Spiritual developmentChristianity

Ksenia St. Petersburg's prayers for marriage, work, welfare, conception

Agree, all of us put a little hope on the Lord, especially when things are giving way. Only here is how to talk with him, what to ask - we do not know, we are lost. But everything has long been thought out and even described. Take, for example, the prayers of Xenia of Petersburg. This good saint taught ordinary people sincerity and hope. Let's take a closer look at this issue. Perhaps you will understand that the prayers of Xenia of Petersburg find a lively response in the soul. So, get your own "tool" for solving difficult problems.

Who is Xenia Petersburg?

Only very desperate people are looking for support in the void. Others want to understand who they are addressing. This is quite normal from the point of view of psychology. You do not go for advice in the fog. Always looking for a respected person. The same happens with the brain, when the person desires to find support from the saint. Reading the prayers of Xenia of Petersburg is much more pleasant and easier, if her image is created in her thoughts. By the way, a little is known about the saint. She lived, as you know, in St. Petersburg. Was married and very happy. Only her betrothed perished. This woman could not bear. She gave up her possessions, put on her husband's uniform and began to wander among the people. She was recognized as a holy fool. At first, they even scoffed at him. Only then did they notice that Xenia's gift was extraordinary. What he says will surely come true. But not everyone was lucky to get her advice. And to whom she was affectionate, that happiness was found. Even after the death of the holy fool, the people began to say that the prayers of Xenia of Petersburg are an unprecedented aid in misfortunes. And so it was. At whose grief, he went to his grave with his requests. If the kindness of a saint was seen in his soul, it was necessarily blessed.

About what to ask Xenia Petersburg

People often get lost in very simple questions. The entrance to the temple of the soul, where the conversation with the Lord is conducted, seems to them difficult, almost impossible. They got used to obey the artificially created rules, they can not look inside without the "instruction". It seems to them that the prayer of Saint Xenia of Petersburg must be made up of special magic words. How else? Will it help? That is why it was customary to study the biographies of the saints. To understand that addressing any of them is a conversation with the Lord. And there is only one rule: sincerity, multiplied by boundless trust. From the soul words must go, from the heart itself. Then the prayer of Xenia of Petersburg will be heard, as the clergymen say. In another way does not work. Though literally learn all the prayers. If you do not put your soul into it, you'll find yourself empty. And the themes with which the saint is addressed are all around us. Whoever hurts, as they say, the one who asks. There is no such pain, from which Xenia Petersburg will turn away.

For lonely sufferers

There is a problem with some people. They can not find a pair. All the wrong partners come across. Such is the prayer of Xenia of Petersburg about marriage. First let's talk about the ideology of treatment, and then the text will be cited. After all, it is very important to tune in correctly, and not just mumbling words. By the way, many are wondering whether it is necessary to go to the temple or you can pray at home? And in your heart do not want an answer to search? The Lord dwells not only in the church. He's in the shower. And it is recommended to go to the temple, so that people do not get distracted by the fuss, they could feel the sanctity of what is going to be done. A lonely person can pray where he feels his connection with the Lord. It is through her that the prayer of Xenia of Petersburg about marriage will lead to the right path. The one by which the narrowed man wanders and also grieves. Imagine this situation. Two complete aspirations for happiness man can not meet in any way. And from this children are not born, their souls are longing. And the relatives of these two unfortunates are also experiencing. Everyone will be unwell until they unite. About this moment and pray to the saint. You ask him from the Lord.

Prayer for Marriage

O all-blessed holy Xenia! You lived under the shelter of the Most High. Humbly tolerated thirst and cold, hunger and persecution, strengthened by the Mother of God. You received the gift of clairvoyance from the Lord and carried his heavy cross not murmuring. We glorify you! We stand at the face of your saint, feeling your invisible presence, blessed by our Lord. We ask you to heed our petitions. Bring them to the light throne of our Lord the Most Merciful. Ask the salvation of the souls of those who turn to you, protect them from the evil of the devil! Merciful, all-blessed Xenia! Ask the Lord blessings for the wedding and a kind of conception. Let him meet us with a suitor. Let him forgive sinners his goodness. Ask for us the endowment with family love and well-being, Xenia is all-blessed! Amen!

