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How to spend a wake 9 days. What does the wake 9 days mean?

A wake (9 days) is the next required stage after the burial. Although it originated in the Christian religion, everyone adheres to this tradition. So how to spend a wake 9 days? What are the characteristics of the ritual?

Memorial service

If the deceased was a Christian, then one must go to the temple. It is believed that At this time the soul can still visit the places of its earthly dwelling. She completes the work that a person did not have time to spend in life. With someone says goodbye, someone is asking for forgiveness. Moleben, held at this time in all church traditions, helps to calm the soul, its connection with God.

It is advisable that a funeral (9 days) and relatives begin with an appeal to the Lord. In a short prayer, one should ask the Almighty to forgive all the sins of the deceased, placing him in the Kingdom of Heaven. It was always part of the rite. In the church put candles for the mention of the soul. There is a special place for this. If you do not know, then consult a servant of the temple. But usually you can determine it yourself. The platform for funeral candles has a rectangular shape (all the others are round). There is a printed text of prayer nearby. Do not be lazy, read it.

What does the wake 9 days mean?

In Christianity, the path of the soul to the Lord is described in sufficient detail. So, the first days the Angels show her what a life is in Paradise. The ninth is the time, so to speak, the exam. The soul appears before the Lord, which determines its future destiny. It is believed that sinners are afraid and are tormented, finally, realizing how inept they are Spent their energy. The righteous also may suffer from ignorance, whether their life path will be approved by the Lord. Help the soul of the deceased is extremely necessary in this period. Relatives with their prayers can help her to purify themselves and get a "pass" to Paradise.

In Christian traditions, a 9-day wake is considered very important, since this is the last duty, the final stage of the earthly existence of the soul. After the Lord has identified her in Paradise or Hell, the living will not be able to help her. Clergymen say that 9 days is almost a holiday! Since at this time the soul finds its shelter. It is necessary to pray that her stay in that world is comfortable.

Memorial Luncheon

Service in the church, a trek to the cemetery - this is mainly for the closest. And those who want to express their respect to the deceased and members of his family are invited to a memorial dinner. Conduct it modestly. Prepare the first, second and compote. AT Christianity did not accept any snacks and salads, or alcohol. Traditions with one hundred grams and a slice of bread arose in very difficult times, when there was no other way to relieve tension. Now there is no need to use alcohol at wake-ups, and the church does not welcome it.

From "excesses" only baking is allowed. So, usually make pies or rolls and serve to the table. Everything must pass calmly and modestly. This is not an indicator of poverty. Rather, this demonstrates the recognition of the frailty of everything physical before the spiritual. At the table, all comers are given the floor to express their sorrow, share the belief that the soul will enter Paradise, just remember the person who recently left this world.

Memorial service

But dinner is not satisfied with everything. Some do not have enough time, others do not want unnecessary worries. The Church does not insist on the strict observance of this particular tradition. It is quite permissible to replace a joint meal with a meal. What it is? It is necessary to prepare such food, which is appropriate and convenient to treat people without an invitation to the house, and so hold a wake 9 days. What is being distributed? Usually cookies and sweets. The simplest option is to buy what is needed in the store. It is recommended to bake pies or cookies yourself. It is believed that by such actions you express more respect to the departed. You can distribute cooked at work, in the courtyard to grandmothers and children.

And how do you calculate the right time?

With this people are often confused. It is best to turn to the Father, who was a burial service for the deceased. He will help to understand the terms, will tell what day to celebrate. In connection with the importance for the soul, you need to know exactly when to spend a wake 9 days. How to count yourself? The first is the day when a person died. From him, and you need to count. The soul from the moment of death begins its journey through the Kingdom of Angels. It needs help on the ninth day (and before that). Do not miss any deadlines, even if death occurred before midnight. The first day is the date of death. Important then are the third, ninth and fortieth days. Calculate them immediately and write down, so as not to forget. These are the dates that must be noted.

Who is invited to the wake

Family members and friends are those people who must necessarily participate in a sad meal. They themselves know this. Souls demand to meet and support Each other in grief. But a wake 9 days after death - this is an event that is received without an invitation. It is not accepted to drive someone who wants to take part in it, even if it's completely outsiders. The logic is this: the more a person begins to pray for the salvation of the soul of the deceased, the easier it is for her to enter Paradise. Therefore, to drive someone is unacceptable, even sinful.

Try to treat as many people as possible. And if you do not need to invite everyone to a memorial dinner, then you can distribute sweets to everyone you meet on that day. Strictly speaking, the event was not invited to the event. People themselves should ask when it will pass (and generally, planned or not). For the convenience of the organizers themselves most often take responsibility and call everyone who has expressed a desire to remember the deceased.

Do I have to go to the cemetery?

Strictly speaking, a wake of 9 days does not include such a trip to the list of essential events. The Church believes that mortal remains rest on the churchyard, which have no special significance. Welcome to the temple, prayers. But usually people themselves want to visit the place of the last shelter dear man. There bring flowers and sweets. Thus, a tribute is paid to the deceased. But this is more important for Living, rather than for the deceased.

In no case is it necessary to carry alcohol at the cemetery. This is strictly forbidden by the Church! If you decide that you need to visit the cemetery on that day, then take care of the appropriate clothes. Dresses should be modest, not screaming. The presence of mourning symbols is also desirable. Women fasten mourning handkerchiefs. Men can wear dark jackets. If it's hot, then black handkerchiefs are tied on the left forearm.

How to prepare a house for a funeral feast?

On this day, lights are lit, they put in a prominent place a photograph of the deceased with a mourning ribbon. Mirrors should not be closed anymore. This is done only while the body is in the house. Naturally, on this day it is not customary to include music, watch funny movies and programs.

Before the icon you can put a glass of water and bread as a token of help to the soul, who is traveling through the unknown world. It is desirable that in the house there was austerity. If you invited people to dinner, then worry about their comforts. Usually, carpets are removed from the floor so that you can walk around the house in shoes. Still need to put near the photograph of the deceased a small vase or a plate. They will put money there. This is done in the case when many people come, including strangers to the household. They may wish to donate some money to the monument. It's not always convenient to give money to relatives.

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