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How to express your thoughts is an exercise. Thinking out loud. Write down your thoughts

It is useful for every person to know how to express their thoughts correctly. Words have extraordinary power. They are the cause of war, thanks to them the civilizations are crumbling, the most fateful events are taking place. If you intelligently communicate the right information to the interlocutor, you can achieve any goal in life. The art of speaking is under the power of any interested novice. The world has created a huge amount of literature on the topic of communication between people.

Misunderstanding - the problem of the 21st century

Unsuccessfully said phrase often becomes the cause of inciting conflict in the family, at work, between peoples. It is important to know how to express your thoughts when communicating. From the misunderstanding of the interlocutor, families are falling apart, wrong decisions are made. Sometimes, it does not work out.

The failures in new interviews or in business are related to the inability to speak. Having voiced thoughts aloud at the right time, a person can take a high post or please relatives. An uneasy task is to organize a public discussion on any topic. But in any case you need diligence.

No speaker was born with a clear head and a well-defined dictation. All of them learned in their time through fear and embarrassment, overcoming the surrounding indifference. It's easy to see how a speaker at a microphone quickly and coherently utters whole poems, stories, brings an urgent problem to others.

To become a master in any business, you need to start making mistakes. Only through their own cones comes the understanding of how to express their thoughts correctly. To pass at once it is necessary to practice, then acquisition of real experience will be guaranteed. In addition, they study methods of forming clear thinking.

Preparation for Speech

At the beginning of the oratorical skill training, experienced windmills recommend writing down their thoughts at any convenient moment. The future speech should be pondered constantly in search of flaws and ugly word combinations. To get just one sheet of perfectly linked text, you can take away a month of everyday research.

Write out the thoughts is useful, you can evaluate your work on the next day. Sometimes it will seem that the sheet is reflected in complete nonsense. But to make hasty conclusions is not necessary, but it is better to later take and refine the text. No wonder the famous poets wait for months in the muse to write only two lines. Similarly, the brain works for any person.

Perhaps there will be an idea on the road, but it will be somehow inconvenient to say it aloud. A smartphone or a classic piece of paper will come to the rescue. Poets still use ink, develops muscle memory. And from such a carrier is easier to perceive written by his own hand.

Dictaphone and gestures

To learn how to express their thoughts correctly, use all available methods and means. Do not limit yourself to handwritten text. In addition, you can record your workpieces on a digital medium. With the current level of technology, you can use video with sound. So you will see the shortcomings, posture and movement of parasites.

Superfluous repetition of words is better to exclude. Express your thoughts in short without using templates. The text will have to be learned. You can read from the sheet, but such an orator is not taken seriously. Literacy is the basis for attracting attention.

On the video, you can often find out how your hands are trying to find pockets. Hold the pose will have to end the discussion, and this point can not be overlooked. The interlocutor should grasp the meaning of the conversation, and not observe shyness and ridiculous movements.

Mimicry is important in any conversation, so that the interlocutor does not fall asleep. It is desirable to express benevolence and seriousness. Forever smiling face will be comparable to simplicity and disinterestedness of affairs.


The speech delivered is the guarantee of half the success. A loud and distinct voice always attracts the attention of the crowd. And if the interlocutor is alone, then he definitely will not get bored. This can be learned if a person does not have physical defects in the larynx. But on the semantic content of the sonority of the tone will not affect.

Practice at first is better not in crowded places. It is recommended to shout loudly during the reading of the speech. It's better if it happens in a field or an empty room. So quickly learn foreign pronunciation. There are practical examples when a person from a lonely settlement has absolutely no accent, having studied an alien language.

The tone of the voice is also important, the interlocutor should not perceive speech, straining the hearing aid. Monotony is inadmissible, it is necessary to express thoughts with splashes and swings of words. It is better if sometimes there are minor pauses, at this moment the listener tries to assemble and continue communication. Return the attention is obtained by diluting the material in the form of a prepared joke.


To properly express thoughts on a selected topic, you need to first understand the basics of the subject. Without understanding the question, words will get confused, and the prepared text will look like the work of an amateur. Reading books helps to correct the situation.

A competent person of trust is more. In a week, you need to read one work in the selected area of at least 100 pages. It is recommended to select literature under the guidance of a qualified specialist. Raise your vocabulary will help Russian classics.

Training memory and talking techniques

It is not enough to speak the chosen topic and understand it, you still need to know how to learn how to express your thoughts correctly. To do this, work on thinking. After all, it's one thing to express words learned in advance, and the other to competently conduct a conversation in the right direction.

In the process of discussing the problem, laconicity is welcome. However, no one needs long silence either. During the talkative period of the interlocutor, you can recall the material, gather your thoughts.

The conversation is supported by standard phrases that indicate that you are listening.

It is not recommended to be distracted and to look away. It's better to smile and shake your head in agreement. When the mind is again put in order, it is superfluous to gently break the opponent and start talking about more pressing things. Help to raise their experience in such things, casual acquaintances and discussion with the first counter of any question.

Overcome the fear of public speaking

The ability to express one's thoughts grows stronger during mass discussions. Everyone happened to make a report in class before their peers. Some students were very uncomfortable during their speech. Only the practice will help to overcome the constraint. The casual public on the bus will say thank you only if you read any excerpt from prose.

It's hard to make up your mind, and you can get embarrassed. But experience grows in proportion to accumulated failures. At the first attempts it is recommended to remember that the human memory is short. If even the performance provokes laughter, the next day each listener will plunge into his worries and forget not only the words, but also the most failed speaker.

But the tenth attempt in the head will have the right thoughts, and they can easily be conveyed to the crowd. The cause of confusion is often a lack of self-confidence. There are a lot of techniques that raise self-esteem.

How to find strength in yourself?

Many newcomers lose their desire after the first attempts. However, if you fail, you need to start describing what is happening earlier. Concentrate on absurd points is not worth it, you should understand the cause of embarrassment. Often in public speaking, one negative listener comes across. He just spoils the whole mood.

The speaker's task is to find a sympathetic face in the crowd and begin to present his thoughts to him. Then the language will not get mixed up, and the positive energy will be reflected through the speaker into the hall. However, it is better to start training in a familiar company, so as not to get into trouble.

Help professionals

Take advantage of outside help is not at all shameful. Accumulated experience has the best speakers who have already spoken publicly. Psychologists correct stiffness of character in a short time.

Choosing better known and proven courses of self-esteem growth. But forget about the daily practice is not worth it. Only real communication can lead a person out of the state of a snail. No smart book read will increase the level of the thought process, as an attempt to talk to a stranger on the topic that interests you.

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