
10 strange, but very beautiful houseplants, the existence of which you did not suspect

Most likely, no one will have problems in identifying an ordinary cactus. Everyone knows what a cactus, geranium, aloe vera looks like, and also a couple of other popular indoor plants. However, there are flowers that even the most ardent fans of domestic plants have never heard of. Here, perhaps, the strangest of them.

Crassula Umbella

This is a relative of a fatty ordinary and popular "money tree", he also belongs to the genus of succulent plants. This amazing plant was nicknamed the "wine cup" for its unusual shape (it can be seen on the main photo). Although, in truth, the plant more like a martini glass. Like other representatives of the genus, this plant is relatively unpretentious and does not require special care.


This is not a plastic device for cleaning pipes, but a real plant of the family Asphodel, to which also belongs aloe. The native land of the plant is South Africa. Trachyander loves the sun, but does not tolerate too much heat.

Fat Euphorbia

This plant looks like a cactus, if he suddenly became bald and fat. Fat spurge can grow from six to ten centimeters in diameter and up to thirty centimeters in height. Like a cactus, it can withstand the drought very well.

Euphorbia "Head of Medusa"

This succulent is called "Medusa's Head", because it resembles a bunch of snakes crawling out of the pot. Homeland of this strange plant is South Africa, and in Cape Town you can observe the "Head of Medusa" in the wild.

Plattserium, or flat-faced

Platitserium, known as fern deer horn, is common in the tropical forests of Asia. The plant has not only the main rhizomes, hidden in the ground, but also the air roots.

Euphorbia Tirucalli

This African plant used to be used for the extraction of rubber, and today it is spread all over the world as a house plant, however, it rarely blooms in captivity, so do not expect flowers from it. It grows very quickly and is highly branched. In the wild, a tree can reach a height of nine meters.

Havortia Cooper

This plant looks like a bundle of bubbles filled with water, but it's just leaves, they are so amazing in this haworthia. Like all succulents, this plant is unpretentious, although in the wild it does not like light and hides in crevices.

Morgan's Cleansing

Still this plant is called an unflattering nickname "Donkey's tail, probably because the plant falls from the pot and can grow up to 40-50 centimeters in length. Homeland of this unpretentious plant is Honduras and Mexico.

Sitnik spreading "spiral"

It seems that someone just decided to make a quilling out of a normal sitnik. It is noteworthy that the parent of this unique houseplant was a common field grass. Therefore, the plant is unpretentious and easily spread.

Gentiana Urnula

Layered, straight leaves of this plant are the main reason why the plant was nicknamed the Juicy Sea Star. This is a very low, unpretentious plant that has not yet become mandatory in every collection, so get it into the house first.

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