If trouble in the service

There are other texts with which it is recommended to address the saint. For example, the prayer of Xenia of Petersburg about work. It is read not only by those who had to endure bad times at their service. Why wait for the irreparable? This prayer must be remembered by everyone for whom work is important. Start any business with her. And some people have to light up the work day in general. You will see how the situation around will change. Enemies will turn into friends, obstacles will dissolve without a trace. Only it is necessary to take into account that you refer your words to the holy fool (during life). And this, if someone does not know, a person for whom the material does not represent any value. It is said that when Xenia was handing out her property, she was asked about what she would eat. The holy fool pointed at the birds and said: "The Lord sends them and will not leave me." Given this, it is worthwhile to understand that the prayer of Xenia of Petersburg about work is not a request for income or project implementation. Rather, it can be called a desire for blessing on God's creative use of these abilities. That is, the cornerstone should be to benefit society, not enrichment, especially not the punishment of abusers.

Prayer for work

O holy mother Xenia! You are before the Lord our intercessor and prayer-book! We ask humbly before your bright face. Pray for us from the Lord forgiveness for our sins known and accidental. That He might enlighten our mind and purify the conscience of unclean thoughts and filth, of arrogance and audacity. To work our profit brought, blessed by His hand of heaven. You, Xenia, are all-blessed, our intercessor and hope. With thee we glorify the Lord together! Amen!

The prayer of Xenia of Petersburg about conception

This is a very delicate question. It is said that not a single woman during her life Xenia did not reject the advice. According to her, they did it - they found him and they found him, and they got children. Text is special for cases of infertility not lead. It's no use strangers in this business. Say from the heart. Be sure to put the icon of Xenia of the Petersburg house. Speak to her mentally. Even if you do not have any special words, then you represent a baby in your arms. The saint will hear and necessarily push the desired decision.

Prayer of Xenia of Petersburg to return beloved

In those legends that describe the life of a saint, for the most part, stories are told about how she was building up someone else's family life. She herself loved selflessly and wished everyone such happiness. Therefore, the requests for the return of the condemned, it is believed, responds with special trepidation. And to say before the icon follows these words: "Holy Xenia! Help in the Lord's trouble servant (name)! The devil took away a cute friend from me. I've been torn from him by the evil of people, my soul has been trampled on! Ask the Lord for blessings on our reunification! Our mother Xenia! Unite the Lord of slaves (names) by the power of his gift, from Jesus received! Protect from the evil eye and witchcraft, devilish cheating and the ailment of the earth. Amen!"

About well-being

Some people, fortunately, do not have the problems described above. So, they have nothing to come to the good saint? Of course not. Thus, the prayer of Xenia of Petersburg about well-being is recommended. But it is necessary to remember the peculiarities of life of the one to whom you are addressing. That is, do not imagine your well-being in the form of countless bills, cars or palaces. Not there it is at all. Well-being is the joyful laughter of a child and the happy smile of your loved ones. It's sunlight and no bad news. Everyone defines it in his own way, finding in the soul those values that his parents instilled in him. And say this: "O holy, all-blessed mother Xenia! Ask the Lord for blessings for those who turn to you. Pray for the forgiveness of our sins and for protection from the evil of everyone. On the healing of the sick and the help in the labors of those who work. On strengthening the spirit in difficulties. Amen!".

To all that has been said, we should add that the prayer of Xenia of Petersburg is not a dogma, as you might think. Her strength is not in words, but in strong faith. You know, there is such a test. They put two people in single file. The one who stands in front is offered to fall in the hands of the second. In this case, one should not look back or otherwise control the behavior of a partner. There is, of course, the risk of just falling on the floor. So, only those who trust are able to despair of such an experiment. And you? Do you know what this feeling is? Imagine that there are forces in heaven that can cover you with great love, grant true happiness?

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