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Rich by all the rules, or What business is profitable to do

People who have repeatedly asked themselves the question of what business it is profitable to do to get rich, are divided into three categories. Those who belong to the first category, immediately open their own enterprise. If it "burns through", or opens a new one, or falls into depression (and debts) and abandons their endeavor. The second long and difficult to reflect on what profitable business to do, but never dare to open their own business. Still others, having spent a lot of time thinking and analyzing, begin to work for themselves and in a short time succeed. Moreover, the paradox is that an ordinary carrot seller in the market can make a fortune faster than a seller of expensive gold jewelry. Is this a paradox? After all, everyone cooks soup, and not everyone can afford an elite bauble, and not every day. Leaving aside the optimists (the first category) and the theorists (the second), let's think about how people find the right answer to the question: "What business is profitable to do?".

Starting from scratch

First you will have to get at least a minimum of knowledge about the directions in which a modern small business is developing. Actually, there are only four directions: services, intermediation, production and trade. Each direction has its own characteristics, but they also have something in common. In provincial cities, especially small ones, none of the directions associated with the word "dear" is profitable. Building materials or jewelry, shoes or textiles of high quality (and, accordingly, prices) can afford only the most discreet percentage of buyers. Want to get rich - count on the middle class and the poorest layers. Let us give an example. The daily income of the store, in which everything (from toys to fans) costs 38 rubles, many times exceeds the income of an elite jewelry salon. In the latter sometimes there are very "unsuccessful" days. The theory is mastered, we proceed to analysis. Before deciding what kind of business it is now profitable to deal with, calculate the state of the market, the demand, your financial capabilities and the time it will take to open an enterprise and pay back your investments. In Rostov-on-Don at a distance of 2 km there are 14 hairdressing salons. Only one flourishes: the haircut in it costs 150 rubles, and in the rest - from three hundred. Go ahead. Once you have found out which niche is vacant, do not think about what business is profitable to do, but about what you like, what you can give yourself with all your heart. Now compare your passions with free niches. If they coincide (for example, you like to draw, but in your city no one sells pictures) - fine. If not, not all is lost. Perhaps you can help friends? For example, they will look for clients, and you will make deals. Now it remains only to calculate the profitability of the idea. For this, there are special calculations that will also have to be read before deciding which business it is profitable to do. However, the answer to this question can be briefly: "The one that is not in your city, but it is needed." But even after this answer it will be necessary to analyze again: what is missing in the city and what personally can you give to it.

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