HealthDiseases and Conditions

Effective treatment of the nail fungus (neglected form): drugs, methods and reviews

Doctors say that nail diseases in recent decades are diagnosed in 20-25% of the inhabitants of our planet. And about 90% of cases of such pathologies occur in fungal lesions of nail plates on the legs or hands. The insidiousness of this phenomenon is that many patients consider it to be only a cosmetic defect, while fungal lesions contribute to the penetration of a wide variety of infections into the body. If nail fungus and feet are found, treatment, especially in the advanced form of the disease, will require the application of enormous efforts of both doctors and patients themselves. This article is devoted to this article.

Where and how can you get a nail fungus?

To begin with it is necessary to familiarize with those factors and risks which can promote infection of a nail plate with fungous microorganisms. First, it will help to identify the boundaries of the risk of the disease in every person reading this article, in time to detect and begin treatment of the nail fungus, the neglected form of which few will deceive. Secondly, such information will be useful to those who want to protect themselves from infection.

So, where and under what circumstances is the infection of the nail and foot fungus the easiest?

  • When visiting swimming pools and water parks without appropriate shoes, where the basic rules of hygiene are often not observed and treatment against fungi is not carried out;
  • During visits to cinemas and supermarkets where a person contacts objects on which fungal microorganisms can remain (binoculars, baskets, carts and even money and tickets);
  • With systematic unprotected contact with detergents that can disrupt the integrity of the nail;
  • When wearing shoes that correspond to the latest fashion trends, but not entirely in accordance with the requirements of comfort and safety (narrow, uncomfortable, not air-permeable);
  • When cohabiting with a person who has fungal diseases of the nails (with the use of common sponges, nail files, linen and bedding).

In addition to the above risks, there are several factors that are regarded by specialists as provoking the development of the disease. These include endocrine disorders, including diabetes mellitus, diseases of the vessels of the legs and hands, the age-related weakening of the body and the suppression of immunity.

How not to miss the time?

In order not to treat the nail fungus (neglected form), it is worth to learn how to determine the presence of a problem at the earliest stage, that is before the nail plates get unpleasant shape and structure and begin to resemble bird claws. First, be attentive to your body. This tip is especially useful for men who, for a little darkening and stratification of nails, especially on their feet, for a long time try not to pay attention. Secondly, there is no point in trying to treat this disease on your own or to hide the effects of infection by cosmetic means. First of all, it is important to remember that you risk not only your health, but also the well-being of your family and friends, because the fungus is very contagious.

When is it necessary to treat the nail fungus?

In the following cases, you should immediately contact a specialist who is treating the fungus:

  • With the appearance of itching and burning of the foot skin against the background of its peeling or redness;
  • Problems with dryness of feet and okolonogtevyh areas of the skin, because of which there may be cracks;
  • Change in color, transparency of the nail plate, the appearance on it of tubercles or depressions.

Remember that at the initial stage of the development of the disease the nail can become white or gray, with yellowish or grayish specks. If at this stage no treatment of the nail fungus has been carried out, the neglected form of the disease will mark its arrival by the appearance of green, brown and black spots and streaks on the nail plates. Hide such a lush bloom on your feet or hands is very difficult.

Running nail fungus: delayed treatment, duration

To date, using the most modern methods and methods of treating nail fungus in neglected form, patients have a high chance of getting rid of it completely. Each method has its own fans and opponents, but the first thing to remember for all patients in medical rooms is that delayed treatment will never work after the first procedures. As a rule, complex disposal of the fungus occurs within one year, in rare cases 8-10 months after the start of full-scale treatment.

Methods of treatment of neglected form of nail fungus

Effective treatment of foot nail fungus today means systemic therapy with the use of external means: a variety of creams, ointments and even lacquer. Also mandatory is the long-term admission of special medications orally. In addition, it is widely used to eliminate fungal infection by laser treatment of nail fungus. An obligatory condition for full recovery is the general strengthening of the body with the use of vitamin therapy, normalization of blood circulation in the fingers and toes.

External remedies for nail fungus: creams, sprays and ointments

Antimycotic creams and ointments, which are recommended for use by many specialists, are able not only to destroy fungal cells inside the nail plate, but also to accumulate and remain in it for a long time. Quite often, the attending physician selects drugs for the treatment of the nail fungus, depending on the susceptibility of the causative agent to the active substance of the cream or ointment. That's why you should not decide on yourself which means to use, especially if the nail already has extensive and deep injuries.

Reviews of patients about the treatment of nail fungus with cream, ointment or spray

According to reviews of people who have tried the effects of antimycotic creams and ointments, the most popular are the following drugs:

  1. "Lamitel", "Nizoral" and "Myconorm". Their main advantage is declared to be low cost, which allows using them without fear for the state of the family budget. In addition, the spray "Lamitel" can be used to treat the inner surface of shoes as a preventive measure against fungi that have the property of remaining on objects.
  2. On the second place on popularity there are preparations "Ламизил", "Тербинафин", "Batrafen" and "Экзодерил". As their merits, the respondents named a large selection of dosage forms. After all, these products are presented not only in the form of creams, but also sprays, which makes their use very convenient.
  3. The third place in popularity is occupied by preparations for the treatment of nail fungus Thermicon, Bifosin and Mycosorol, which are also produced in the form of ointments, creams and sprays, but are much less advertised.

