HomelinessDo it yourself

How to make a self-shot at home

Thrown weapons have been popular since ancient times, since it not only developed dexterity and accuracy in a man, but also taught to control one's body, increasing coordination of movement and dexterity. It is noteworthy that the bow and crossbow, which are the most famous types of this type of weapon, can be made independently, so the questionnaire raises the question of how to make a self-shot with your own hands and what is needed for this?

Unfortunately, in our country it is seldom possible to hear about such kind of competitions, as shooting from self-marks on targets. This, however, does not indicate that crossbow sport is not popular with us. Rather, in our country there are very few clubs of this kind of sport, although people have a great interest in this kind of competition. Suffice it to say that there is not a single child who does not run around the yard with a homemade bow in hand, imagining himself an Indian who fights cowboys. However, despite everything, if a person has a goal, then he will be able to achieve it by applying perseverance and patience.

So, how to make a self-shot with your own hands, and what materials are needed for this?

The design of the self-gun is fairly simple, but all work must be done solely from the drawings. Among a large number of developments in this area, it is best to choose an uncomplicated scheme of a standard crossbow, which will not be difficult to make at home. Typically, the crossbow has in its composition the following parts: shoulder, bed, butt, trigger, sighting device and a system of controllable units. All this you should carefully study, because how to make a self-shot, not knowing the principle of its work? And the principle of its operation is quite simple. When laying the boom, you pull the tension mechanism onto yourself, which is fixed at the end with a special metal hook. After aiming, you smoothly pull the trigger, which detaches the compressed spring, giving a certain acceleration to the boom. So, as can be seen from the above, nothing is complicated in this. The main thing is to perform all the technological blocks of self-fire very carefully and qualitatively, since the main structural details of the structure should be clearly aligned with each other.

For the construction of a self-shot, we need a hardwood, among which the most preferable is the oak or lime tree. However, if you get a strong pine, then the crossbow can be made from it. Many craftsmen perform self-shots with their own hands from a wide variety of wood species. As arrows for any crossbow, it is best to use bolts with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 470-500 mm. For this bolt, there is no need to make a special hole for the string behind it, as for everything else, it resembles a conventional arrow with a tip, a core and the corresponding feathers. The latter is necessary for balancing and precise movement, since the boom is given a sufficiently strong acceleration, and in order to follow a certain flight path, it must be constructed according to all rules.

Thus, you can see that many things can be made at home, because for this you need to have only the appropriate tool, as well as a competent drawing of the propelling device. How to make a home at home, and can the product become so effective that you can take part in amateur competitions? The answer here will be in the affirmative, because most crossbows are made by masters for these purposes.

So, summing up, it should be emphasized that the development of crossbow sports and amateur competitions on this type of throwing weapons can become for many people an excellent way of recreation and entertainment. Abroad, a large number of people take part in such competitions, which indicates the high popularity of this type of competition. We now know how to make a self-shot, and now it remains only to find the necessary drawings and proceed to the immediate implementation of the task.

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