere under consideration is a very complex and responsible work, but this does not save them from the obligation to adhere to the rules described by such a notion as deontological ethics. And this means that despite the friendly atmosphere in the team, strict hierarchy and ranking should be present and maintained. And this means that the instructions of the senior brigade must be fulfilled unconditionally and immediately. A similar situation should persist even in extreme conditions. It also means that if the wrong order is executed, all responsibility falls on the head of the group. This is how the responsibility of medical workers is distributed .

Arrival of the ambulance group is always expected with impatience. And, as a rule, every minute of ignorance and anticipation leads to an increase in moral tension in a group of people. A similar reaction is observed both in the patient and in his accompanying (relatives, relatives, friends or family). Therefore, the way a health worker will show his preparedness and awareness will influence the condition of patients.

Important is the fact that at the moment of arrival the paramedic must have a fundamentally well-groomed appearance, behave confidently and purposefully, do not create fuss and confusion, give only specific orders. By this behavior the doctor should inspire confidence and hope. It is worth noting that in such situations, according to the statute, the entire group of people present at the time of the arrival of doctors is enrolled in the rank of patients. Medical ethics unequivocally determine the fact that assistance should be provided to all. As a rule, people experiencing severe malaise for unknown reasons, have a strong fear of death, so the doctor should not only provide medical assistance on site, but also psychological.

The most difficult case in the medical practice of an ambulance is to travel directly to the scene. In such situations, the regulation prescribes the following actions:

  • Avoid fuss, jolting, nervousness.
  • To provide the maximum available free space.
  • Do not argue with "advisors" and "critics".
  • The type of blood causes inadequate behavior - you need to stop hysteria.

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