It is worth noting that sprays and creams are more popular, according to polls, since their structure allows the medications to quickly absorb into the nail and the skin of the feet, which in turn means the ease of using the funds. Of the negative moments, patients who used external means from nail fungus in neglected form, noted the duration of the course of treatment (from 6 months to 1 year) and the inability to dress or move immediately after application of funds. In addition, it is noted that too prolonged use of creams, sprays or ointments may eventually provoke an allergy to the components of the drugs used.

Tablets from a fungus of a nail plate

Antimycotic tablets with the fungal form of the nails running are often the only means that can cope with the problem. This is due to the fact that the damage to the nail plates is so deep that external means are ineffective.

What medications can a doctor advise for treatment?

  • "Diflucan" and its analogues: "Fluconazole", "Mycosyst", "Forkan", "Flukostat";
  • "Nizoral" or "ketoconazole";
  • Orungal and its analogues: "Rumikoz", "Irunin", "Itrazol";
  • "Lamisil", as well as similar in its composition "Terbinafine", "Exifin" and "Fungoterbine."

According to experts, these funds in most cases significantly increase the chances of patients to complete recovery. But the surveyed patients noted that many advertised drugs have "doubles" in terms of chemical composition, which also cope well with the disease, but they sometimes cost ten times less. For example, at a cost of "Diflucan" an average of 450 rubles per pack of 10 tablets, its analog "Fluconazole" in the same amount and dosage can be purchased for 30-50 rubles.

Liquid detergents for the removal of a nail injured by a fungus

An old enough and well-known method how to cope with the old fungus of the nail plates is dissolving it with the help of special chemical solutions. If a few years ago this could be done only in a hospital environment, then today such funds can be bought at a pharmacy. Since the action of chemical reagents used to dissolve the nail, can trigger a burn of tissues, the use of them can begin only after consulting a doctor, and perhaps even with his direct involvement in the process. After all, chemical removal of the nail is a somewhat different procedure than that of, for example, treating a nail fungus with hydrogen peroxide.

Reviews about liquids that dissolve sick nails

According to reviews using such solutions of patients, liquids that can fight fungus by dissolving the nail are very effective, but their use requires great care, since if you get on the skin of your hands or near the nail, a burn can immediately occur. In addition, the respondents agreed that the cost of the drugs in this group is quite affordable, and the effectiveness is high. Another plus solution for removing the nail - a quick and noticeable result, because with their help you can remove the sick nail for a maximum of 2 months, and in its place will grow an absolutely healthy nail plate.

Laser treatment of nails

Despite the abundance of medical preparations, the most popular among patients was the method, such as the treatment of nail fungus with a laser. Reviews about it are very rarely negative. The main advantage of this procedure is the patients consider absolute painlessness and speed of carrying out. It is worth noting that experts praise this method for the fact that when it is used the risk of damaging the healthy tissue of the nail or finger is zero.

How does the procedure work?

Laser treatment of nail fungus is always performed in a hospital. The essence of the treatment consists in heating the mycelium of nail fungi to a temperature of 45-50 degrees, as a result of which they perish. Another method of eliminating the disease is the coagulation of small blood vessels feeding the fungus with a laser. To achieve a positive result, it is enough 4 times with an interval of 1 month to visit the specialist's office, which for 10-20 minutes will be exposed to the laser by the nail. Laser treatment of the nail fungus is done after preliminary preparation, during which the upper rough part of the nail plate is cut off, the nail plate is disinfected and an antifungal agent, for example, lacquer, is applied to it.

According to statistical data, the risk of complications in the form of slow growth of the nail plate or the appearance of small scars on it, reaches a maximum of 3-5%. One of the safest methods used today is treating the nail fungus with a laser (reviews of specialists and patients confirm this). Of the shortcomings inherent in him, patients mentioned only the high cost of the procedure.

Folk methods of treatment of nail from fungus

Treatment of the nail fungus (neglected form) with medications does not always give quick results, which is why desperate patients resort to methods of traditional medicine. What the healers do not advise their patients: apply mouthwash to the nails and the skin around them, lubricate them with hydrogen peroxide, iodine or even kerosene. Of course, many recipes are ineffective and dangerous, but the use of trays with infusion of herbs (chamomile, calendula) helps reduce inflammation, which often accompanies a fungal infection, especially on the legs. Such a disease as a fungus on the nails, folk treatment can not completely eliminate, but it can contribute to the rapid restoration of the nail plate and strengthen immunity, which will help fight infection.

Beginning the treatment of the neglected shape of the nail fungus, one should remember that it is necessary to eliminate the consequences of the long development of the disease for at least a year. About full recovery can be said only after the laboratory tests confirm the absence of fungus on the feet and nails.

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