
Logopedic gymnastics for development of speech of the child

Inattentive babbling baby is not surprised - sometimes it's even touching. But here "feces of fiction" at an older age cause already bewilderment. And an adult with speech problems is a sad sight. Here you immediately begin to understand that the speech therapist is a very necessary and demanded profession.

With the total scale of speech problems, the "self-speech therapist" situation is not uncommon. For parents of young children, it is especially important to learn the skills of correcting the speech of your baby. After all, not all and not always have the opportunity to seek the help of a specialist. The main help and tool will be speech therapy for the development of the child's speech. Now we will explain what it is.

We play not just so, but with meaning

Logopedic gymnastics for development of speech of the child of 2-3 years is impossible without interest of the "client". This task is not easy, because the kid is difficult to concentrate, and it is unclear what all these tongue twisters or movements. Therefore, an adult needs to show ingenuity and do so that the kid does not even guess that he has to do a serious job.

If you manage to conduct classes unnoticed, playing, everything will do without whims and hysterics. The material will be learned unobtrusively and quite qualitatively. If the baby categorically refuses to do the exercises, you should not insist, otherwise you will completely stop the hunt, and it will be even harder to return to useful work.

Logopedic gymnastics is not at all a tedious duty. Seances of it can and should be spontaneous, cheerful. It's good when the children rejoice and laugh at them a lot. Positive emotions automatically improve the assimilation of the material and stimulate the child to return to such interesting poems and tongue twisters.

If something does not come out, do not rush to grieve or, God forbid, scold your baby. It is better to be interested, why this tongue does not obey, how can we fix it? Give up the role of a serious teacher and try to communicate with the kid on an equal footing.

Tips for moms and dads

Let parents not be afraid of the need for classes with their own child. Logopedic gymnastics for children - sounds very serious, but in fact there is nothing wrong with that. Classical methods here are reduced to finger exercises that improve the motor skills of fingers and hands, articulatory gymnastics (that is, exercises for the lips and tongue), development of hearing by poetic repetitions (logorithmics) and memorization of special stitches-tongue twisters, improving speech and replenishing vocabulary. In addition, the benefit will bring respiratory gymnastics (speech therapy) and special massage.

For those who are set up to deal with their son or daughter on their own, we will give a few basic recommendations.

You have to start from just two minutes. Then, during a number of months, the duration of sessions increases to 20 minutes. If you are able to interest the child with developing exercises, you will never have to force him and force him. Remember that no one skill is formed overnight. Success - in frequent and short-term repetitions. This form of training is easier to sustain as a kid, so do you. Any failure translate into a joke, and for success do not forget to praise. How interesting the logopedic gymnastics can be for the development of the child's speech, the photos given in the article illustrate quite reliably.

Games with fingers

Logopedic gymnastics necessarily includes such here are games-exercises. They are an excellent means for the development of so-called shallow motor skills, leading to an improvement in the quality of speech, stimulating attention and good reaction. Thanks to them, coordination of movements, spatial memory improves and the accuracy of expressions increases. How can I play:

1. The palms represent a flower. Fingers (half-bent) are joined in the form of a bud. At the command "the sun rises" the handles stretch upwards, like a flower.

2. The bud is flowing. Hands are getting divorced.

3. Sunset sun. Ladoshki should be lowered.

4. The flower goes to bed. Fingers rejoin the bud.

Another finger game is called "Thunderstorm". Its meaning - to learn to coordinate the text and the movements of hands with different rhythms of sound. The adult reads the conditions, the task of the children is to perform the appropriate movements: drop drops (a light tap on the table top alternately with each of the index fingers), the rain (a soft tapping with four fingers on both hands) went down, the rain was poured as from a bucket (the same as possible Louder), the hail goes (knocks hard to hit), the thunder rumbles (the children drum on the table with their fists), the lightning flashed (the picture in the air should be represented by an index finger with simultaneous pronouncing the sound "sh-sh-sh"), everyone ran home (clapping Clapping hands and hiding behind his back), in the morning the sun rose (with two hands describe a large circle).

Logopedic articulatory gymnastics

The main of the organs of speech is, of course, language. Its flexibility and mobility require compulsory training, otherwise it will not be able to serve its purpose qualitatively. Good sound quality is one of the most important properties of normally developed speech, therefore both the tongue and the lips must be strong and flexible enough.

The goals of articulatory gymnastics - the development of the tongue and lips - are achieved by training certain muscles. Do exercises should be in front of the mirror. Looking at him, the kid visually sees the work of his own lips and tongue. To automatism, only constant repetition will lead to fulfillment. Careful monitoring of what the lips and tongue do is very important for the child.

