HealthDiseases and Conditions

Inflammation of the hair follicle or boil

Inflammation of the hair follicle is a disease that is often present today. To put it briefly, it implies the disease of the scalp, head and other area of the human body's hair. It is worth noting that the disease is characterized by the appearance in these places of small inflammations of the pustular type. They are mostly white and gray. Often manifested in the form of bubbles. Through such formations hair always breaks through.

The reasons for the inflammation of the hair follicle are numerous. However, the most common opinion is that this predisposition to the disease is congenital and can be inherited. Let's move on to a detailed description of the ailment called purulent inflammation of the hair follicle or furuncle.

Furuncle is an acute inflammation of the sebaceous gland or, for example, a hair sac, which specialists call the follicle. The disease is characteristic of absolutely any part of the human body. Furuncle appears, as a rule, suddenly. If to describe the inflammation of the hair follicle, then it develops everywhere, except the area of the palms and soles. This is explained very simply. The thing is that it is in these places that the hair follicles are simply absent.

Inflammation of the hair follicle develops if the skin has bruises, abrasions. In addition, long-term contamination of the human skin, irritation with various chemical substances, contributes to this. The increased activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands also often leads to the appearance of a furuncle. It is worth noting that this is very common in adolescents, as well as in people who have endocrine disorders.

Inflammation of the follicle begins, as a rule, with a slight itch. A couple of days at this place, edema develops, the skin turns red, and when you touch and touch this area, the person experiences unpleasant pain. In the place of the furuncle, a rather dense bundle will subsequently form, the diameter of which often reaches two centimeters. As the process develops, a greenish area appears in the center of the boil. This is a dead tissue. It after a while is rejected, and the formed wound is cleared of pus. On the second or fourth day, healing begins. As a result, there is a small scar on this place. The entire process from start to finish can take a week. However, this development is characteristic of an uncomplicated cycle. If the human immunity is weakened, or a sufficiently high pathogenicity of some pathogens of infectious diseases is observed, the beginning of inflammation of the hair follicle soon spreads to other areas. Treatment in this situation is mandatory. For this, a person must first seek the advice of a specialist.

If you have a boil, start rubbing the area around it with salicylic or camphor alcohol. Seventy percent ethanol is suitable for this purpose. Hair, making its way from the inflamed area should be gently cut, but in any case do not shave this place. Stop the inflammation process if you lubricate the boil with iodine solution. The application of a bandage with the use of a solution of rivanol or furacilin helps . Do not use in the current situation Ointment Vishnevsky or ichthyol ointment. It is not recommended to squeeze out or pierce, and also to cut the formed furuncle. This can lead to serious complications and even sepsis.

If furuncles occur very often, it is a special disease called furunculosis. It requires compulsory treatment by a specialist.

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