
The doctor "ear, throat, nose": how such a specialist is called? We find out together

The doctor "ear, throat, nose" is called? This question is often asked by patients who have problems with these organs. After all, this phrase is an unofficial name of the doctor. In this regard, in this article we will give an exhaustive answer to the question of who is a doctor "ear, throat, nose." Among other things, from the presented article you will find out what diseases this doctor treats, when it needs to be treated, etc.

general information

The doctor "ear, throat, nose" - what is this specialist called? In the official medicine, this doctor is called an otolaryngologist. As you know, patients are treated with complaints about ENT diseases. The work of such a doctor is connected with the organs of smell and hearing, as well as with the throat, neck and head.

What is a doctor for?

An otolaryngologist is a specialist who diagnoses and then treats various diseases associated with ENT organs. There is a reason for such a doctor in almost every clinic. After all, the health of the ears, nose and throat is of particular importance. It is these organs that create a crossroads of digestive and respiratory tracts, which react before the others to the effects of foreign agents, allergens, bacteria and pathogenic viruses.

Features of ENT diseases

The doctor "ear, throat, nose" - what is the name of such a doctor? If you urgently needed this specialist, then in the hospital you should look for an office with a sign "otolaryngologist". It should be especially noted that all inflammatory processes, which are the causes of diseases of the ENT organs, can occur in both young children and adults. Usually such deviations indicate problems with immunity. If it is lowered, various viruses start to enter the human body without hindrance, which first of all hit the throat, nose and ears. If not immediately begin treatment of these organs, the pathogenic microorganisms will spread throughout the body, which will lead to irreversible consequences.

What does the doctor "ear, throat, nose" do?

What is the name of such a specialist, we found out. Now I want to talk about what an otolaryngologist does when a patient calls on him.

  • On the basis of examination and analysis, he diagnoses and then assigns the patient the necessary treatment.
  • Performs operations for such abnormalities as an abscess and a bruise in the ear or nose. In addition, the otolaryngologist performs punctures of the maxillary sinus, dissection of tumors, rinsing, removal of hematomas and polyps.
  • He is engaged in tonsillectomy and adenotomy, that is, carries out operations on the throat.
  • Performs operations on the middle ear.
  • Carries out operations on the ears, as well as on the nose (to correct the position of the septum).
  • Performs auditory procedures.

The otolaryngologist that heals?

Not everyone knows what kind of diseases this specialist treats. If you are going to see this doctor, you should definitely find out if you really need an otolaryngologist.

So, in the competence of this doctor - the treatment of various diseases of the ear, nose, larynx, maxillary sinus and pharynx. In addition, it can be accessed with the following deviations:

  • With problems in the nasopharynx (for example, sinusitis, as well as acute, chronic and allergic rhinitis);
  • With diseases of the throat (tonsillitis, purulent angina and inflammation of the glands);
  • With diseases of the ears (otitis serous, removal of sulfur plugs, etc.).

When should I see a doctor?

In modern clinics, there are two specialists in this area: a child and adult otolaryngologist. They both treat the ENT organs, but the approach to the patients is completely different. After all, nursing infants and children of older age require special attention from the physician.

So when is it necessary to contact an otolaryngologist? Go to such a specialist should be if you or your child showed at least one of the following signs:

  • Light tingling in one ear, marked deterioration of hearing or sulfur discharge.
  • Sore throat, perspiration, inflamed tonsils, pus, problems with the thyroid gland or larynx.
  • Difficult nasal breathing, frequent dizziness, severe snoring, sleep disorders, constant low-grade fever, and irregularities in the growth of the skeleton of the face.

What tests should I take to call an otolaryngologist?

If you are going to see an ENT doctor, it is recommended that you pass the following tests in advance:

  • Smears and crops. They are taken from the nasopharynx, throat and nose to detect meningococci, staphylococci and streptococci.
  • Taking the material from the tonsils, maxillary sinuses and secretions from the ear.

If it is not enough to make a diagnosis for these tests, then the doctor may prescribe you another examination.

The diagnostic methods used by the otolaryngologist

To quickly diagnose and prescribe an effective treatment, each physician uses his methods. As for the otolaryngologist, he applies the following:

  • Endoscopic methods. They are considered the most accurate among all existing. They allow you to quickly identify the disease and its pathogen. For the diagnosis, specialists take the tissue for further study.
  • Computer tomography is a kind of method that makes it possible to get a "flaky" image of organs and their tissues.
  • Magnetic resonance study. Such diagnostic method is carried out by means of electromagnetic waves on the human body.
  • Ultrasonography. It is used for tissue diagnostics due to ultrasonic waves. The positive side of this method is that it does not have a detrimental effect on the human body.
  • Rhinoscopy and audiometry.

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