Sports and FitnessWeight loss

How fast to lose weight in a week? How to lose weight properly: exercise, diet

In this article, we'll talk about how fast to lose weight in a week and whether it can be done at all in theory, but in practice. After all, the practical implementation of the idea is always more difficult and crooked than theoretical plans and calculations.

Where are you in such a hurry?

Proper weight loss does not tolerate fuss. This case needs to be approached in a thorough and unhurried manner. Think about it: if it was possible to release your body from overgrown fat with ease in a few days, then the problem of excess weight would not exist at all, and dieticians would be left without work. But in reality, for some reason, they do not have to sit around, on the contrary - the number of clients grows from year to year.

Doctors say that rapid weight loss is for the body a real stress, which can cause a variety of diseases. Think about it! In addition, it is well known that quickly lost kilograms have the ability to quickly return to their master. If, knowing all this, you still intend to deal with the question of how quickly to lose weight in a week and melt excess fat with determination and pressure, then read the article further, it will give recommendations on this matter.

Only we want to warn that a very full person can not become a cane in a week. Guided by our advice, you can throw off a maximum of 5-6 kg in such a short time, which, in general, is very good. Another obstacle to instant relief from burdensome fat is age. The fact is that with age, metabolic processes in the body slow down, and time is required for their dispersal.

How can I quickly lose weight?

In principle, the path to slenderness has long been known: you need to move more and at the same time there is less. But the main thing is the correct motivation, the goal setting and the intention to achieve it at all costs! Man is a creature that can turn mountains if he really wants something.

You will have to show all your willed qualities, every day to work on yourself, not a single step away from the plan (after all, time is short). We intend to suggest that you change in 7 days with a strict diet and exercise. Are not you disappointed? Then go ahead!

What exercises are most effective?

Quickly burn excess fat by using the exercise system bodyflex. This gymnastics, combining a specific diaphragmatic breathing and exercises, aimed at correcting certain areas of the body. With the help of bodyflex it is possible in a short time to reduce the waist and hips, tighten the buttocks and stomach. That's good news, is not it? After all, when a person learns how quickly to lose weight in a week with a diet, he hopes to "grind" his figure in its middle part, but these hopes may not be justified.

For example, women often want that as a result of sitting on a diet, the waist becomes thinner, and ugly "pillows" of fat on hips disappear, and instead they lose weight in their breasts, arms and legs. Exercises from bodyflex for the abdomen, hips and waist will help achieve the desired result in a very short time. This complex will be especially interesting for those who do not want to limit themselves in food and are looking for ways to lose weight without dieting. Bodyflex helps to reduce appetite, in addition, for 15-20 minutes of classes on this system, the body spends more calories than an hour of jogging.

You can not limit yourself to just bodyflex and attach to it swimming, aerobics, dancing, cycling, athletic walking, running, playing tennis or volleyball. The choice, as you can see, is very large. The main thing is to move more!

Which diet to choose?

As for choosing a diet, then before embarking on all serious, it would be good to visit a doctor and undergo a small examination. Suddenly, you have any serious deviations in health, such as reduced hemoglobin, kidney or liver disease, but what if it's not enough! Not all people can sit on strict diets. Yes, and a healthy person needs to first find out how many calories to consume to lose weight and yet do not harm your body.

In the opinion of nutritionists, it is necessary to lose weight with food not less than 1000 calories per day.

Lose weight to help vegetables

There are many different mono diets for slimming: buckwheat, milk, chocolate, cabbage, orange and a huge number of others. Try to choose among this variety a diet based on vegetables (carrot, cabbage, tomato, squash, etc.). They are rich in fiber, contain many vitamins and minerals and the absolute majority of them are low in calories (except potatoes). Does the vegetable diet help to lose weight? The responses give an unambiguous positive answer. Here are some advantages of a diet from vegetables:

  • They can eat a lot, there will still be no calories, the only vegetable to be feared is potatoes.
  • Vegetable fiber in the body does not split, passing through the intestines, it absorbs slags and toxins and takes them out of your body.
  • Fiber has the ability to partially bind fats, thus not allowing them to fully digest.
  • Vegetables quickly give a sense of saturation, especially stew.

