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How many people can live without food, water and sleep

Are we, the mere mortals, able to go against nature and confront the biological needs that underlie our existence? As practice has shown, we can, however, the question is whether we need to scoff so much at our organism and what purpose we set ourselves at the same time. Reading about various interesting cases, I was a little surprised how many people can live without food, sleep or water.

Firstly, a rather unusual man, Yakov Tsiperovich, got into the story. According to the data, his own wife tried to poison him, and because of the damage caused to the body he suffered a clinical death, after which he did not sleep for 16 years, never slept an eye. Doctors, conducting examinations, confirmed that everything with the body of a man is in order. Unicum, what can I say?

But still the average person can not sleep, not causing visible harm to health, no more than two days, after which various deviations begin to manifest themselves. So, many experimenters after three days were observed hallucinations, irritability, apathy, the first signs of psychosis. By the way, even a day without sleep is harmful, as the level of sugar in the blood rises, the hormone of joy is not produced, hence - an ugly mood. And if you do not sleep for more than three days, then the probability of irreversible consequences is great - the death of brain cells.

Quite an interesting question - how many people can live without food. There are many cases in which fasting lasted several months, for example. However, this should be done only by trained individuals, because an ordinary person is unlikely to survive a hunger strike for more than three days.

In the manuals for beginners it is said that in the early days symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, discontent, irritability will prevail, but then, if your body is ready for such a life, these problems will go away. A second wind will open, after which the body will begin to work with a new force, and you will really feel healthier than ever. And the question of how many people can live without food, answer yourself, based on your own feelings.

But there is a certain correction, which says that weight in this way of life, if it is not excessive, should always remain on the same level. If the extra is available, then gradually it will reach the ideal mark, but should not move further. Otherwise, all attempts to join fasting should be stopped, because weight loss will only lead to the appearance or aggravation of diseases.

How many days a person can live without food, following all the rules of starvation and at the same time being observed by competent specialists? It is not known, everything depends on the constitution. Perhaps a month, perhaps, and six months.

The most common question, a person can live without food or not, are asked by the fair sex who want to remove excess weight and get in shape. Nutritionists recognize that a short and proper starvation can lead to a positive result, but not all. Chronic diseases may worsen, arrhythmia may appear, so no one should starve himself without consulting the doctor.

By the way, during the refusal of food should not be neglected by water, but gradually its amount, required by your body, can be reduced from a liter to one glass a day. Remember that food brings strength to us. You can limit it in quantity, you can use only useful, make a varied menu, but to refuse food is a very responsible and serious step.

So, we figured out how many people can live without food. There remains an important question: how to do without water and whether it is possible. The answer is one - without water the person will last no more than three days, as dehydration of the body will lead to improper work of the kidneys, heart and brain.

In a day a person should drink 1-2 liters of water, not counting juices, tea and other beverages. Of course, very few people follow this schedule, but it's worth trying and making sure that sometimes a glass of water discourages to eat a huge portion of fried potatoes with meat. To eat all the same will want, of course, but only much less. Here's a way to lose weight, an alternative to starvation.

We examined the question of how many people can live without food and other important components of our lives. We sleep, eat, drink water due to the natural needs of the organism, such is our nature. Perhaps, it is not worth disturbing normal existence by various experiments, which, for the most part, lead to not very good consequences.

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