As a result of articulatory gymnastics, the pronunciation of necessary sounds and words should improve.

What to do exactly?

Here is an exemplary list, comprising exercises logopedic gymnastics for the organs of speech:

1. Offer the child to shake his own tongue on the swing. Upon command, the toddler opens his mouth wide, smiles, pushes his tongue out of his mouth, alternately touches their upper teeth, the palate and lower teeth.

2. Clean the teeth. Smiling at his reflection in the mirror, the child holds the tongue on the inside of the upper and lower row of teeth, simulating their cleaning, then "rinses" the mouth. The movement is worth repeating about 10 times, the adult at this time can accompany the actions with suitable for the meaning of childish rhymes or tongue twisters.

3. By tongue twisters or poems about delicious treats (for example, pancakes with jam), recited by an adult, the baby smiles, opens his mouth and in circular motions the tongue lick the upper, after which the lower lip - supposedly removes the remnants of jam.

Developing the hearing

Phonemic (verbal) hearing is the ability to correctly recognize sounds. How to develop hearing? Hiding behind the screen, try to knock alternately with objects of metal, glass or wood. The child must guess what exactly you are knocking - a glass, a wooden or metal spoon, etc.

Try to simulate the sounds that birds or animals publish, or find the appropriate audio recordings. Let the kid guess who exactly from the little animals "welcomes".

Try this exercise: the kid closes his eyes (even more interesting if you use a real bandage), and you move with a small bell to different corners of the room. The task of the child - not looking to guess by the sound exactly where you are.

Another option - the growling of the motor. Children should determine whether a motorcycle is a tractor or a car. You can play the game "Traffic lights", for this you should prepare an audio record in advance with the noises typical for a lively traffic. Hearing the whistles of various modes of transport, the noise of the crowd, etc., the child calls what is happening on the street. This contributes to the development of his auditory attention.

Logopedic gymnastics for development of speech of the child: we imitate everything that we hear

Onomatopoeia is reduced to the repetition of a different vowel for the adult. For example, as a person sighs "Oh-oh-ooh!", As the donkey "Eee-and-and!" Screams, as the buzzer of the steamer "Hoo-oo!" Sounds. After the vowels we go to the consonants - the forest is noisy "Sh-sh-sh", the mosquito sings "Z-z-z", the hedgehog snorts "F-f-f." In addition, let the baby sound "voices" of everyday objects - water drips "cap-drip", the clock goes "tick-to-tak", the hammer clings nails "tuk-tuk."

Imitate the voices of birds and animals can be using toy figures or pictures with images of forest dwellers (both adults and young). Ask the baby to show how loudly the mother frog croaks, and how quietly - a small frog. Open to him an illustration to the fairy tale "Three Bears", and let him list how the daddy-bear growls, mother-bear, how the little bear-bear squeals.

Logorhythmics include exercises for repetition of actions and rhymes for the tutor to a musical accompaniment. You can, for example, play a walk, imitating movements. We walk in place, raise our legs and knees high, swing our hands, "fall into the hole" (sit on the floor) and so on.

About poems and tongue twisters

The tongue twisters are a very effective type of exercise. Choose them should be to such letters and sounds, in the pronunciation of which the baby has the most serious gaps. Benefits from them are many - it is in improving diction, and in the development of speech hearing, and in expanding vocabulary. In addition, short funny rhymed lines to the child to say interesting and fun.

Logopedic gymnastics is continued in verse, the task of which is to increase the amount of understood and spoken. Active vocabulary, as you know, is what a child says, passive - something that understands. The second is always an order of magnitude larger. For general development and the transition from passive to active vocabulary, one should communicate a lot with the baby in any circumstances - on a walk, on the way to a kindergarten, at a table, etc.

If you do not be lazy and use the slightest opportunity for such communication, creatively weaving into everyday life of tongue twisters, games for hands and fingers, exercises for articulation, the result will be required.

To the home speech therapist on a note

On the purity of pronunciation, it's not worth it to get hung up at all. Minor speech defects tend to pass by themselves with time. Sometimes they are associated with anatomical features of the device of the larynx, nasopharynx and tongue, and logopedic gymnastics does not always help. With the growth of the child, most of these problems are eliminated automatically.

You should not start studying with a child, if you are not in the spirit and unable to provide a light fun atmosphere for the game, it's better to postpone it until more successful times. Always believe in your baby and show how happy you are with the slightest success. In addition to the immediate speech therapy effect, such exercises are able to bring you and your baby closer together and present many interesting moments.

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