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How to understand that you drink too many alcoholic beverages?

Friday, you can not wait until you leave work, eat a delicious lunch, while opening a bottle of your favorite wine. After all, you earned it in a week of hard work. Or, perhaps, your idea of the ideal end of the working week is a hike with friends in the club to drink a couple of cocktails, relax and have fun. There is no problem with this. Moreover, doctors say that a glass of wine a day has a positive effect on your health.

Problems begin when you develop dependence on alcohol, which can lead to the emergence of alcoholism, which is not so easy to get rid of. Many ex-alcoholics understand that if they noticed signs of excessive drinking earlier, they could have avoided the hell they had to go through without causing damage to their families, health and life in general. Here are a few signs that you are losing control of your drinking.

Alcoholic beverages are the central figure of your weekend

If you can not imagine a day off or any other day without alcohol, then this can be a sign. Also a sign that you became addicted to alcohol, it may be the thought that each type of your activity should include the use of alcoholic beverages. If you drink one glass of wine every day, it will benefit your health, but if you take a week's worth of alcohol in one sitting, it will cross out all the positive effects that this alcohol could have on your body.

Moreover, this can lead to more widespread problems. Drinking in large amounts is especially dangerous, as it raises blood pressure and may be incompatible with certain medications. Other dangers are alcohol poisoning, physical trauma, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual dysfunction, liver damage and so on.

You need alcohol to feel beautiful and confident

Many people who develop alcohol dependence, begin to need alcohol to feel good. A person can be shy and insecure, but when a little alcohol gets into his blood, all life becomes a party.

He immediately begins to think that he becomes the most attractive, beautiful, intelligent and cheerful person in the district. However, this sensation does not last long and can be replaced by much more unpleasant sensations.

You begin to shirk duties

One of the surest signs that alcohol is becoming a problem for you is evasion of duties at work or at home. Do not you constantly come to work as a disease because of a hangover?

Do you constantly postpone various things, because it is much easier to drink than to wash things or finish the project for work? Perhaps you can not concentrate on the workplace, since all you can think of is the booze that awaits you at the end of the day? These signs can mean that you have alcohol problems.

Close people begin to express concern

Close people commented on your drinking or expressed concern that something is wrong with you? Or maybe you shy away from meeting those close people in order to avoid confrontation? When you start drinking more, you become more isolated from the people you love. And the last thing you want is confrontation with friends and family members. Many people believe that they have everything under control, and their relatives simply do not understand what they have to go through.

You are self-medicated

Do you notice that alcohol is associated with your emotions? Do you drink to feel better when you have a bad mood? Or to avoid the complexities of life and heavy memories? If so, you are engaged in a kind of self-medication, and this in no situation is a good solution, even if alcohol is not involved in it. In one study, it was even found that self-medication is a common mechanism for overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder. If you notice that you want to drink, when you have a bad mood, it's time to look at the causes of a bad mood, and not try to drown him with a drink.

You have developed a high resistance to alcohol

If you have problems with alcohol, then you will notice that you need to drink more and more to keep warm and cheer. This is due to the fact that your body gets used to alcohol, and your brain has developed a high resistance to its effects. You need to use more to achieve the same effect. With the constant increase in resistance, you can develop a full-fledged addiction, which then turns into alcoholism.

There is a possibility that you are already at risk

Researchers report that now a record number of people are at or near the risk of alcoholism. According to one study, about one third of adults at any given moment of life have suffered or will suffer from excessive drinking, and only 20 percent of those who suffer from such problems seek professional help.

Your risk zone differs from the risk zone of other people

All people are different, and human organisms in different ways handle what comes in them. When it comes to alcohol, no one is identical. Men are much better at coping with alcohol than women, for example, so women should not try to drink as much as men drink. Moreover, it can even be dangerous. Women can easily suffer from acute alcohol poisoning, since this requires only 6-7 servings of alcohol in the case of a small woman, while for a large man this number doubles.

The ability of a person to process alcohol also depends on his genes. Studies show that your genetic code can be held responsible for more than half of the cases of problems with alcohol. Although the genes themselves do not determine whether you become an alcoholic or not, you need to study your family's history in order to determine the level of risk. Also, you should pay attention to the fact that excessive consumption of alcohol becomes more dangerous with age, because as you grow older, it changes how your body processes alcohol. This explains why you can not recover from an overnight stroll as easily as you did in your student years.

If you drink too much and too quickly, your brain will work differently

Drinking alcohol can greatly change how your brain works. How much, how often and how fast you consume alcohol affects how it will affect your brain, and this in turn can lead to dangerous changes in the functioning of your brain, as well as in understanding what it needs, To maintain life.

Take a look at your relationship with alcohol

After all, not everyone who drinks alcohol has problems with it. Therefore it is quite possible that you can sometimes quietly enjoy a glass of wine. This is wonderful, because by moderate consumption of the right alcohol you will not only not cause harm, but also benefit from it for health.

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