Cabbage Diet

You can try to lose weight on cabbage. Reviews of the cabbage diet say that this is an effective and harmless way to quickly lose weight. You can lose one kilogram per day. There are a lot of cabbage diets. We offer one of the most sparing.

  • Breakfast : a glass of invigorating warm green tea.
  • Lunch : 200 grams of lean veal, beef, fish or white chicken without salt, boiled or cooked; A large bowl of fresh cabbage salad with carrots, dressed with olive oil.
  • Dinner : quail egg or half chicken, a portion of cabbage salad, 1 unsweetened apple or half a grapefruit.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir, but this is only if you suffer from severe hunger. Also, you can alternate different types of cabbage: white, colored, kohlrabi. Cauliflower can be boiled (just a little bit). Salt is not used all 7 days. To give salads sharpness and taste, you can add juice, squeezed out of lemon.

The Swedish diet

When writing this article, we discussed many diets and recommendations on how to lose weight. The reviews we have read about the Swedish diet simply oblige us to tell the readers about this seven-day program. According to feedback, in 7 days you can lose up to 7 kg.

The first day

  • Your breakfast should consist of buckwheat, boiled on water and 250 grams of milk.
  • In the evening you can have a salad of sweet pepper, one tomato, 100 grams of hard cheese and onions. You can drink a piece of milk with a glass of milk.
  • For dinner, eat a salad of boiled beets, seasoned with low-fat sour cream, boiled potatoes and a small slice of rye bread.

Second day

  • Breakfast: a glass of milk and buckwheat porridge on the water.
  • Lunch: 150 g of delicious salad from any green vegetables, a slice of stewed lean fish, two cooked medium potatoes.
  • Dinner: a glass of low-fat milk, 2 hard-boiled eggs and a salad of fresh cabbage and onions.

Day Three

  • Breakfast: a slice of rye bread, 60 grams of hard cheese, a glass of milk.
  • Lunch: 200 ml of freshly squeezed apple juice, a slice (250 g) of boiled lean chicken without skin, vegetable salad (100 g).
  • Dinner: 150 grams of mashed potatoes, 80 grams of cheese, a piece of stale bread, 200 ml of milk.

Day four

  • For breakfast: 2 croutons and a glass of apple juice.
  • For lunch: 200 g of fruit (your choice), a piece of boiled lean meat, 100 grams of buckwheat, boiled on water.
  • Supper: milk, rice porridge on the water (100 gr.), Salad from tomatoes and onions.

Day five

  • Breakfast: yogurt without additives (100 g), medium-sized orange.
  • For lunch: boiled potatoes (100 g), meat cutlets, a glass of tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: apple juice, fruit, strawberry.

Day Six

  • For breakfast: milk and buckwheat porridge on the water.
  • For lunch: orange, apple, boiled meat, boiled potatoes (150 g).
  • For dinner: boiled rice (100 g), vegetable salad with sunflower oil.

Day Seven

  • Breakfast: milk, buckwheat on the water.
  • Lunch: a glass of orange juice, boiled potatoes - 100 grams, an apple and an orange.
  • Dinner: a slice of rye bread, apple juice, meat chop, vegetable salad.

Magic water

Here's another tip on how to lose weight properly: observe a special drinking regimen. Let the water become the basis of your weekly diet. This is a wonderful, magical substance, given to us by nature. During a strict diet, the body will try to get rid of various slags. This threatens the appearance of rashes on the skin, a feeling of weakness, under the eyes may appear dark circles. But if you drink a lot of water, then it will help your body to purify itself without the appearance of painful symptoms.

An important action of water for everyone who wants to lose weight: it helps to break the appetite. If you, when sitting on a diet, suddenly feel strong hunger, your will weakens and you will feel a strong temptation to give up everything and eat "from the belly" - drink a glass of water. This will help prevent a breakdown. You can drink warm boiled water, it better dulls the feeling of hunger.

