Sports and FitnessAthletics

Krepatura - what is this? How to get rid of the physical training?

"Oh, legs," thoughts swirl in my head as the body ascends the steps. "Oh, belly!" - comes to mind when trying to repeat yesterday's shock training. "Oh, oh, back," - with an attempt to lift the heaviness complements the picture. What is it? Strength of muscles, or a syndrome of delayed muscle pain - the reaction of muscles to excessive or unusual load.

Usually, newcomers get acquainted with the krepachi, who have just started training, sportsmen who returned to training after the break, and in general all those who "overloaded" their muscles. No one is safe from it - a banal walk on a bicycle can pour out into the ahi and ochi the next day when getting out of bed.

What is this and where from?

So, the strength. What is this syndrome and where from? At the moment, there are several versions of the causes of this phenomenon: accumulation in the muscles of lactic acid, partial damage to muscle fibers (microtrauma) and a combination of the first and second.

Theory of lactic acid

This theory is old enough, its essence is this. During training or other intensive physical exertion, the muscles lack oxygen, which is supplied by blood. To obtain energy, the body includes a reserve mechanism, and as a result, lactic acid, and possibly other substances, is produced in the muscles. The resultant sensation is what we call crepe.

Theory of microtrauma

This second theory says that in muscles that are not trained, the components of the muscle fibers (myofibrils) of different lengths are both long and short. During the load, short myofibrils break. These micro-traumas cause inflammation, and as a result, a person feels pain - this is the strength after training.

Large and unusual loads cause strong shaking, the "bouquet" of sensations depends on what kind of load was given to the muscles.

With regular and correct training, myofibrils become the same length, and severe pain no longer appears. The key word here is "right".

There is no strength if the training is done correctly

There is one more, very common reason for the appearance of microtraumas - an incorrectly conducted training. The athlete missed the warm-up, a hitch or both. As a result - injured muscles and krepature. What does it mean?

Correct training necessarily begins with a warm-up. Warm-up - the preparation of the body for exercise, at this stage, the body temperature rises, metabolism is accelerated, the overall performance of the body is increased. In addition, the following occurs:

  • Increases the tone of the sympathetic nervous system and the amount of adrenaline in the blood, it helps to train intensively;
  • Expand the capillaries, thereby accelerating the delivery of oxygen to the tissues;
  • The speed of transmission of the nerve impulse increases;
  • Increases the elasticity of ligaments and muscles;
  • This is a reliable way to avoid injuries and strains that the athlete receives because the muscles are not heated enough.

Warm-up improves the effectiveness of the training, the muscles work better, more intensively and more safely.

After training, it is necessary to hitch - it allows you to calm the body after the load, to prevent or reduce pain, to normalize body temperature. Proper exercise - and muscle strength will not bother.

Ways to "clean" the krepature

Most of the time the shaking occurs on the second day after the load and lasts 3-7 days, depending on the level of training and what kind of exercises the person has done. If the load is unaccustomed, there will be a buildup. What if there is nowhere to reduce the load?

Good stretching

The warm-up and hitching are done, but the next day is still a lot of strength. What to do? Well, then, training was useful. And the pain can be removed or weakened with stretch marks.

Very well removes the stretching stretching, that is stretching the muscles. Easy charging also gives good effect. If the athlete has trained his shoulders, stomach and arms, light running will help him.

If there is a leg strength, the same stretching exercises, squats will help. The best effect is given by a combination of exercises: warm-up, after-stretching.

Everything must be done gently and gently. At first the pain will interfere, but as the muscles warm up, the strength will recede and weaken. It will become much easier and easier to move.

Hot bath or shower

Hot bath very well warms up the muscles, accelerates the flow of blood and helps with the training. The shower is also not bad, but worse than the bath. Hot water warms and relaxes muscle fibers, removes the muscle and allows you to relax well, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body.

How to get rid of the physical training? The shower should be taken immediately after training, the next day - a bath or a shower. After - a good warm-up and stretching: heat-warmed muscles will work easier, and warm-up will bring the desired results.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is the best way to maintain health. It is also a recipe for quick and complete recovery after training. Nutrition depends on the goal - build muscle, lose weight, achieve something else. If the goal is to lose weight, then do not eat in the first 2-3 hours after classes. For the preservation of muscle mass, it is desirable to take the protein and BCAA amino acids.

If there is no goal to lose weight, then in the first 2-3 hours you need to give the body carbohydrates and proteins. As a source of carbohydrates, buckwheat, pearl, millet, oatmeal, white rice, honey, bananas, fresh juice will do. As a source of protein - a bird, cottage cheese, eggs, lean fish.

After and during training, it is desirable to replenish the water balance. For this ordinary simple water is suitable - you do not need to drink soda, sweet water, coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate drinks and everything that contains caffeine.

Sauna, bath and phyto bath

A wonderful remedy is phytoban, or cedar barrel, especially if you add herbs to medicinal plants. As an addition, anti-inflammatory and relaxing phytosols are suitable. The same applies to saunas and baths, as to remove the krepature with their help can be even better than in the phyto bar. It is much more pleasant to steam than to do stretch marks through pain. Perhaps, thanks to the ban, the krepature will disappear completely, it may only be weakened, but in the end it will still become easier than "before".

And the sauna, cedar barrel, and bath accelerate metabolism, circulation and recovery of the body. Go to the sauna or bath immediately after a hard training can not (the heart and so received a load), but the next day - what you need.

Russian bath is a magic remedy for all those involved in sports, an effective way to regulate weight, restore muscle elasticity and strength. It tones the skin, regulates the pressure in people with hypertension and hypotension, relieves nervous tension, before it retreats. What is this Russian invention just does not!

According to researches of scientists, the body cope with the heat in the bath as well as with heavy physical exertion. Capillaries expand, blood flows to the muscles and skin, the minute volume of the heart grows by 150%. The contrast of heat and cold (cold pool, snow) gives the maximum load on the cardiovascular system.

The effect of steam, broom, heat is very effective on the muscles. And the effect of the bath is much stronger, if you add a massage to it.


The massage itself is a very good remedy. It should be used, even if there are no special reasons. Correct massage helps to reach the sports form soon and support it, it is able to significantly develop the flexibility of the joints and muscles, improve blood circulation, relieve a slight inflammation and muscle tension. This is an excellent tool for the krepature, only use it not when it is already there, but after training.

How to remove the krepature with massage? Effective and best of all here is a sports massage. Can remove the whole of the shoe, it may not completely, but it will be easier to unambiguously. This type of massage helps relieve muscle tension and improves well-being, relieves inflammation in the muscles that arises in the body in response to micro-trauma.

Sports massage uses different techniques, the choice of the specific depends on the purpose of the training and its kind. It should be conducted by a person who knows how and what to do in each particular case. It is most effective to do such a massage in 1,5-4 hours after training. It is undesirable - after 8-10 hours or the next day. But there is one more way to cope with such a phenomenon as krepature. What is this method?

Medicinal products

There are no special medicines "from krepature", but there are anti-inflammatory ointments and painkillers. Among them there are no "best", "medium" and "bad", each person has his own preferences. Someone helps one, someone else.

How to get rid of the shingles with an ointment? From what is sold in pharmacies, you can use the means "Ben-gay", "Ketonal", "Dolobene" (gel), "Voltaren" (gel). Not bad works ointment "Espol". In general - you can use any ointments from myositis, but first you should carefully read the instructions (as with any medicine).

Gels, and the more anesthetizing tablets can not be abused - it is more useful to "heal" bathing, massage and gymnastics.

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