
Industrial enterprise as a kind of activity

Industrial entrepreneurship is one of the most complex activities and is aimed at creating the products, goods, goods, goods and services that are most necessary for consumers. The results of production can be exchanged for any other commodity or sold at a certain cost. The basis of this business can be intellectual, spiritual, and material production.

Industrial entrepreneurship is the production of goods, construction works, the production of printed materials, training, transportation of passengers and transportation of goods, as well as various types of services (household, communal, communications).

The technology of this type of activity consists in the fact that the entrepreneur first prepares a base for his future business: he leases or acquires fixed assets (buildings, equipment), buys circulating assets (materials and components), acts as employer of labor and takes care of the acquisition of information Resource.

Industrial enterprise implies that after a cycle of a certain activity, the received goods must be sold by the business owner or the reseller, or directly to the consumer. The main task of all business people is that, net of taxes, their incomes are significantly higher than costs, and production in general paid off. In addition, entrepreneurs should be interested in speeding up the process of monetary circulation, because in the conditions of severe competition, with the appearance of new similar goods and services on the market, it is especially important that the sale of products is organized, and funds are invested in the business in a timely manner.

Being one of the forms of economic activity, industrial entrepreneurship is based on independent initiative activity of citizens or associations formed by them. And, doing any kind of activity not prohibited by law , an entrepreneur can only under his own responsibility, relying solely on his own fear and risk, expect to receive profit from the business.

Beginning entrepreneur with the planned development has the opportunity to determine the direction of activity for a period in the future (short and long) of his future business, assess the staffing, anticipate financial and material security, etc. In addition, based on the business plan, you can most fully imagine the expected efficiency of a particular business project.

Types of entrepreneurs

Commercial entrepreneurship is one of the most common activities in modern Russia. At the heart of this type - transactions and operations for the sale of goods and a variety of services. In view of the fact that a commercial entrepreneur is not a producer of a product, but only acts as its implementer, this type of activity can easily be adapted to the most popular needs of consumers. The profit generated due to the difference between costs and revenues often comes from 20-30% of profitability (and sometimes even higher).

Farming is a form of individual entrepreneurship, based on the principle of kinship (according to the Federal Law "On Farm (Peasant) Economy"). In the case of a shortage of labor, the employment of non-citizens is allowed, but their total number should not exceed five.

Innovative entrepreneurship is a process of innovative creation and commercial application of advanced technological innovations. It takes enormous costs for design development and research, which creates a certain risk in entrepreneurship. In the economy there are three main types of such entrepreneurship:

  • Product innovation;
  • Technology innovation;
  • Social innovation.

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