
How to plant the patissons with seeds in the open ground

Patisson is an annual herbaceous plant growing in shrubby or semi-arthritic form. It has large, hard leaves. His flowers are single, painted yellow. The fruit is a pumpkin, the color of which depends on the variety. The form can also be plate, bell-shaped. Consider how and when to put the squash in the ground.

Preparatory work

Before planting patissons, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory works, namely: to select a site, to prepare it and to make fertilizers, to prepare seeds.

Site Selection

The patissons grow well and yield an excellent crop on chernozems and loamy soils. The site must be sunny, since the shadow has a negative impact on the future crop. It is desirable that it is slightly blown away by a breeze. When choosing a site, it is recommended to give preference to those where previously grown crops such as tomato, cabbage, potatoes, carrots or legumes. Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to plant a number of squash and squash? Doing this is not recommended, since unexpected instances may turn out.

Preparation of the selected site begins in late autumn. During this period, the remaining plants are harvested and burned. The site is dug without breaking clods. If the selected area is sod-podzolic soil, then during digging, organic fertilizers are added, the amount of which depends on whether the soil is light or heavy.

After the snow melts, the soil in the selected area is leveled with the help of a rake. Prior to sowing seeds or seedlings, the area is maintained in a loose state and systematically cleaned of weeds. On the day chosen for sowing, the soil is again digested, mineral fertilizers are added to it.

Fertilizer before planting

The introduction of certain fertilizers depends on the type of soil. Before you put the squash, for each square. Meter of peat soil is recommended to make 2 kg of manure and 1 bucket of turf ash. In addition, this soil needs superphosphates with calcium sulfate and wood ash. They need to be introduced for 1 tsp. And 2 tablespoons. respectively. Another fertilizer "Agrokola-5" is calculated for 1 sq. Km. Meter 3 liters of solution. After adding all the fertilizers described above to the soil, the bed is covered with a film. This is necessary in order to reduce the evaporation of moisture and to keep the heat for a long time.

For clay soils, before planting patissons, another group of fertilizers is introduced. So, this soil needs peat, which is necessary to make 3 kg per each square. meter. It is recommended to add more wood sawdust and humus, as well as 2 tbsp. Spoons of wood ash and 1 tbsp. Spoon of superphosphate fertilizers.

For sandy soils, it is better to use turf ground and peat for fertilization, which are introduced in 1 bucket per square meter. meter. In addition, it is good to add 3 kg per square meter. A meter of sawdust and humus. Other fertilizers are similar to those that are added to clay soil.

If the bed is on fertile chernozem, before planting patissons, it is recommended to make each square. Meter 2 kg of sawdust, 1 tbsp. Spoon of superphosphate and 2 tbsp. Spoons of wood ash.

A separate approach should be implemented when treating the virgin land. With it you need to remove all the roots and larvae of insects, and then for each square. Meter to contribute 3 kg of humus and fertilizer, similar to those that are introduced into the chernozem. In conclusion, it is better to pour such land with Agricola-5 solution.

Seed preparation

Consider how to plant the patissons with seeds. For seeding the most suitable are the seeds collected three to four years ago. Before planting the patissons with seeds, they are preheated. In order to stimulate germination, they are soaked in a solution of boric acid, which is prepared at the rate of 20 ml per 1 liter of water. In the solution, the seeds remain for 24 hours, after which they are washed with clean water and slightly dried. This approach increases yield by 20%.

In practice, seed hardening is often used. To do this, moistened seeds must first be in a room with a temperature of 20 ° C heat, and after 6 hours - in a room with zero temperature for 18 hours.

To stimulate growth, you can also use ready-made preparations, for example, "Buton", "Energen". After treatment with solutions of these preparations, the seeds are thoroughly washed with clean water and lie for a couple of days on a damp cloth at a temperature of + 25 ° C.

How to Plant Seedlings in Seeds

When the soil gets warm enough, at about the end of May, holes are prepared at a depth of 8 cm in the prepared bed, located at a distance of 70 cm from each other. This is necessary in order to prevent decay of the squash. In each hole, several seeds are laid, which are sprinkled with earth. In order not to deform the soil layer, it is better to drip irrigation. After sowing, the bed is covered with a film before emergence. Of the several shoots that have risen in the hole, the strongest remains, and the rest breaks loose.

