
How dangerous is the dysbiosis in a child: symptoms, signs, prevention and treatment

By dysbacteriosis is meant a quantitative disorder of the intestinal microflora of the intestine, leading to the development of atypical or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Over the past decades, physicians and scientists have been discussing this pathology a lot, recognizing that dysbacteriosis from a clinical point of view is not an independent nosological disease. It is generally accepted that this is a secondary pathological condition with pronounced manifestations, which leads to a disbalance between the microflora and the macroorganism.

In young children, especially in the first half of the year, there is an active development of microflora composition, and during this period minor disturbances cause dysbiosis in the child. Symptoms have a different clinical picture - the severity of the manifestations may not correspond to the dysbiotic disorders. Sometimes, with the slightest problems in the digestive tract, there is no clear symptomatology, but as soon as the immunity weakens and the protective mechanisms of the intestinal mucosa breaks, signs of poisoning appear .

In infants who are on artificial feeding, the microflora contains a huge amount of bacteroids, clostridia, anaerobic cocci. Therefore, with a change in diet - the introduction of additional complementary foods - often there is a dysbacteriosis in the child. Symptoms can be manifested by vomiting, flatulence, lack of appetite, diarrhea. This difficult period lasts for up to a year. By 12 months, the microflora is normalized.

The main factors that negatively affect the pathogenic flora

The development of dysbiosis in children is facilitated by:

- taking antibiotics;

- diseases of non-infectious nature;

- chronic and acute diseases of the digestive tract;

- frequent acute respiratory infections, influenza, viral diseases, infections;

- harmful ecology: radiation, pesticides, heavy metals, industrial poisons.

Symptoms of dysbiosis

At the child at diseases of an intestinal tract there are significant signs: painful sensations in the field of a stomach, change of a chair, an aerophagia, a swelling, rumbling, burp. With secondary extraintestinal clinical manifestations, which are associated with hypovitaminosis, weakened immunity and disturbed metabolic processes, dry mucosa, stomatitis, seizures, skin rashes and itching, sleep disturbance, peeling, glossitis, weakness are observed.

Symptoms of dysbacteriosis in newborns with impaired microflora are usually pronounced. At children there is a liquid, frothy stool with an unpleasant smell, gas formation, a swelling, colic is observed. In this regard, children become restless, often cry, they are disturbed by the regime of the day, often accompanied by frequent regurgitation and vomiting.

There is a different dysbiosis in a child. Symptoms of staphylococcal dysbiosis are as follows: diarrhea with an admixture of blood, vomiting with a protracted course. When joining the intestinal infection, therapy includes antibiotics.


To ensure that in the future, the newborn does not have such deviations, it is necessary to put the baby to the breast a few hours after birth, not to get carried away with the adapted mixtures, and also correctly and gradually introduce the lure. Mom and the baby need to take prebiotics or biological supplements that contain bifidobacterin and lysozyme.


Only under the control of a pediatrician is a dysbiosis in a child treated. Symptoms will disappear after the environment in the intestine is restored. Necessarily antimicrobial preparations are prescribed, which suppress the development of gas-forming and putrefactive microflora. Medications normalize the absorption of trace elements and vitamins, and restore intestinal motility. At the first signs of dysbiosis, consult a doctor.

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