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Folk remedies for depriving. Treatment depriving a person at home

Lishay is a common disease of a dermatological nature caused by a fungal or viral infection. It appears in the form of skin scaly rashes of bright color, accompanied by itching and flaking. The most common cause of infection is non-compliance with personal hygiene, contact with homeless animals and reduced immunity.

Treatment of lichen is required to be carried out at the first stages of its detection by the use of antifungal medications and immunomodulatory therapy. Otherwise, there is a possibility of complications, and the patient becomes a dangerous carrier of a contagious virus. In eliminating lichen formations, folk medicine is effective, which has in its stock a lot of proven and affordable recipes.

Tar Against Denying

The lichen in a person, the symptoms, the treatment with folk remedies, creates obvious inconveniences during a certain period, is manifested most of all in such forms as shearing, pink, girdle and flat, and is effectively excreted by birch tar.

This tool is characterized by a gentle action, recognized as an official medicine and is widely used in the manufacture of pharmacy products (Vishnevsky ointment, Wilkinson ointment , tar soap). Natural antiseptic depresses the pathogenic microflora, promotes the rapid healing, disinfection and renewal of the skin. In combination with butter, moisturizing and additionally nourishing the skin, in a short time will get rid of lichen formations. The components of the medicinal mixture are recommended to be used in equal proportions. The composition is characterized by a specific odor, so it is better to apply it before going to bed.

Treatment depriving a person at home with effective medicine, which is composed of 1 part of the ashes of a birch log and 3 parts of tar. The application should be made on problem areas and held for several hours.

To get rid of unpleasant plaques, you can use a means of birch tar and fish oil, taken in the same proportions. If 2 hours after the procedure the skin became wet and reddened, it is recommended that the affected area be treated with zinc ointment.

Folk remedies for lichens offer to use highly concentrated raw birch tar in combination with salicylic acid, combined in equal parts. Use of such a mixture will be effective if there is no allergy to these components.

Due to the high content of carcinogens, the use of tar is not recommended. Before using compresses with this component in the composition, you should make sure that there are no allergic manifestations, first applying a small dose to areas with a delicate skin - the elbow or wrist.

In the fight against depriving effectively treatment with tar soap - a ready-made drug, which is based on birch tar. The darker the color of soap - the higher the concentration of tar and, consequently, its medicinal properties. Affected area is required to be soaped, leave the formed foam on the skin until it dries completely. The recommended time for the procedure is 2 weeks.

Raisins: antibiotic for skin

To get rid of lichen it is possible with the help of an ordinary dark raisins without pits, in which there are absolutely harmless substances for humans, killing fungi.

A natural antibiotic requires rubbing the affected areas and the skin around them. Noticeable improvement is observed after the first application of dried berries.

We treat that at hand

In the treatment of lichen, apple cider vinegar is well established, in which it is required to moisten a small piece of gauze and apply to infestations for 10 minutes to 6 times a day.

Effective is a pack of grated beets with honey in equal proportions. The mixture must be applied to the diseased area, covered with a film on top and held for several hours.

Red lichen, the treatment of folk remedies which shows quite successful results, will disappear after applying a compress based on sea buckthorn oil. To enhance the effect of this tool during treatment is recommended to take inside a teaspoon during a meal.

With lichen, picked up from animals, a compress of fresh lemon slices is effective. They need to be held on the skin for a few seconds, after which the procedure is repeated again after 3 hours. The acid in the lemon acid inhibits the fungus, causing a speedy recovery.

This miraculous garlic

You can fight with lichen by using garlic, a few denticles of which you need to grind and combine with honey to a homogeneous mush. The resulting mixture gently lubricate skin areas with lichen plaques. Duration of the procedure: from 2 to 3 weeks. You can rub garlic in pure form; The skin after such treatment can not be wet for several hours. Garlic compresses are effective, in which crushed garlic, placed in gauze, is required to be applied for 10-15 minutes to places with lichen rashes.

Eliminates the deprivation of lemon-garlic compress, for the preparation of which two components in a crushed form (lemon and garlic) must be diluted to a mushy state, attach to the skin and leave for 2 hours. The causative agent of the disease can be destroyed within three procedures.

Folk remedies for shingles suggest using an effective tincture of 100 grams of garlic gruel and 200 ml of castor oil, previously aged for 3 hours in a warm oven. Ready-mixed grease spots 2-3 times a day.

Folk remedies for pink lichen

Pink lichen is effectively treated with iodine - a somewhat aggressive but effective remedy. Affected areas are recommended to burn twice a day with mandatory application at night.

First time, there will be peeling of the skin. A good result is iodine, mixed in equal proportions with vodka.

Horse sorrel and celandine: instructions for use

An available medicine is horse sorrel, a tablespoon of roots of which you need to pour a tablespoon of hot water. The resulting composition is held for half an hour in a water bath, then used for compresses.

With all kinds of skin dermatitis, including lichen formations, celandine handles well. The instruction is simple: to get rid of pink depriving a dark glass container it is required to fill up the stems and leaves of the plant to the top, pour vodka and insist for about 3 weeks. Ready tincture take in 10 drops 10 minutes before eating.

In passing, using a tincture of plant juice, the problematic area of the epidermis should be treated. Wait until the product is absorbed, then lubricate the skin again. This procedure is recommended to be repeated three times throughout the day. At first, a strong itch can be felt, which gradually subsides.