Growing seedlings

It begins to grow 30 days before the planned planting in the garden. This is done in greenhouses or greenhouses. Consider how to plant the scallops with seedlings. For this, the germinated seeds are sown in a box with sawdust, soil mixture and river sand. Seeds should be at a depth of not more than 3 cm. After the appearance of cotyledonous leaves, the shoots are dived into pots with a soil mixture: sawdust, peat and garden soil. Ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfate, superphosphate and lime are also added here.

Watering the seedlings should be moderate. 5 days before the planned disembarkation on the prepared bed seedlings are tempered. To do this, remove the shelter or open the doors of the greenhouse for ventilation. Before the direct planting, the shoots are watered with a solution of Mullein, which is prepared in a ratio of 1:10. You can use a urea solution instead of the mullein, which is prepared at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters of water. Seedlings are considered ready for disembarkation after the appearance of three real leaves of a shortened subclavial knee.

When to plant the patissons in the open ground? 25-35-day-old seedlings are planted at the end of frosts - during the period from May 25 to June 5, in film shelters - earlier for two weeks.

How to plant the patissons with seeds in the open ground: the temperature regime

Seeds of the patisson germinate at a temperature of 16 degrees, so before you drop them on the bed, you need to make sure that the warm weather has already set. At night, the temperature decreases, so for this time of the day it is recommended to cover the area with seeds with a film. In addition to frost protection, the film will allow to maintain the humidity, which is so necessary for growing this plant.

The greatest growth of the patissons and fruiting occur during the temperature setting above +20 degrees. If the plant has already grown sufficiently and a prolonged cooling occurs, then the root and stem can rot. The leaves turn yellow, become stained and eventually die. This leads to a significant reduction in the number of ovaries, and sometimes - to the death of the whole plant as a whole. When to plant the patissons in the open ground with seeds? Seeds are sown from 10 to 25 April.

Maintenance: watering and loosening

After planting the seedling or after the seeds have given the shoots (how to plant the patissons with seeds in the open ground, indicated above), the plant needs watering. To get a good harvest, watering should be done throughout the season. To do this, it is recommended to use only warm water to prevent the plant from freezing. Watering must be carried out under the root, make sure that during this process water falls less on the flowers and leaves.

In addition to watering throughout the season, it is recommended to loosen the soil. This should be done superficially, trying not to damage the root system. Too often loosening the soil around the patissons is undesirable, as this can lead to its drying out. To preserve moisture, mulching is carried out using a fertile soil layer, peat and humus. To preserve moisture in the inter-row, they can be closed with sawdust or mowed grass. Using the last option, you need to make sure that weeds do not get caught with the grass.

Top dressing of a plant

During the whole season it is recommended to carry out three additional fertilizing. The first should be done after the appearance of four sheets. During this period, hummocking is carried out, which promotes the formation of additional roots, and mineral fertilizers are introduced. With a weak growth of the plant, nutrients are introduced. If the development process is normal, then nutrients are not introduced, but only potassium and phosphate.

The second fertilizing of the plant is made during its flowering. At this time, organic fertilizers are introduced, such as slurry in a 1: 4 ratio or chicken droppings in a 1:10 ratio. You can use and mullein. 10 buckets of solution are used for 10 plants. So that after such feeding the leaves do not get burned, it is poured from the top with clean water.

If there was a long cold snap after which the warm weather was established, you can make another feeding. The solution should contain potassium salt, urea, manganese, boric acid and ammonium molybdate. The most suitable for this process is evening time.


Harvesting is performed when the fetus reaches technical maturity. The most suitable for use is a specimen - which has not yet matured seeds. It can be determined by a tender and thin peel. If it is coarse, the fruit is removed after the plant dries. For conservation, the patissons are removed when their diameter reaches 7 cm, at most.

Illnesses of a plant

One of the causes of the disease - cold water, a sharp change in air and soil temperature. If this happens, the plant can get root rot and powdery mildew. With increased humidity, the patisson can affect white rot and anthracosis. When these diseases appear, the plant must be decontaminated and treated with appropriate preparations.

Small secrets in growing

Since the fruiting of the patissons is continuous, the harvest is recommended to be collected every fourth day. This will contribute to the rapid formation of subsequent flowering and the formation of new fruits.

If excessive nitrogen is present in the soil, the mass of the fetus may develop at the expense of the entire crop. To prevent this, three lower leaves of the plant are removed. After a few days, the operation must be repeated again.

To prevent decay of fruits, during their formation, the soil must be covered with dry grass.

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