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How many episodes in "Santa Barbara" - the story of the famous series

The name "Santa Barbara" is an American town near Los Angeles. But the absolute majority of Russian citizens would never have known about the existence of such a populated unit, were it not for the series with the same name. This soap opera was collected near the screens of all residents of the post-Soviet space for ten years. From 1992 to 2002, no one in Russia could accurately answer how many episodes in "Santa Barbara".

An uncomplicated story about the life of a rich family was so appealing to the tired of the deficit and unemployment that the viewing of this series was a sacred ritual for most TV viewers. Pass the series was equal to a personal little tragedy. At that time, it could only happen again, the next morning. If the repeat could not be watched, it was necessary to rely only on the advanced friends or relatives who recorded "Barbara" on the VCR. Each series is an event. At least one viewer was afraid to miss even because no one knew how many episodes in "Santa Barbara". The series could end unexpectedly, and with it the positive emotions that were scooped from the TV screens during its broadcast.

According to official figures, the ratings of this series at one time amounted to 95%! This is incredibly high performance, which is unambiguously on the Russian television space never reached any most fashionable TV show or series. In principle, neither the actor's play, nor the storyline, nor the quality of the shooting did not justify the interest that "Santa Barbara" evoked on the ruins of the former Soviet Union. It should be noted that in America this series was also considered very popular, but it could never boast of half as attractive ratings as in the countries of the former USSR. But the fact, how many episodes in "Santa Barbara", indicates that the Americans also took the show "with a bang," because, first of all, he was filming for them.

The shooting of this uniquely world-famous soap opera ended on January 15, 1993 - already during his show on Russian TV. This is one of the few TV series in the history of television, which, having such a huge number of episodes, was shot for only one season. The filming process lasted 9 years. And yet - how many episodes in the series "Santa Barbara"? The answer to this question is amazing - 2137!

Today it is considered that this series is deprived of any meaning whatsoever, but it is not true. Each series is a dedication of great and pure love with a capital letter. Perhaps that is why the soap opera had such a tremendous success not only at home or in the former USSR, but also in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Australia and even Taiwan, China and Japan.

Actors, who in the series were constantly replaced, did not achieve much success in the profession outside the series. The main characters were known almost everywhere in the world, like Mason, C-C, Kerrol, Gina, etc. No matter how many episodes they played in Santa Barbara, they were memorized and loved. But after working on this series, almost none of them reached any significant level in the cinema.

Today it does not matter how many episodes of "Santa Barbara" presented to its fans. She is forever in the history of television as one of the most famous television series in the world.

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