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Sayings, wise thoughts of Omar Khayyam

Omar Khayyam is a Persian poet, scientist, thinker, researcher. As a person, he is widely known not only in his homeland, but also abroad; In particular, he gained great popularity in Russia. The wise thoughts of Omar Khayyam and to this day excite the minds of the intellectual reader, for whom the ability to think and meditate is a necessary need.

This remarkable poet created at the turn of the 11th - 12th centuries. The themes that he touched in his immortal rubas are very different. In the most general case, they are aimed at affirming Liberty as the highest value. The possibility to remain oneself and fulfill the will of the Most High Khayyam considered almost the most important task of human life. He meets a lot of quatrains, dedicated to the meaning of life and the search for the highest truth. In this article we will consider some clever ideas of Omar Khayyam and determine their meaning.

"Do not grieve for what is not. From that, be free, that is "

We often chase in life for something unattainable and think that we need to have some thing. In fact, this action hides emptiness and loneliness. A happy, self-sufficient person does not suffer from the absence of fashionable clothes, well-advertised items or other goods. He lives his own ideas about life and he himself determines what he wants to have, and what can be refused. In fact, all dreams are achievable and real, you just need to want.

However, it is much more important for a person to learn to appreciate what he has at the moment. Thoughts of Omar Khayyam Just underscore the need to be satisfied with the present day. We can not stop striving for our goals, but desires should be useful, lead to development and self-improvement.

"Not by myself, I went this way"

In this statement, the primary role of the divine principle in the life of each individual is affirmed. It is necessary to understand that leadership derives from God, and does not exist by itself. In particular, in all that we have in life, are indebted to the Lord, and not to ourselves. The merit of every person is not to live as she wants, neglecting the desires of others, but to send souls to the divine voice in their hearts in every way possible. We are always given a direction to follow, as well as a conductor leading to new heights. Omar Khayyam is trying to convey this simple truth to the reader. His statements are unique and remarkable.

"Be cheerful: the earthly ball will not die forever"

Here it is said that the Universe is infinite and abundant. Whatever the person does, he will certainly succeed if he devotes enough time and energy to the occupation. And even if we do not succeed in completing some serious business, we can, at least, start the direction that others will continue, our followers.

If you look at the stories of all great people, the discoveries they made were visible at a distance when their students also had time to contribute. Wise thoughts of Omar Khayyam Are very deep and substantial in nature, which allows them to exist for many centuries and remain relevant.

"You'd better be alone than with anyone else"

It is so important for a person to care about the purity of his soul. This means that every act committed in life, even the smallest, has value. Sometimes a person tends to forget about it. Recklessness and free-thinking, when they harm other people, are always severely punished. It is necessary to assume responsibility for one's actions, actions and thoughts. This is what Omar Khayyam is talking about. The pearls of thought are, as always, truthful and refined.

"Happy is he who, for at least a moment, was happy"

People often do not appreciate what they have because they want to achieve much more. The real wisdom is to appreciate every moment of life and be able to use it for its intended purpose.

Unfortunately, the existence of a person is defined by a time frame, we are not eternal. Whether we like it or not, we will be taken away from here, the soul is not of this world. This idea is emphasized by Omar Khayyam. Statements Sharp, like a razor, and true, because in them is hidden the truth.

"Live three hundred years, and end one"

The ancient sages called upon us to always remember death. One can not live one day, for all the perfect deeds some time a reaction from the universe will come. Therefore, every day you need to take care of the piety of your soul, try to correct mistakes that were once made, and try not to repeat them again. Wise thoughts of Omar Khayyam Would not have had such enormous power if they did not mention the imminent end that awaits each of us.

Everyone strives to live life in accordance with their beliefs, achieve some high results. But few people think about how worthy to live is to fulfill their destiny. The reason for which we come here is our main task, which must necessarily be accomplished, solved.

"We are puppets, and puppeteers are the firmament"

Sometimes in difficult moments of life it may seem that nothing depends on our actions in the world. As if fate sets the path and determines who to measure the happiness or grief. We try, we do something, but we do not see any special results at once. As if we are not people at all, but puppets suspended by a cheerful puppeteer. Every normal person has a feeling from time to time that someone else controls it, but not himself. It may be a higher power, but who does not believe in God, the joyfully leads the dark beginning. Wise thoughts of Omar Khayyam focus mostly on the theme of life and death, the meaning of human existence. His attitude towards the end is shocking with his optimism and some irony.

Thus, the unique personality was the Persian poet and scholar Omar Khayyam. Quotes about life, Which includes his poetic book "Rubai", are filled with unprecedented ease and confidence. The poet seems to tease himself, but he admires the immutable truth and eternal values of mankind.

Passes for decades, centuries, but the amazing philosophical reflections of Omar Khayyam are still alive, they are loved and appreciated all over the world. And among the admirers of his work there are not only philologists and literary critics, but also people who are absolutely inclined to solve esoteric questions. Probably, there is no other such poet who would more accurately ever determine the essence and meaning of man's stay on earth. He alone, with unsurpassed accuracy, told the world what no one had ever said before him, revealed the secret of being. His vivid statements became citations, which people repeat and remember by heart.

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