Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Information from the distributors, characteristics and reviews. "Slimmer Plus" for weight loss

It is difficult to find a woman who does not dream of having a beautiful fit figure without a gram of excess fat. Therefore, now a variety of diets, exercise complexes, folk remedies such as activated carbon or soda and the like are so popular. Also in pharmacies and on the shelves of specialized stores you can find many additives, the main effect of which is to reduce appetite, accelerate metabolic processes in the body or burn fat. But there are alternative methods of losing weight, today we will consider one of them: its characteristics, description and reviews.

"Slimmer Plus" for slimming (or "Slimmer Plus", as it is often called in Russian) is a program that was developed in America, and the main principle of its action is to apply the "effect of the twenty-fifth frame." That is, you do not need to do any exercises, all that is required of you is to look at the information recorded on the disc, and your subconscious will process invisible data embedded in the video stream. It is known that a person can perceive broadcast only at a rate of 24 frames per second. Everything else remains hidden, invisible, but, as the developers of the system assure, it is still perceived by the brain. "Slimmer Plus" - a program for weight loss, which is designed for regular viewing, as it gives a cumulative effect. That is, the settings through which your eating behavior will be monitored must be constantly updated, as if to remind the brain that sweet and fat is currently banned, its use is undesirable and does not benefit the body.

Promises manufacturers, features and reviews: "Slimmer Plus" slimming

This alternative way to combat overweight was developed by IT-in Corporation and the Ideal Weight Control Centers. Judging by the name, this is a very solid organization, however A factor that casts doubt on this technique is that the so-called "effect of the 25th frame" has not been scientifically proven, and many scientists generally deny its ability to influence the brain and give it negative feedback. "Slimmer Plus", of course, you will not hurt. It is not a drug with chemical components or an extremely low-calorie diet. But can he help? This is a big question. Usually, these methods really work for light-footed, impressionable people, which, you will agree, are in our society a minority, and, perhaps, they receive positive feedback. "Slimmer Plus" can also help if you really firmly believe that this tool helps to acquire an excellent figure and will give you the opportunity to lose extra pounds. In medicine, this is called the placebo effect. But whether you need to spend time using an unconfirmed method and spend more than 3000 rubles on buying a drive - it's up to you.

"Slimmer Plus": negative feedback

As the producers promise, for 2 weeks of regular views you can lose 10-15 kg. First, even if it is true, such a sharp loss of body weight can cause irreparable harm to your health. Plus, the influence of the 25th frame on the brain is practically not studied, provided that it exists at all. Most independent consumers give a negative evaluation of this technique. No, it does not harm health, but it does not help either. Therefore, if you are really fighting for an excellent figure, you still should not sit on the couch watching this disc, but go to the gym or choose for yourself the most suitable diet, the benefit of their variety allows you to choose the one that you prefer to taste and On a pocket.

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