Arts & EntertainmentFilms

Jean-Paul Belmondo. Life actor

In 2013, the greatest actor and pride of the cinema Jean-Paul Belmondo celebrated his eightieth birthday. He was born in France in April 1933, while the country was torn by financial scandals and strikes, which led to economic reforms of Prime Minister Edward Daladier. Perhaps this factor played an important role in the formation of Belmondo's personality. From birth he absorbed the spirit of rebellion, fearlessness, energy and self-confidence. In his youth, he was quite a snooty, troubled child, constantly getting into some stories, even reaching exclusion from school. Therefore, later, very opportunely, he found himself in football and boxing - training not only did not leave him the strength to play pranks, but also proved extremely useful for his future acting career. After all, until the serious injury in the film "Robbery" Jean-Paul Belmondo performed all the tricks themselves.

Despite a very peculiar appearance, his compatriots who adored him gave him the nickname Bebel, which means "a lovely child." He really is something like a child - either with his open and joyful smile, or with an immediate and slightly naive look, or with a funny facial expression ...

This famous actor, probably never was lonely, because besides him, there were two other children in the family - brother and sister, and he himself got four children, he had three daughters and a son (the famous racer Paul Belmondo). And his grandsons did not offend him - at the moment he has six of them.

Of course, he has a very rich filmography. Jean Paul Belmondo starred in 95 films, in addition, he had and theatrical roles. A huge part of his life is connected with the cinema. In the late eighties, it seemed to him that he had little to do in films, he decided to start his own studio Cerito, to shoot the pictures himself. At that time, any Frenchman would not hesitate to answer the question of who is the most famous person in the country - Jean-Paul Belmondo. The films in which he was shot were always successful and loved by the public. His name is a whole epoch in the history of cinema art.

Belmondo and in life a real professional, no troubles and sorrows could not break it. In 1994, his eldest daughter was killed, and he, learning about this a minute before entering the stage, squeezed his pain and horror inside and left. And played a role. It was then he was taken to the hospital with a heart attack, it was later tears and pain. And on stage he had to go out - and left. Incredible willpower. And now, in his eighty years, he did not give up at the mercy of old age, did not sit at home by the fireplace, hiding behind a rug. At the age of 75, he again flashed in Francis Juster's painting The Man and His Dog. The film was enthusiastically received by critics. Around the same time, Belmondo started dating 37-year-old Barbara Gandolfi, a former model. Their novel lasted four years. At the moment they are no longer together, but their relationship was so stormy and rich scandals and vivid events that few men at a younger age can boast of such achievements! Moreover, it is unlikely that age will stop French Casanova, for sure in the near future he will find himself a new lady of heart and will continue to enjoy all the joys of life!

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