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Hyena is spotty. Description, habitat

In Africa, an inexperienced traveler faces numerous dangers at every turn. This continent is inhabited by various animals, which it is better not to meet alone. These are not only lions, crocodiles, leopards, cheetahs, rhinoceroses, elephants, but hyenas. In the dark, these schooling predators are activated, and woe to that traveler, who did not manage to build a large fire and stock up on fire all night.

Spotted hyena - the largest representative of mammalian scavengers. It most fully embodies all the habits, features and structure inherent in this species. The body length of the spotted hyena is 95 to 166 cm, the tail is from 26 to 36 cm, and the height of the withers is about 80 cm.

This kind though and has rather small sizes, however is dangerous to the person, especially in a flock. These are very ferocious predators. Spotted hyenas are the only mammals whose jaws can create enormous pressure (from 50 to 70 kg per square centimeter). They easily gnaw the hippo's bones. Spotted hyenas are listed in the Red Book. They live in natural conditions up to 25 years, in captivity - up to forty.

Habitat of spotted hyenas - wild Africa

This species of predators can be found only in Africa. The most common habitat of spotted hyenas is the entire area south of the Sahara. Basically it is the south and east of Africa, near the Cape of Good Hope, in the Ngorongoro Crater, Kenya, Serengeti, Botswana and Namibia.

Wild Africa is rich in desert terrain and jungle, but spotted hyenas are not found there. Their favorite places of residence are savannahs. These animals are not very friendly with other representatives of their species, so very often they strip out striped and brown hyenas from their habitable places.

How does a spotted hyena look like?

Representatives of this species have a wide black muzzle, resembling a dog's, with rounded ears. The spotted hyena has very powerful jaws, the back is sloping, the hind legs are shorter than the forelegs. Despite the uneven height of the legs, hyenas can reach speeds of up to 65 km / h. The limbs of predators are four-fingered, claws do not retract. When running, hyenas step on their fingers. Wool in animals is short, except hard hair on the back and neck, which form the mane.


Hyena spotted has several variants of coloring. It can be dark or light. The color of the coat is yellow-brown with dark or light brown spots on the body. The muzzle is black, with a reddish tint on the back of the head. The head is brown, without spots. Legs of limbs with a shade of gray. The tail is brown with a black tip.


Hyena spotted produces up to 11 different sound signals. A prolonged howl, more like a "laughter", these animals are used for contact between themselves. During fights for prey they "giggle", "laugh", growl and shout. Groans and squeals are used for greetings.

It is interesting that the flock reacts to the sounds of the males rarely or with delay, but to the signals given by the females, immediately. Low growl and grunting sounds (with a closed mouth) express aggression. A high "laugh", similar to cackling, is published during excitement or danger (for example, when the hyena is being pursued). Loud and deep vibrating growl predators are used before the attack and in defense, as a threat. When a lion appears, the hyena signals to the brothers with a loud low growl.

Hierarchy in schools

Wild hyenas live in matriarchal clans, in areas up to 1800 square meters. Km. In the schools there is a rigid hierarchy. Female occupy a dominant position over the opposite sex. Moreover, there is an additional division between them. Adults are considered to be the main ones. They are the first to start eating, resting at the entrance to the den, grow more offspring. Females with a lower position in the pack do not receive such privileges, but belong to the middle of the hierarchy.

Males occupy the lowest step. Moreover, they also have a similar division. High-ranking individuals have priority access to females. But nevertheless, everyone demonstrates a general resignation before another sex. For reproduction, males often join new flocks.

Among the spotted hyenas, there are always inter-clan wars for the habitat. The boundaries of the territory are constantly patrolled by these predators and are delineated by feces, as well as by anal secretions of odorous glands. The number of one clan can reach from 10 to 100 individuals.

Genital organs

Hyena spotted has a unique genitalia. All females have an organ in the form of a penis. Only the experienced specialist can distinguish the sex of these animals. Female genitalia resemble male organs. The clitoris is very similar to the penis. Under it is a scrotum. Through the clitoral member passes the urogenital canal.

