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Life after death ... Stories surviving a clinical death

On a planet such person who can calmly concern to death was not born. Such thoughts in the greater half of humanity cause fear. What is the reason for fear? Disease, poverty, stress, difficulties do not frighten us, but why does death make us afraid, and the human stories of survivors of clinical death lead to trembling? Maybe the reason is that even about a serious illness there are a couple of lines, but about life in the afterlife at all do not know whom to ask.

The past education proves once again: in fact practically all the inhabitants of the planet are sure that there is no life after death. There will be no more dawns, no sunsets, and also meetings with loved ones and warm embraces. All important feelings will disappear: hearing, sight, touch, smell, etc. What happens after death and whether the stories of people who survived a clinical death are true, this article will help to understand.

What our body consists of

Everyone has a physical body and a disembodied soul. Scientists and esotericists have discovered such a factor that a person has several bodies. In addition to physical, there are subtle bodies, which, in turn, are divided into:

  • The ether.
  • Astral.
  • Mental.

Any of these bodies has an energy field, which when combined with thin bodies form an aura or, as it is also called, a biofield. As for the physical body, it can be touched and seen. This body is our main, which is given to us at birth for a certain time period.

The etheric, astral and mental body

The so-called double of the physical body has no color (invisible) and is called etheric. It exactly repeats the entire shape of the main body, besides it has the same energy field. After the death of a person, the etheric body is finally destroyed after 3 days. For this reason, the funeral process does not begin before 3 days after the death of the body.

"The body of emotions," it is astral. The experience and emotional state of a person can change personal radiation. During sleep, the astral body is able to detach, that's why when we wake up, we can remember a dream, which is only a journey of the soul at a time when the physical body rests in a bed.

The mental body is responsible for thoughts. Abstract thinking and contact with the cosmos distinguishes this body. The soul leaves the main body and separates at the time of death, swiftly heading for the higher world.

Return from that world

Almost every story of people who survived a clinical death is shocked.

Someone believes in such a success, while others are skeptical in principle toward such a kind of death. And yet, what can happen in 5 minutes at the time of rescuing a person's life by reanimators? Is it really that after life there exists a world beyond the grave, or is it just a fantasy of the brain?

In the 70s of the last century, scientists carefully began to investigate this factor, on the basis of which the book "Life After Life" by Raymond Moody was published. This is an American psychologist who has made many discoveries over the decades. The psychologist believed that for the sensation of out-of-body being, such stages as:

  • Disabling the physiological processes of the body (established the fact that the dying hears the words of a doctor who states death).
  • Unpleasant noisy sounds with an increase.
  • The dying man leaves the body and moves with incredible speed along a long tunnel, where in the end the light is visible.
  • The whole of his life flies before him.
  • There is a meeting with relatives and friends who have already left the living world.

The stories of people who have survived a clinical death, notice an unusual split consciousness: it seems like you understand everything and realize what is happening around during the "death", but for some reason it does not work with living people who are nearby. Amazing is also the fact that even a blind person from birth sees a bright light in a deadly state.

Our brain remembers everything

Our brain remembers the entire process at the moment when clinical death occurs. People's stories and researches of scientists found explanations for unusual visions.

Fantastic explanation

Payell Watson is a psychologist who believes that in the last moments of his life the dying person sees his birth. Acquaintance with death, as Watson said, begins with a terrible path that must be overcome by everyone. This is a generic path of 10 cm.

"It is not in our power to know exactly what is happening in the creation of the baby at the moment of birth, but perhaps these sensations are all the same with different phases of dying. After all, it may be that the death pictures that pop up before the dying person are just the experiences in the process of birth, "says psychologist Pajell Watson.

Utilitarian explanation

Nikolay Gubin, resuscitation doctor from Russia, is of the opinion that the appearance of the tunnel is a toxic psychosis.

This is a dream that looks like a hallucination (for example, when a person sees himself from the outside). In the process of dying, the visual proportions of the large hemisphere have already undergone oxygen starvation. Vision quickly narrows, leaving a thin band that provides a central vision.

For what reason does my whole life sweep before my eyes when a clinical death occurs? The stories of the survivors can not give a clear answer, but here Gubin has his own version of the interpretation. The stage of dying begins with new parts of the brain, and ends with the old ones. Restoration of important brain functions occurs on the contrary: the old areas come to life first, and then new ones. That is why in the memories of people who returned from the afterlife, reflected more captured fragments.

