
How much hair grows in a month and 3 months?

Hair makes a woman more attractive, especially long and shining with health. Most girls dream of a smart shock on their head, but few of them know how many cm hair grows in a month and what the trichologists say about it.

Growth rate

Specialists in this field, trichologist doctors, have long known how much hair grows in a month. On average, a day, it can increase its length by 0.3-0.35 mm. Now you can count:

  • Per day - up to 0,35 mm;
  • For a week - up to 2.5 mm;
  • For a month - about 10 mm.

This is an average value, and experts note that it can vary from person to person. Much here depends on the initial condition of the hair, good heredity and, of course, proper care for them.

Determine the number of

Each hair on the head of a person passes through several stages of its development, after which it falls out, and in its place a new one grows. To find out how many new hair grows per month, consider these phases in more detail:

  1. Anagen - during this period a new hair bulb is formed. This phase lasts about two years. The easiest way to look at the process is with the example of toddlers. Vegetation on their head after birth is practically absent, and many mothers are very worried about this. But after 1.5-2 years the crown of the child is covered with beautiful hair, which grows very fast.
  2. Catagen is the phase of the end of hair growth, or boundary, when they are at rest or complete their growth (anagen). It is the shortest and lasts no more than 2-3 weeks.
  3. Telogen - is divided into early and late stages. To early carry the stop of hair growth, when it reaches a certain length and does not want to grow further. In the late phase begins a natural hair loss, which is replaced by new ones, and again the anagen phase begins.

Experts calculated that during human life one hair follicle can be renewed up to 20 times and even more. Counting how much hair grows in a month on the head, it will be difficult, but to know how many they fall a day, and monitor this process, should every girl.

Learning to save your hair

The norm of daytime fall is a maximum of 100 hairs. Therefore, after daily combing, it is worth paying attention to the brush and visually determine the amount of hair on it. If it is small and permanent, there is nothing to worry about, but when the hair is very large and this situation becomes systematic, it is worth urgently to alarm. Alopecia, or pathological hair loss, is already a serious disease that requires consultation of a specialist trichologist.

If hereditary predisposition to baldness is not available, hair will grow throughout life, but it should be borne in mind that over the years the production of nutrients in the body is significantly slowed down. Without proper care, hair quickly lose its shiny appearance, become brittle, dull, dry and much thinner.

Genetic features

How much hair grows in a month, largely depends on the genetic predisposition of a person. If parents are the bearers of chic hair, then their children will have the same, and vice versa, if they are predisposed to baldness with the situation, something will be difficult to do.

Depends much on the human race. Europeans are useless to compete with representatives of the Mongoloid race. The inhabitants of Asia hair will always be thicker, stronger and longer. In addition, the growth of hair is directly influenced by:

  • Work of the adrenal glands;
  • thyroid gland;
  • Pituitary gland.

The slightest fluctuation in the hormonal background can also lead to a disruption in their growth. That is why during pregnancy or during the baby's feeding often there is an increased hair loss. Women face the same situation during the menopause. All this is caused only by a certain state of the hormonal background, but not by bad nutrition or by the presence of deviations in human health.

Proper care

How many centimeters of hair grows in a month, it is easy to calculate, it is important to note a number of factors responsible for this process. These include:

  • season;
  • heredity;
  • age;
  • food;
  • climate.

In hot weather, hair will grow faster (in summer and in the spring, their growth is higher by 20%). Here everything depends on the circulation of blood, which is intensified in the heat and well supplies the bulbs with all the necessary nutrients. In the cold season, the growth of hair is noticeably slowed down.

How to Speed Up Hair Growth

Very often, manufacturers of hair care products use an interesting marketing move - they promise consumers acceleration of hair growth after using their funds. Trichologists have long proved that no shampoo helps to increase the length of the hair, since its direct and unique function is their cleansing.

On how much hair grows in a month, I was also interested in our grandmothers. For this purpose, they successfully used natural masks. The substances in their composition irritate the scalp and cause intense blood flow to the hair follicles. In order to maximize the effect, it is recommended that you cover the hair with a film and warm it well with a fluffy towel. The most effective products for accelerating hair growth:

  • cinnamon;
  • mustard;
  • ginger;
  • Tincture of red pepper.

How much hair grows in a month, directly depends on the balance of minerals and vitamins in our body. By the appearance of the hair can quickly determine what exactly they need, and adjust the balance:

  • Cross-section and fragility, especially at the tips, is a clear deficiency of vitamins A, B, C;
  • There is no gloss - there are not enough amino acids, magnesium, selenium, zinc, vitamins of group B, E and D;
  • Slow growth - add keratin, zinc, chromium, iodine, calcium, silicon.

In general, the more vitamins and nutrients, the better. In pharmacies there is now a huge choice. There are multivitamin complexes and liquid vitamins in ampoules that can be added to your favorite hair masks.

Negative factors

We found out how much hair grows - for 3 months you can watch your hair and its growth speed. A good healthy hair for this period should grow by 3-4 cm. If the result is unsatisfactory, it is worthwhile to think about a number of factors that negatively affect hair growth. These include:

  • All the means for styling - they contain polymer substances that envelop the hair, making them healthier in appearance, but clogging scales.
  • Too tight hair - gum and hair clips that pinch your hair, spoil their structure. They should only be soft and comfortable.
  • Coloring, perm - that would not say the master in the hairdressing salons, and these procedures will always be very harmful to the hair, if possible, it is better to abandon them altogether or apply only sparing options.
  • Stress is a very important reason for sudden hair loss in large quantities. Stress, like a harmful habit to nicotine, leads to a narrowing of the vessels and poor nutrition of the hair, and the result is an unhealthy appearance, slow growth and a complete lack of shine.

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