From what it is necessary to refuse temporarily

Perhaps you will be surprised to learn that during the week-long diet you will not only have to refuse from fatty foods, from confectionery and flour products, but from many fruits. In bananas, grapes and even in some varieties of sweet apples contains too much sugar, which will prevent weight loss, and time we have - only 7 days. Also, we will have to give up snacks from dried fruits and nuts. Dried dates, figs and dried apricots are certainly very tasty and useful, but not for those who want to quickly lose weight and only dream about how to lose weight. Reviews of the negative plan advise to avoid more and different fruit cocktails, it is better to drink water and green tea.

And you have to give up lying on the couch. During the strict diet and want to lie down to rest. The body is trying to save energy and sends you signals-commands - to move less. Do not listen to his "harmful advice" in any case! On the contrary: try to overcome yourself and overcome laziness. Get plenty out in the fresh air and go in for sports.

How to lose weight without dieting?

Anything without gaining weight is a dream for many ... And indeed, there are people who live like that for a lifetime: they eat a lot and manage to be thin as sticks. So their organism is arranged. But if you are predisposed to completeness, then it is hardly worth trying to imitate the aforementioned comrades.

But still you can do without diets. Just need to carefully plan your daily diet, counting calories, and make sport a part of your life. If you are ready for constant self-control, then you may not need diet for weight loss.

Will fasting help?

We would like you to learn how to lose weight properly, and not how to lose weight at any cost, including your own health. If you want to starve for a week in the name of losing weight, then this is absolutely the wrong approach to the problem of excess weight! During fasting, the metabolism in the body is greatly slowed down, and it is possible that after you start eating again, the metabolism will not be able to return to the previous rate. Do you know that with the help of medical starvation, dystrophy is well treated? That is, after getting out of hunger, people start gaining weight. And why do you need it?

Our goal is not to slow down the metabolism, but on the contrary - to accelerate it by several orders of magnitude. We can achieve this by a skillfully composed diet and exercise. Fasting is advised to practice only on special unloading days, which can be held once a week. If you still firmly decided to starve for a week, then first study the theory, read Shelton's books "Starvation for Health" and Brega's "The Miracle of Fasting."

Do not blindly trust advertising

Omnipresent advertising loudly assures that she knows how to lose weight. Tablets to reduce appetite, teas for weight loss, green coffee, goji berries, "Liquid Chestnut" - that is not offered to people today to get rid of excess fat, in exchange for banknotes, of course. It can not be said that all this does not help, but still it is not necessary to rely entirely on miracles. Often, generous promises and promises - it's just advertising tricks, "chips", as they are still called.

Photos of those who lose weight before and after using some newfangled means, published in the media, also refer to advertising tricks. Of course, in order to diet and exercise regularly, you need to make efforts, and to take tablets and advertised drugs do not have to strain too much. But remember that trying to lose weight without physical activity and limiting yourself to eating is like fighting laziness without getting out of bed or a sofa.

Autotraining and affirmations

Well, now you know how quickly to lose weight in a week. To withstand the intended plan all seven days and not break, we suggest to the diet and exercises to add some auxiliary methods. Daily morning and evening auto-training will help you create the right psychological attitude. Nothing complicated in this. Just need to lie down, relax the whole body and mentally say that you are full, feel good, you are filled with the joy of the fact that the goal is getting closer and closer. Read the special literature on auto-training - this will help.

Another good thing is positive affirmations. You can speak them all day long. Proposals should be short and clear, for example: "With every second and a minute, I'm getting slimmer and slimmer." I'm absolutely indifferent to food. If for autotraining you need to retire and allocate special time, then for the mental pronunciation of affirmations, nothing is required, you can do it anywhere: at work, in public transport, for a walk, etc.

What's next?

We believe that you can get rid of a few pounds of fat a week. But what do you plan to do when the 7 days pass? Do not try to arrange a "feast of the stomach" to celebrate your success, eating all sorts of goodies. Fat can quickly return. A week is a very short time, and in order to consolidate the achieved result, time is needed. After the termination of a diet try to adhere to some restrictions in food. Do not start on your table fatty high-calorie foods and definitely continue to play sports and do exercises. Otherwise, after a while you can start looking for a way to lose weight in 5 days or even 3 days. Try to avoid getting into a vicious circle: diet - gluttony - diet.

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