Enemies of spotted hyenas

These predators have "Eternal" rivals. Lions and hyenas are constantly competing. This struggle takes sometimes cruel forms. Hyenas like to attack small cubs and often kill old and sick adults. In response, the lions destroy hyenas. War between predators goes and for food. Lions and hyenas often chase each other from prey. Victory goes to a more numerous "detachment."

What do spotted hyenas eat?

These animals are very indiscriminate in food. But the main food for hyenas is carrion. They can hunt and feed on fresh meat, but they also do not disdain the corpses of animals, and sometimes eat relatives. As already mentioned above, these animals have very developed jaws. For this reason spotted hyenas eat up every part of the body of the prey, leaving almost nothing. This possibility is realized due to a unique digestive system, as well as a very active gastric juice.

What can hyenas eat? Wildlife has created unique "orderly". These predators are able to assimilate everything - skin, bones, hooves, horns, teeth, wool and feces. All this is digested in the stomach within a day. These predators also feed on dead animals, which are almost completely decayed.

However, 50% of the diet of spotted hyenas make up the bodies of ungulates (rhinoceroses, zebras, gazelles, antelopes, etc.). Predators often persecute sick and old animals. They also feed on hares, porcupines, gazelles, warthogs and many other animals. For example, a flock of hyenas can attack even such giants as a giraffe, rhinoceros and hippopotamus.


Behind these predators is the reputation of cowardly animals, but this is far from the case. According to numerous studies, hyenas are excellent hunters who excel in this art of lions. These scavengers are most active at night. In search of food hyenas overcome great distances - up to 70 kilometers per day. During the day they hunt less often, preferring to rest in the shade or lie in the water in shallow water.

Hunting hyenas consists in exhausting the prey by running for a long time. These predators can run a huge distance. When they overtake the prey, they bite the main blood arteries on the paws. Hyenas do not suffocate their victims, like many other predators, but start to tear still living flesh.

Hunting happens in different ways. On a medium-sized gazelle go out singly, on an antelope - in small groups from 3 to 4 individuals. On the hunt they make different sounds, but more often - "laughter", turning into a prolonged howl.

Thanks to an excellent sense of smell, African hyenas are able to smell carrion at a distance of more than 4 kilometers. For hunting, they use sight and hearing. Despite the eternal war with the lions, the hyena can not take their prey away if an adult healthy male is present in the enemy camp.

The spotted African predator is an amazing animal. Hyena has in her habits some cowardice, which is best called caution. She is very aggressive and bold. If the hyena is hungry, it is able to bite even large animals. In hunting, he tries to use his enormous strength of jaws, fast running and ferocity. A hungry hyena can attack people. At the same time, it is so strong that it can take the human body to a gallop with ease and alone.


To deduce the offspring hyena spotted uses the burrows of other animals or small caves. Cubs, despite its aggressiveness, it does not eat. Increased malignancy is due to the high content of androgen hormone. But this quality is given by nature to protect the offspring, so that females can save and feed their young, who reach puberty only by 3 years.

The offspring appear before the rainy season begins. The females carry the cubs approximately 100 days. One litter can contain up to four toddlers at a time. To the light they appear already sighted and with good hearing. After 3 months, babies already weigh over 14 kg.

If the young are same-sex, then almost immediately after birth between them begins a fight to death. Spotted hyenas feed their offspring with milk for more than a year, but nevertheless it does not prevent young animals from starting to hunt and fully to eat from the first months of life.

The Benefits of Hyenas in Nature

These animals occupy one of the main places in the maintenance of the savannah ecosystem. These are natural "orderlies". They kill almost 12% of the Gnu antelope in Serengetti every year, which allows the herbivores to keep the density of their species within reasonable limits. Mostly, the teeth of spotted hyenas fall into old or sick animals.

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