
"Concept" (shampoo toning): description, instructions for use and reviews

Not all women prefer to use persistent colorants for the color of their hair. In their opinion, this is absolutely unacceptable and inexpedient. An excellent substitute for these products is a color shampoo for hair. A cosmetic product is made especially for such fashionable women who want to color their curls, but do not want to use products with too much chemical impact. Such toning drugs can make your hair feel fresh and bright. And at the same time and change the shade of your hair.

How to use shade shampoos?

Undoubtedly, the main advantage of all toning means in front of classic persistent paints is that they have a more gentle composition. Among the ingredients that make up this shampoo for hair, there are no elements that strongly affect the strands, such as hydrogen peroxide or ammonia and its derivatives. That is why such means do not have harmful, negative influence on the head of hear. It is exceptionally superficial and delicate. With its use, the curls not only retain their entire internal structure and appearance, but also receive additional care and nutrition due to numerous moisturizing and nutritional supplements, including microelements, proteins and vitamins. Such cosmetics are allowed to be used even by women during pregnancy.

Do such funds have negative sides?

Unfortunately, they are available. First of all, it should be emphasized that such products are relatively unstable compared to standard hair dye shampoos. When used, the pigment is unable to stay on the surface of the strands for a long time, as a result of which it is completely washed off: after about six head washings. Another undoubted disadvantage is that you can not completely change your current hair color. That is why such toning shampoos should be chosen according to the color that is closest to yours. Otherwise, the painting will look a little ridiculous and inappropriate.

Using this tool, you will notice that the difference between the tonality of your strands and the shade of the drug will not be visible if you are a brunette or brown-haired woman. And in the case of blond hair or small gray hair, application can give a completely unpredictable result. If you suddenly have any doubts as to whether the chosen shade will suit you, you can dye only a small part of the neck as a test. And compare the result with the optimal option you need.

Shampoo "Concept" shampoo

In order not to dye your hair with aggressive preparations, you can use more gentle and gentle methods. An excellent example of such tools is the "Concept". Shampoo is like a lot of women. This product has long been established in the modern market of cosmetics for hair care. Often, the young lady rescues the shampoo "Concept": from yellowness, he rescues their curls. In addition, it is able to give precious hair an extra volume and a wonderful shine.

To ensure that the strands do not stain more than you need, you can mix it with another cosmetic shampoo. "Concept" - shampoo, which is great when you need to paint only the first gray hair that appeared on your hair. Ingredients of the remedy deeply enter the structure of the hair, saturating them with nutrients and amino acids. And also add strands density and volume. The tonality of this shampoo is selected based on the natural, natural color of your curls.

The views of the beautiful half of humanity

Among the female population, shampoo "Concept" is very popular. Reviews about it are extremely positive. Women who tried it, note the persistent coloring effect. They also like the pleasant, varied shades of the medium. In addition, they mention that after use there are absolutely no different side effects. The curls look beautiful and shiny.


Very suitable blonde "Concept". Shampoo for neutralizing yellowness can be considered a truly innovative and modern in all respects cosmetic means. Its unique composition is able to suit any woman or girl, regardless of the type and length of hair. It will equally well affect the light, dark and even red locks. Be aware that before using the product you will need to prepare your strands in advance. To do this, they are pre-wetted with water and gently wiped with a towel to keep them a little wet.

How exactly should I use shade?

If it is a question of light blond shades, then preference should be given to the clarifying shampoo. He will bring the color of your strands closer to the solar palette. It is better for dark-haired brunettes to use a shade of shade. He will not only color the strands in the desired shade, but also substantially revitalize them. In addition, it will give them shine and silky. In the case of the classic variants, the brown-haired women after the use of the shading shampoo will attract the enthusiastic looks of the surrounding people and please them with their new copper color. Bright and rich gamma can update the image, adding hair reddish tint. To make your strands as bright as possible, you need to keep the "Concept" (shampoo) longer on your hair. It will not damage the strands, since it is not potent.

"Concept": shampoo and gray hair

Here the cosmetic means will not become your assistant. In the case of gray strands, the shade of "Concept" shampoo is not so effective. Many experiments were carried out. And it turned out that the product is able to paint natural gray hair not more than thirty percent. If we are talking about brunettes, who have been caught unawares by such hair, they may have very unusual reddish and reddish hues on their hair. Professional stylists and hairdressers advise the use of such shampoos in conjunction with the operations of melirovaniya and keratirovaniya.

Combination with Henna

Remember that after you used henna on your hair, "Concept" (shampoo) can give the most unexpected and unpredictable result. The shade can become bright-colored, as a result of which you will not recognize close people. This is due to the fact that henna is a perfectly natural coloring substance. It is deeply and deeply absorbed in the hair to the roots. Because of this, it is often incredibly difficult to get rid of its shades.

If your task is to become a brunette, then, using the tool, you should weigh everything carefully. Dark colors are not all women. In addition, if you suddenly change your mind and want to return to your native light palette, you are unlikely to succeed. Black toning shampoo "Concept" is very poorly washed from the surface of the head of hear. You can get rid of it after a long period, and only in several stages.

If your hair is discolored or you have recently had a chemical perming, do not use these shampoos. The best solution in this case is waiting. Suffer a few weeks before you start painting your hair. Otherwise, the risk of getting a dark-brown or light-green shade on strands is great. Remember that the remedy is applied exclusively to the already washed with shampoo head. And left for a period of five to fifteen minutes. Wash it with warm clean water.

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