The Mystery of the Dark and Bright World

"There is a different world!" The medical experts say stunned. Revelations of people who survived a clinical death, even have a detailed coincidence.

Priests and doctors who had the opportunity to communicate with patients who returned from another world, recorded the fact that all these people have a common property of souls. Upon coming from heaven, some returned more enlightened and calm, while others, after returning from hell, for a long time could not rest from the nightmare seen. After listening to the stories of those who survived a clinical death, we can conclude that paradise is at the top, hell is below. This is exactly what the Bible says about the afterlife. Patients describe their feelings this way: they went down - met hell, and soared up - fell into paradise.

Word of mouth

Many people could survive and understand what the clinical death consists of. The stories of the survivors belong to the inhabitants of the whole planet. For example, Thomas Welch was able to survive after the disaster at the sawmill. Subsequently, he told me that on the shore of the burning abyss he could see some people who had died earlier. He began to regret that he had so little to worry about salvation. Knowing in advance all the horrors of hell, he would have lived differently. At that moment the man saw a man walking in the distance. The unfamiliar look was bright and bright, radiated kindness and mighty power. Welchu became clear: this is the Lord. Only in his power is the salvation of people, only he can take the doomed soul to his torment. Suddenly he turned and looked at our hero. It was enough for Thomas to find himself again in the body and his mind revived.

When the heart stops

In April 1933, pastor Kenneth Hagin of Texas absorbed a clinical death. The stories of survivors of the clinical death are very similar, it is for this reason that scientists and physicians consider this to be real events. Hagin's heart stopped. He said that when the soul left the body and reached the abyss, he felt the presence of the spirit that was leading him somewhere. Suddenly, a powerful voice sounded in the darkness. To understand what was said, the man could not, but it was the voice of God, in the latter he was sure. At that moment the spirit released the pastor, and a strong whirlwind began to lift him upward. The light slowly began to appear, and Kenneth Hagin was in his room, jumping into the body as usual climb into the trousers.

In Heaven

Paradise is described as the opposite of hell. The stories of those who survived a clinical death are never ignored.

One of the scientists at the age of 5 fell into a pool full of water. They found the child in a lifeless state. Parents took the baby to the hospital, but the doctor had to say that the boy would not open his eyes anymore. But the bigger surprise was that the child woke up and came to life.

The scientist said that when he was in the water, he felt the flight along a long tunnel, at the end of which there was light. This radiance was incredibly bright. There on the throne was the Lord, and below there were people (maybe they were angels). Closer to the Lord God, the boy heard that time had not yet come. The child wanted to stay there for a moment, but somehow he found himself in his body in an incomprehensible way.

About the Light

The six-year-old Light of Molotkov also saw the other side of life. After the doctors took her out of a coma, a request was made, consisting in a pencil and paper. Svetlana painted everything she could see at the time of the soul's transfer. The girl was in a coma for 3 days. Doctors fought for her life, but the brain did not give signs of life. Her mother could not look at the lifeless and immobile body of her child. At the end of the third day, the girl tried to grab hold of something, her fists clenched tight. Mother felt that her girlfriend, finally clinging to the hair of life. Having recovered a little, Sveta asked the doctors to bring her paper with a pencil in order to draw everything that she could see in another world ...

Soldier's story

One military doctor treated the patient for fever in various ways. The soldier was unconscious for some time, and after awakening, he notified his doctor that he had seen a very bright glow. At some point, it seemed to him that he was in the "Kingdom of the Blessed." The military man remembered the sensations and noted that this was the best moment of his life.

Thanks to medicine, which is keeping pace with all technologies, it became possible to survive, despite such circumstances as clinical death. Stories of eyewitnesses about life after death, some scare, and others are interested.

Private American George Ritchie in the 43rd year of the last century was recognized as dead. The doctor, who was on duty that day, the hospital officer, established the death, which occurred because of bilateral pneumonia. The soldier was already prepared to be sent to the morgue. But suddenly the military officer told the doctor how he saw the movement of the dead man. Then the doctor looked again at Ritchie, but could not confirm the order of the orderly. In response, he rested and insisted on his own.

The doctor realized that it was useless to argue and decided to inject adrenaline directly into the heart. Unexpectedly for all, the corpse began to show signs of life, then doubts evaporated. It became clear that he would survive.

The story of a soldier who survived a clinical death flew all over the world. Private Ritchie not only could deceive the very death, but also became a doctor, telling colleagues about his unforgettable journey.

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