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How to get rid of eructations? How to get rid of belching air?

The human body is unique in nature. After all, in most cases, he tries to cope on his own with the various problems that he has. So, now I want to talk about how to get rid of eructations, as well as to consider the various reasons for its occurrence.

What it is?

Before you figure out how to get rid of eructations, you need to find out what it is, actually, that. So, the process itself is the exit of the accumulated gas in the stomach or esophagus. Where does he come from, this gas? There are several variants of the development of events. So, first of all, a person can swallow a certain amount of air (this can happen during a conversation at the table, as well as when consuming carbonated drinks), which should come out naturally. Also, the eruption of burdens is possible as a result of the processes of fermentation or even decay of certain products that are in the stomach - this may indicate that the body is not all right and you need to take certain measures.

The main rule

If someone wants to figure out how to get rid of eructations, the main thing to understand is that to all blame, most often, the diet that is inherent in man. Here you need to properly revise your menu and exclude those products that can cause this condition. With what is the best parting?

  1. Increased gas formation exactly cause dairy products. Especially this applies to older people, in the body of which milk is not practically digested.
  2. Influence on the frequent occurrence of burping can also be bread and other bakery products, the whole fault is hard-to-digest in the body carbohydrates, which in this food is very much.
  3. Bean plants: beans, peas, which also contain a lot of heavily fissile carbohydrates, which contribute to increased gas formation in the body, and as a result - the eruption.
  4. Some vegetables and fruits: cabbage, onions, corn, apples, pears, peaches, cherries.
  5. Carbonated drinks.
  6. Chewing caramels or chewing gum.

If a person can avoid the consumption of these foods (not completely, but excessively), then the eructation, most likely, will simply not occur.

Rules for getting rid of belching air

There are several simple rules for how to get rid of belching with air. To do this, you do not need to do something supernatural, you just have to follow pretty simple rules. First of all, consuming food, it is necessary to do this in silence and tranquility, not hurrying anywhere and not trying to keep the conversation going. The golden rule, which today everyone forgot: "when I eat, I'm deaf and dumb." It is also necessary to chew the food properly, this is necessary in order not to swallow large portions of food with portions of air, which subsequently cause eructation. It should be remembered that you need to eat sitting (not lying down and not standing) - this is important from a psychological point of view, because when a person sits at a table, the body automatically adjusts to food intake. It is important to forget about small snacks with "dry" food - sandwiches, chocolates - it can also cause belching. And one more simple rule, how to get rid of burping air: you need to observe what kind of food products contribute to this and just refuse to consume them.


Very often women experience such a problem as frequent belching during pregnancy. How to get rid of it in this situation? Here, first of all, it is important to say that the appearance of such a problem can contribute to those hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman. However, eructation can also occur after consumption of fatty or spicy food, so it is best to refuse such foods from a woman. It is also good to reduce the consumption of foods rich in sugar and starch. This is a onion, pears, artichokes, pasta, potatoes. If these simple tips have not helped, with belching during pregnancy, it's best to put up. After all, it can arise simply because the uterus grows and begins to put pressure on certain organs, including the abdominal cavity, which constricts the problem.

"Dehydrated" burp

If a person wants to figure out how to get rid of rotten belching, then first of all you need to understand the causes of its eruption and fight with them. After a rotten eructation - this is only a symptom of a certain disease. So, for the diagnosis is best to seek help from the gastroenterologist. What diseases can cause this kind of eructation? This pyloroduodenal stenosis, as well as cancer of the esophagus or stomach, etc.


Are there any other ways to get rid of eructations? Of course, this is primarily a variety of exercises. Here is the simplest of them: you need to lie on your back and raise your legs to a height of about 45 degrees from the floor. Try to stay in this position for 10 seconds, then you can lower your legs. If you make a couple of such approaches, the eructation will immediately depart and not bother the person in a public place. It should be noted that this method is completely safe and suitable for all who are looking for options how to cope with this problem.

Folk remedy: if there are stomach problems

If a person has problems with the stomach, and he looks for a way to get rid of burping food, then you can just try to avoid overloading the body with food (it is better to eat a little 5-6 times a day than three times to eat up to the dump). Also good in this situation is the usual baking soda. To consume it you need after eating a quarter teaspoon. By the same principle works and magnesia.

Folk remedy: goat's milk

Excellent helps to cope with belching and goat's milk. By the way, this option is suitable for all who want to cope with the problem, regardless of the type of burp. You just need to drink goat's milk one glass after eating three times a day. The course of treatment is considerable - two to three months. However, after this time, people will forget about what eructation is forever.

Folk remedy: clove oil

Cream oil can also cope with the eructation problem. To solve the problem you need only five or six drops of this drug to drip onto a slice of a refined sugar and all to eat. However, do this no more than twice a day.

Folk remedy: infusion of herbs

If a person has tortured a burp with rotten eggs, how to get rid of this problem? It is necessary to prepare a collection of the following herbs: 15 grams of peppermint leaves, 2 grams of leaves of a three- leaf watch, 15 grams of yarrow inflorescence, 5 grams of grass perforated St. John's wort. All these ingredients are mixed. To prepare the medicine, you need 2 tablespoons of the mixture, which are filled with hot water (two glasses). Then everything for two hours is infused, steamed and filtered. This broth is consumed throughout the day, in portions of two tablespoons. It is worth noting that this recipe is suitable for those people who have problems with high acidity of the stomach.

The best way

However, after all the recommendations for getting rid of such a problem as eructation, I want to say the main thing: it is best not to engage in self-medication, but in any situation, seek medical help. After all, there are situations in which belching is not such an inoffensive phenomenon, but a symptom of a more severe and complex disease.

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