
How to disable offline mode? Instructions

If you have the ability to open a site without an Internet connection, you can work using offline mode. But in this case, you will be able to open only those resources that have already been viewed before. So that you understand what is at issue, imagine that you have read some article on the Internet. After a while, you decided to do it again, but the connection is interrupted. In this case, the offline mode is activated .

Your computer has the ability to remember some pages of sites visited. Offline mode in this case will allow them to open with an inactive Internet connection. However, not always in this mode will open previously visited sites.

Now, when almost every apartment has unlimited Internet, this mode is practically not used, however, in cases where it is necessary to pay for each megabyte, it will be very useful. So if you are interested in the issue of economical traffic consumption, you can periodically activate this function. True, users may encounter another problem. It happens that by launching the browser, you receive from him a message about the inability to open a particular site because of the active offline mode.

Let's talk about how to disable offline mode in some common browsers. For example, in the Opera during an attempt to go to a resource, you will see a message on the display indicating that this mode is currently active, so you can not work with sites. After that, you will be offered instructions on how to disable offline mode. To do this, you must click on the retry button and reload your page. After these actions, this mode should be disconnected, and the site you need will be downloaded.

As for such a popular browser as Chrome, there is no stand-alone mode, so there will never be such problems. I do not know why the developers thought that it would not be useful to users. Perhaps in the future this function will be implemented in it.

As for how to disable offline mode in another well-known browser, called Mazilla, this procedure is similar to Opera's. But you can still do this without waiting for such warnings. To do this, you need to call up the menu through the "File" tab, in which to uncheck the line of autonomous work.

The Opera does this by clicking on the menu button, which is located at the topmost line, and there you need to click on the settings section, in which to deactivate the offline work. Also this browser has one more way how to disable offline mode. In the Opera, you can take advantage of its only function of removing various buttons on the panel. So do this with the button that is responsible for this mode.

We discussed with you what is the offline mode in browsers, what it is needed for, how to disable it. Just do not confuse this function with the same in some games. The Steam stand-alone mode has nothing to do with this. The names are really very similar, but this is the only similarity.

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