Spiritual developmentMetaphysics

Etheric body

Everyone knows about what the human body is like, but not everyone knows that apart from the visible (main) body, there are several more. They are invisible to the majority, and only a few can clearly discern them.

There are seven in all: keter, celestial, intuitive, karmic, mental, astral and etheric. Each of them is vulnerable in its own way and can have so-called holes, comparable to wounds on the physical body.

Especially sensitive and vulnerable is the human etheric body (energy). Its contours clearly repeat the slightest bends of the silhouette. The invisibility of this body is explained by its composition. Etheric matter envelops the physical body. This shell has a certain thickness (about five centimeters) and weight (about seven grams). American scientists have established this experimentally, fixing the mass of the dying person and the body weight of the same person immediately after his death. Weight decreased by five grams (on average).

There is an assumption that entities that we call "house" or "ghosts" are just such an etheric body. Whether they are a reflection of a closed world for us or are the fruits of an exuberant fantasy, it's as if nobody is taking it. However, some of the learned men still agree that such a matter really exists and is able to live separately without being connected with the physical body.

In principle, anyone can see the etheric body. To do this, you just need to concentrate and look closely at your fingers. A barely noticeable bluish haze around them is your own etheric body.

The color scale of the etheric body directly depends on the characteristics of the person and can vary from gray to soft blue. A strong man, athletically folded, will prevail in the color gray, but in people vulnerable and sensitive - blue.

Those few people who can see the aura are able to determine from it the state of both the general health of a person and an individual organ (approximately, as on an x-ray). Energy attacks lead to distortions of the energy field, which affects health. Psychics claim that they are able to sense and correct these distortions (if necessary) by running their hands along the body. Following the recovery of the energy shell, the physical organ is healed. In response, skeptics smile and call them charlatans. We will not argue with either one or the other.

After death, all these subtle bodies leave the physical body. There is an opinion that the ether also dies with the physical body, but this happens only after 9 days. That's why we sometimes hear stories about what someone saw at night at the grave of the "ghost." In fact, it is nothing but ethereal bodies.

Some people have learned to separate the etheric and physical bodies while remaining conscious and retaining the ability to remember both sensations and events (etheric projection). In the book "The Phantom of the Living," written by G.Durville and well known in narrow circles, experiments are described in detail, aimed at getting out of the physical theater. The etheric bodies performed various actions (agreed earlier), and the bodies of the physical meanwhile remained absolutely immobile, and for the time of detachment from them the etheric body completely lost sensitivity (including pain).

The energy of the human body has been of interest to humanity since time immemorial. But we probably will not be able to fully open this secret veil.

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