Non-traditional methods of treatment depriving

In the fight against lichen, ordinary salt will help, grains of which should be typed with a finger moistened in your own saliva, and applied to the affected areas. Such an unusual method gives a positive result even after a single application.

Since ancient times people have been treated with condensed moisture collected from the window glass. Rashes with this method were performed after 3 days.

An unusual, but effective enough means is a newspaper pitch, which can be obtained by burning a newspaper. Affected areas should be lubricated with the soot remaining after burning, not more than 4 times a day. After 2-3 procedures, the disease must pass.

From the ringworm effective powder from the powder of birch charcoal and burdock root. Before applying it, the affected areas should be lubricated with freshly squeezed garlic juice.

Natural means to help

What else is known about the people's means of depriving? Effective infusion of chamomile, which requires a tablespoon of dried flowers pour 1.5 cups of hot water and insist for half an hour.

The finished medicine should be rubbed into the skin half an hour before washing. Similarly, the use of propolis, especially effective in the removal of ringworm. To do this, 50 grams of the product is required to insist on 200 ml of vodka or medical alcohol for 7 days. The received medicine is required to process the areas of the body affected by lichen spots.

Good helps the gruel from the ashes of sunflower. To obtain it, you need to burn the dried sunflower head (without seeds). The resulting ash should be diluted with water to a thick sour cream. Finished slurry to lubricate the affected areas for 7 days.

Folk remedies for depriving - garden crops, in particular pumpkin. The flesh of the vegetable should be grated, squeezed out the juice. The pressed mass is used as a compress, which is changed every 12 hours.

To a sore spot it is recommended to apply finely chopped strawberry or strawberry leaves.

A tincture of acacia flowers or lilacs will help. For its preparation, freshly picked flowers should be washed, placed in a glass container, filled with vodka or medical alcohol: for 100 grams of raw material, 250 ml of liquid. Insist in a cool dark place for 10 days, drain. Obtain the medicine to treat the affected parts of the body.

Folk remedies for depriving the body - this is a lot of recipes, from which you can always choose the most suitable and affordable. It is important to start treatment at the initial stage of the disease, so that you do not have to resort to the use of expensive medications later.

Home Treatment

Treatment depriving a person at home can be made inexpensive drugstore.

  • Candide cream 1%. It is a medicinal product for external use. Destroys the synthesis of fungal formations, thereby violating their structure. To this preparation is multicolored (pityriasis) lichen. It is required to apply on a clean, dry skin with a thin layer for 2-3 weeks.

  • Serno-salicylic ointment. The components of this drug - salicylic acid and sulfur - are able to rid everyone of them separately. In combination, their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect is increased several times.
  • Ointment "Nitrofungin". It is an antifungal solution intended for external use. Characterized by the softness of the action; When applied to the skin, itching, redness, and discomfort can occur. The application procedure is as follows: three times a day with a drug swab with a cotton swab, you should treat the areas with lichen formations until they disappear completely.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid. Quickly destroys adult cells and spores of parasitic pathogens. The tablets must be ground into powder, mixed with 40-degree alcohol to a uniform consistency. Apply to sore spots. Top with adhesive tape. The period of use is 3 days. It is not recommended to lubricate hair growth sites, since such a mixture can adversely affect their condition. Do not use on sensitive skin to avoid allergic reactions.
  • Derivate lichen can be with a solution of equal proportions of sulfuric ointment and benzyl benzoate - antiparasitic emulsion. Apply to the skin 3-4 times a day for 3 days.


Furacilin is an effective medicine for external use in the fight against pathogens. Produced in the form of tablets. To prepare a solution, 7 tablets must be dissolved in 100 ml of water.

The resulting composition should be wiped with lichen plaque. After drying, it is recommended to treat the skin with a solution of potassium permanganate, which will enhance the therapeutic effect.

"YM" - effective ointment against lichen

Ointment "YM" - fungicidal-bactericidal low-toxic agent, intended for the treatment of domestic animals. A positive result shows when removing unhealthy formations on a person's skin. Contains a complex of active substances of antiseptic and antifungal action: tar, zinc oxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, turpentine. Actively fights bacteria, causing a reduction of itching in lichen rashes. Due to the fat basis (lanolin and petrolatum), the drug is comfortable when applied to the skin. Especially effective in the treatment of mossy lichen.

Highly effective chatterbox "Tsindol"

Often, dermatologists against pink lichen write a bolt "Tsindol" to the patient, which are glycerin, ethyl alcohol, talc, zinc oxide, starch. Such a remedy is aimed at fighting lichen pathogens, has a healing, softening, drying effect with parallel removal of allergic manifestations. Chattering from lichen is applied with a cotton swab to the sick places three times a day. To wash off it is not recommended, it is necessary to wait, while the agent will dry up and will disappear itself. Side effects are itching, redness of the skin, hyperemia.

Preventive measures

Folk remedies for depriving - these are dozens of time-tested recipes. Nevertheless, it is better not to allow such an unpleasant appearance of a disease, than to deal with its treatment. To prevent the occurrence of lichen, a number of preventive measures should be implemented:

  • Wear clothes made of natural fabrics;
  • Periodically treat the skin with a solution of water and lemon juice;
  • Iron clothes on both sides;
  • Avoid places with high temperatures: saunas, baths, beaches;
  • Do not get into stressful situations.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene at times reduces the likelihood of infection by depriving.

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