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How to clean the stomach after giving birth

After giving birth, many women face such a problem as a saggy belly. As you know, during pregnancy the skin on the abdomen stretches as the child grows in size. After the birth of the child, the skin can not return to the previous forms in one moment. Most lucky for those who did not have to make any effort to pull in the belly, he left them on their own. True, such a minority, most of the young mothers are asked the same question: how to clean the abdomen after childbirth. It is worth noting that no one has invented a magic tool from this, so you will have to make a lot of effort until your tummy disappears.

The main thing that prevents using radical measures, is breastfeeding. During this period, you can not sit on a diet, because the baby needs a healthy, vitamin-enriched diet. But even if the mother does not breastfeed for any reason, the doctors advise at least six months to refuse to comply with diets. The organism has already experienced a serious shock during pregnancy and childbirth, and now it needs to regain its strength. Another difficulty is the fact that in the first month after birth you can not exercise and exercise. And yet the sagging belly after childbirth can be removed.

You can take care of the postnatal condition of the abdomen during pregnancy. All you need is to wear a special bandage that will support the stomach and not let it sag. The bandage can be worn after the birth, but on this occasion you will have to consult a doctor.

In order to understand how to remove the abdomen after childbirth, one wearing a bandage is not enough. The maximum that can be done in the first days after childbirth is to put in order its food. Since the diet can not sit down, you have to adhere to a balanced diet. Many mothers loved to eat deliciously during pregnancy and now they also want to eat their favorite sausage or a big slice of cake. But all this is stored in fats, which are later located on the abdomen and other parts of the body. If the mother stops eating everything sweet, fatty and salty, the child will not suffer from it. On the contrary, the baby will be only happy if she starts eating tasty and healthy food.

If the doctor allows, then a month later, you can start doing physical exercises. The abdomen after birth is not supported by the muscles, since they are weakened. Here they must be tightened. Elementary, what you can do every day, is to swing the press. In this case, the load should go not only to the direct muscles, but also to the oblique muscles. To use the oblique muscles, it is necessary to turn the torso to the side when lifting. And it's even better if the legs are in a bent, elevated state when working on the oblique muscles. You can also squeeze your stomach into yourself and hold your breath for a few seconds. In general, good exercises can be searched on the Internet. Since removing the abdomen after childbirth from the first time does not work, you have to introduce a habit of daily exercise. Here many mothers are faced with a lack of time, but you can also find your favorite for at least 20 minutes. For example, when the baby is sleeping or playing.

Thus, only with a comprehensive approach can get rid of the stomach. Of course, not everyone succeeds, still sitting at home, his feet are constantly pulling to the refrigerator, and the exercises do not always want to. But how to clean the abdomen after childbirth, if you do not force yourself to do everything that was described above. Every woman should psychologically adjust herself to the fact that a beautiful figure is much better than a body hidden in centimeters of fat. You can imagine how it will look on the thin figure look here that dress or that blouse. The main thing is to have at least some kind of stimulus. A good mood, coupled with proper nutrition and exercise, will soon help you forget what a saggy belly is.

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